Page 31 of Broken Promise

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“So, who was on the phone?” he asked, all while kissing lightly all over my face.

I could barely think, and he wanted to ask me questions. I struggled to remember who had called. Then I remembered that I couldn’t tell him who had called. No way I was putting Charisse in harm’s way.

“I was just checking my messages. I took your advice and texted my friend. She called earlier. I missed it because we were a little occupied.”

“Did she leave one?”

“Leave what?” He was using his tongue on the shell of my ear, and it made it hard to think.

He nipped me softly before saying, “A message.”

I looked up into his eyes and stilled. He knew something. Rafe was watching me a little too closely, and there was something in his eyes that warned me to be careful what I said. Because he would be looking for holes in my story.

“No. She’ll probably call back.”

I tried to get down, but he held me in position. The sheet had precariously slipped since he’d picked me up, and I could feel the tip of his dick poking up over the top of his shorts.

His gaze was serious even as his voice was feather soft. “Diana?”

Shit, he was going to call me on my lies. I was toast. “Yeah?”

“I think I’m going to need another shower.”

My eyes went wide when he rocked his hips and I could feel the outline of his cock. Yes, I’d just said this was not happening again. Yes, I’d never intended to sleep with him in the first place. Yes, this was a dangerous game I was playing.

I could lie to Charisse all I wanted, but lying to myself was a habit I couldn’t abide. I wanted him. Even if that made me hate myself. It was getting nearly impossible to keep track of the lies and who I was supposed to be and when.

Especially when all I really wanted to be with Rafe was myself.

“We could shower together. You know… conserve water.”

He nodded slowly. “Environmentally minded. I like that. And I’m down. But first I’m going to make you scream like this. Then I’m going to show you just a few of the things we missed out on last night in my haste to come inside you.”

He deliberately rocked against my clit again and he’d called it, all right. I did scream.



Diana was lying to me.

I knew it in my bones. And I was the idiot who’d slept with her.

I was supposed to be the guy who could walk away. I was supposed to be the guy who wasn’t affected by any of this shit. But just the knowledge that I’d gotten it wrong twisted me up inside.

Give her a chance. There might be a reason for the lie.Because no doubt about it. She had been lying about checking her messages the morning I’d caught her in the kitchen. I hadn’t called her on it then. Because hell, I was a spy. I knew enough to keep my cards close to my vest until I was ready.

And with her naked in my bed, will I ever be ready?

Several days had passed since I’d crossed that line with her. And I kept trying to pin down the clues. Figure out what she was hiding. I wanted to be wrong.PrayedI was wrong.

The previous day when I’d left for the office, she had kissed me sweetly and told me she’d see me later. Her credit cards had arrived that morning, but neither one of us had uttered a single word about what that meant or about where this was going. When I’d gotten home, we’d continued in that vein, eating dinner together, neither addressing the elephant in the room. Diana didn’t seem inclined to confide in me either, I thought grumpily.

When I’d asked her what was on her mind last night, I’d hoped it would at least start the conversation about what her plans were going forward. But she’d distracted me with kisses.I let myself be distracted.

It burned a hole in my chest that I really didn’t know much about her at all. Except her name. That was it.If I were smart, I would have done a background check. Ishoved that thought aside.Woulda, shoulda, coulda.

Before I’d slept with her, she was just a woman I was helping. There was nothing she could gain access to in my apartment. My safe was national-security tight. Sure, she had access to my security panel, but that was just for the house. She was welcome to anything in there that she could carry. And if she tried to make off with the Decker, she’d get a nasty surprise. The thing was booby-trapped.
