Page 28 of Broken Promise

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I did it again, deliberately, tickling the plump lips around her sex with delicate licks and kisses before I thrust a finger inside her. She broke again, crying out and grabbing my hair so hard I was sure I’d lost a few strands.

Totally worth the sacrifice, I thought when I looked up a few minutes later to see a look of complete and total satisfaction on her face. She looked dazed.

I wiped my mouth gently on her inner thigh and then placed a soft kiss on her belly. Her being dazed and softened from pleasure was exactly what I wanted. I knew I was big, and given the way her slick flesh had clamped around my finger, she was going to be a tight fit.

I rolled away briefly to grab the box of condoms that had been unopened since I moved here nearly a year ago.What does that say about normal life?Well, I had a lot of making up to do. Hands trembling with need, I quickly sheathed myself, then repositioned myself between her thighs.

When I slid inside, her eyes flew open and her fingers curled into my shoulders. She was so wet I’d gone farther than I meant to, and had to bite the inside of my cheek to maintain control. There was nothing like this, being held in her soft, wet heat.

“Oh!” Diana’s wide eyes locked on mine.

I stopped, giving her time to adjust. She shuddered and her pussy clamped around me so hard my eyes almost rolled into the back of my head.

“Goddamn, you are so damn tight.”

I couldn’t take it anymore. I pulled back and then slid forward all the way. Her muscles sucked me in and rippled around my dick as I thrust harder and harder.Slow down, don’t hurt her, take your time.My brain screamed at me to be careful with her, but all my good intentions were lost when her hands slid over my shoulders and down my back to land on my ass. Her nails curled into the flexing muscles.

“It feels so good—don’t stop.” Diana sobbed against my shoulder when she came again, and the tight, clamping rhythm of her release pushed me right to the edge.

“Fuck! Your pussy was made for me, you know that?” I growled it right in her ear, noting how she got even wetter at the dirty words.


Her scream was the last thing I heard before I was sucked under in a whirling storm that fractured everything into brilliant white lights.

* * *


Holy hell, what had I just done?

My inner sex kitten stretched languorously.You had yourself a whole bunch of orgasms.

I’d meant to fuck with his life, but I hadn’t meant to actually fuck him. Jesus H. Christ. I was so screwed.

Ain’t that the truth.

The man had stamina, that much was not in question. I huffed out a breath and pushed my hair out of my face. Next to me, Rafe lay sprawled over the other side of the bed, looking just as destroyed as I felt. We’d been at it for hours, and it was only now that he was allowing me to rest.

Well, he wasn’t really allowing me to rest; it was more like he’d had to take a break too. I didn’t have much experience, but he’d demanded that I give as good as I got. And if the dopey, satisfied look on his face was any indication, I’d done that. Yeah, but at what cost? Unwanted guilt wormed its way into my heart and planted a seed.

So. Screwed.

This whole plan hinged on me being as cold and calculating as he was.But that’s not the truth, is it?I’d made a mistake at the party. Hell, before the party. I’d started to see him as a person. Not just a man, but someone like me who’d made bad decisions along the way. I’d humanized him, and there was no coming back from that. I’d have to live with the guilt.

When he turned his head and saw me watching him, his lips stretched into a lazy smile. Then, in a sudden motion that made me squeak, his arm wrapped around my middle and dragged me right up next to him. His face nuzzled into the curve of my neck, and I had to fight back a sigh of contentedness. Who would have thought Rafe would be a snuggler?

“Do you need anything? Thirsty?”

I shook my head. “I don’t think I could move if the building was on fire. My legs are jelly.”

His low, sexy laugh sent chills up and down my spine, and my traitorous nipples immediately stood at attention. I scowled. After a marathon session like we’d just had, every part of me should be satisfied. But no, apparently certain parts of me would always react to Rafe even when I felt like I’d been wrung completely dry.

“Good. That means my work here is done.” Rafe kissed me behind the ear and then stretched. “I’m going to shave and then take a shower. You should rest.”

I watched as he got out of the bed and walked over to the dresser. I didn’t bother to hide the fact that I was staring. A naked Rafe was truly a sight to behold. With his dark, ebony hair and that honey skin tone, he looked like the perfect fantasy oftall, dark, and handsome. That description would forever be modified totall, dark, insanely muscular, and handsomefor me. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face when he bent over to get something out of the dresser.

Stupid vagina.
