Page 71 of Broken Promise

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Her eyes flashed to mine at the revealing information, and I turned away, not ready to have her examine me that closely. We hadn’t settled anything between us yet. Why had she run, and what was she doing sneaking back into my place? Luckily, I’d expected her to try something like this, so I’d started circling the block for a while every time I left home, giving me time to get back home as soon as the alarm alerted me. But just because she’d come back didn’t mean I trusted her.

And obviously Diana wasn’t planning on trusting me anytime soon since she looked like the possibility of having my baby was a fate worse than death. The thought stabbed at my heart a little, but I could hardly blame her. What did she know of me really? That I had a shady past and couldn’t tell her anything real? Not exactly prime husband material that women dreamed about.

“It's okay. I'm on the pill. I was just surprised.”

I tipped her chin up so she couldn't avoid my eyes. "I was, too. I've never been irresponsible before. You make me lose control in a way that I've never experienced."

Her breathing increased slightly before her eyes shuttered. "Let me just clean up." She walked into the bathroom and shut the door. A few seconds later, I heard the water come on.

I had taken two steps after her before I caught myself. How pathetic that it made me nervous to have her out of my sight even for the few minutes it would take her to rinse off. There was no window in the bathroom, so she couldn’t escape. And even if there was, we were too high up for that to be an issue.

By the time she’d finished showering, I had my clothes back on and was sitting on the bed, gun at the ready. I wasn’t accepting lies from her. And while my dick couldn’t stay away from her, my mind was in control now. I didn’t want to give her time to think up lies.

She stopped short when she saw the gun.

“Who sent you?”

The question—and the gun—took her off guard, I could tell. What had she expected? Did she really think that she could walk back in here and I wouldn’t have any questions for her? If she did, she clearly hadn’t done that much research on me. Anyone who’d come into contact with me in the past knew that I was relentless when it came to getting the information I wanted. I’d killed for it before.

“None of that matters anymore. All you need to know is that I came here to find a rare diamond called the Jewel of—”

“Of the Sea. That blue diamond,” I finished, my jaw tight. This whole thing was about that stupid diamond? I’d brushed it off when Alan had mentioned it before, but now I wished I’d paid closer attention. I’d just been annoyed at the implication that I’d stolen it, but apparently my superiors at the FBI weren’t the only ones who suspected it had been taken. If others believed it enough to send a female spy to honey trap me into revealing the location, that was bad.

Reallyfucking bad.

Diana’s eyes narrowed. “Yes. As soon as I found out that you were the one who stole it years ago, I knew I had to try to get it back. But I failed, so… end of story.”

My mouth fell open. Of all the things I’d expected to hear, that was at the bottom of the list. Of all the many things that I’d done, I’d never been a thief. But if I had taken it, it would take an army to get it away from me. Not one lone woman who looked like she’d scream if she saw a spider.

Diana had actually thought she could come here and steal the diamond back?

I gave a low harsh chuckle. I’d assumed she’d just been sent in to find the location and report back to someone else. Not that she’d ever try to actually take it herself.

“Stop laughing at me, you asshole!”

My laughter cut off when she hurled herself at me. But she didn’t come at me with flapping hands and an uncoordinated attack, she came at me with elbows and fists and… rage.

What the fuck? What happened to the damsel in distress? She landed a sweeping elbow across my cheek, and I cursed low. She quickly followed it up with a punch aimed right for my nose. That one I deflected.

Someone had taught my delicate flower how to fight. And how to fight well. I mostly deflected her blows, refusing to land any of my own. But I quickly realized all that was getting me was beat to shit.

With a growl, I flipped us over and grabbed her hands between one of mine. Controlling her easily, I waited until her thrashing calmed down. Then my heart clutched when I saw the tears on her cheeks.

“Fuck, Di. Why are you crying?”

The nickname only seemed to enrage her. She screeched and tried to buck me off, but I was too heavy. “Because I know you know where it is, you asshole. None of this was supposed to happen. I wasn’t supposed to feel like this. When I left, I knew you didn’t have it, but now you obviously know all about it. Youhaveto know where it is.”

“I don’t know anything about it.”

She scoffed. “Yeah right. All sources indicate it was there before you paid Dieter Vandergraff a visit. Yeah, I know about that too. Your flash drive was very informative. Although I already knew about what you do. Who you are.”

I tried to cover my shock. How was that possible? Then I thought about my little visit to Ian. While the reins of power had shifted at ORUS recently, prior to that, there was no doubt that Orion would have loved to see my downfall. Even though I, Rafe DeMarco was officially dead, there was always the possibility that Orion had sold information about me, hoping to smoke me out of hiding. Faking my death had worked on everyone else, but it would be completely within character for the former Orion to have had doubts.

“So you betrayed me for money? Was it worth it, sweetheart?”

Diana’s eyes went white hot. “Ibetrayedyou? Hah! And it wasn’t about the money.”

She tried to buck me again, and I firmly planted my hips on hers to keep her from moving. But shit, that sent my blood pressure soaring. “What was it about then?”
