Page 36 of Broken Promise

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This must be what it was like to have Stockholm Syndrome.

Except he’s not my captor. I are choosing to be here. He is my prisoner. He just doesn’t know it yet.

This was so fucked. Ever since the epic orgasms, it was harder to look at him the same way. If I was honest with myself, it had been hard to look at him the same way since I’d seen him with his family.

Rafe killed my father. My intel told me that was the truth. So how was hethatman andthisman.

And how am I this woman… the kind of woman who could be with the man who killed her father? I kept telling myself I was doing what had to be done. But I knew the truth.

There was a part of me that liked him. Liked being in his arms.

Yeah, the vagina part.Yeah, good plan. Keep sleeping with him. Get even more deeply involved with him. Make it worse.

But one thing he was good at was making me feel safe. I could almost pretend. Pretend that he wasn’t an assassin. Pretend that I was normal. I felt safe, protected, invincible, powerful. And I knew that was because of him. Because he was a really good liar.

What is he going to do when he realizes I’ve been lying to him?

I shoved aside the thought. I knew what would happen. I just had to get out of here before then. The real question was how much time did I have? I needed the truth. I had spent years of my life on this. I wasn’t walking away until I had it. Even if it put my life at risk.

He might be deadly, but so was I. If I could just pretend for a little while longer. Pretend that I was just a girl and Rafe was just a guy. A guy that gave mind-blowing orgasms like it was his job. Right now I was going to stay put. Stay put and pretend.

“Earth to Diana.” Rafe squeezed my hand.

We had walked around the corner to a café to get pastries. A perfectly normal couple-thing to do. Except he was checking egress routes and keeping me protected from every angle. He was also a pro at keeping off the cameras.

Of course, he would know where they all were. Once an assassin, always an assassin.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking, you know. This whole thing is unexpected.”

He nodded before lifting our intertwined hands to kiss mine. “It’s no pressure, okay? Don’t worry about it. We’re just taking a Sunday stroll.”

Yep. And I was checking my exit routes too. Before I’d executed my plan, I’d hidden money and weapons all over this neighborhood in case things got sticky. My nearest stash was underneath that mailbox on the corner. I was uncomfortable leaving guns around, so I’d hidden a Taser and about two grand.

“I know.” I forced myself to smile.

It was like the two of us were having a whole subtext conversation.

Rafe: I’m suspicious of you, but you’re sexy, so let’s bone.

Me: I don’t trust you and I want answers, but you’re really good at boning, so let’s bone until I get my answers, and then I’m taking you down.

Rafe: You’re welcome to try. And If I find out what you’re lying about, I’m going to kill you.

Me: Not if I see it coming. I’ll be in the wind.

Totally healthy relationship.

I changed the topic. “Tell me about where you grew up. Who you were.”

His hand stilled for a breath of a moment, but then he stroked my hand with his thumb. “It’s not that exciting.”

“Come on. I want to know. You’re so self-contained. I’d love a little glimpse into young Rafe.”

He silently brushed his thumb over my skin for a moment, but when he spoke, his voice was low. “Well, you already know about my parents. My life is divided into two sections—before and after.”
