Page 18 of Broken Promise

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Noah nodded. “So,thisis new then.”

“Thisis nothing. She’s just a friend. That’s all.”

Noah chuckled. “Yeah, you just go ahead and tell yourself that.” He clapped me on the back again and said, “Come on, I just got the text from Dylan. Nonna will be here in ten minutes.”

I tried to make small talk. But my gaze kept tracking Diana. Lucia had commandeered her and JJ, Lucia’s best friend, was regaling her with stories of when they were young. I could only pray that JJ didn’t give away all my dirt. But given that Diana was laughing, they were probably staying away from me as a topic.

I hoped.

* * *


I accepted another glass of punch and tried to tune back in to the conversation. Lucia had made sure I was introduced to everyone, and my brain was swimming with all the names. But after a few minutes, it didn’t seem to matter. Everyone included me in the conversation, so I didn’t feel like an interloper at all.

To my surprise, Rafe’s family seemed… nice.

It was a startling and incongruous thing that actually made me feel a little grumpy. Every part of me was uncomfortable with getting to know these women who talked about Rafe like some kind of superhero, knowing that I had every intention of exposing his crimes to the world. But now I was being forced to view the collateral damage of my plan. Rafe might be a murdering bastard, but he had family that loved him dearly. They’d be hurt once I got enough evidence to put him in jail. It didn’t change what I had to do. Rafe needed to pay for his crimes. But I’d have to have ice water in my veins not to care that I’d be hurting nice people also.

As soon as I could, I excused myself and started toward the hallway I’d seen Lucia go down a few minutes ago. There had to be a bathroom back there. I needed a few minutes of quiet to get myself together. Rafe didn’t trust me completely yet, but he wasn’t threatened by me, obviously, or he wouldn’t have brought me around his family. I needed to stay focused and get him to trust me enough to leave me in his apartment while he went to work.

This was no time to go soft. Not when I was so close to my target.

“Oh, shit! Sorry!” I skidded to a halt at the sight of Lucia and her husband wrapped around each other.

Lucia lifted her head, her eyes blurry. Noah didn’t even acknowledge the interruption, burying his face in Lucia’s neck while his hands lifted her higher. He stepped closer between her legs, pressing her against the wall.

“Okaaay… I’ll just go back to the party now.” I laughed softly as the couple ignored me and continued attacking each other with their lips.

JJ met me at the end of the hallway. “Are you okay?”

“Oh fine. Totally fine.”

The other woman gave me a strange look. “You’re as red as a tomato. Let me guess, you caught Noah slobbing his wife down.”

I choked. “Is that a common occurrence around here?”

“Yes. All the time. Not that I can talk, but at least my boyfriend and I keep it behind closed doors.” JJ shook her head and started down the hallway. The next thing I heard was her shouting, “Get a room, you guys!”

Just then there was a loud chime. What was that? As I walked to the foyer, I realized it was the elevator. I hadn’t heard that noise when we’d ridden up.

A beautiful older woman stepped off the elevator, followed by a handsome young man who was holding several bags.


Someone rushed by me, and I turned to see Lucia walking toward the older woman. She carried a little girl with dark hair and big gray eyes. I recognized the baby from my surveillance.

“Hello,bambina. I brought your gnocchi and some tiramisu for the boys.”

Lucia accepted a kiss and then suddenly turned, thrusting the baby into my arms. On instinct, I clutched the little girl against me.

“Oh no, I don’t really know anything about babies.”

But even as I said it, the little girl cuddled against my chest and rested a tiny fist near my throat. My heart clutched at the gesture.

“Look, she likes you. She’s finicky about who she lets hold her. You know, they say children can sense a good person. I’m glad Rafe has a good woman in his life.” Lucia squeezed my arm gently before following the man holding the bags of food.

“Rafe?” The older woman looked over at Lucia’s words. But Lucia was already gone. Suddenly the older woman paused, and her eyes fixed on something across the room. Rafe.
