Page 88 of Broken Promise

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There was the part of my brain that had to replay everything that had happened with us since I’d met her. Every conversation, every look, every touch. How much of it had been real?

I shook my head. No. What I felt had to be real. She’d come back for me when she hadn’t needed to and the anguish in her face when she’d told me she had secrets, no one could fake that. I knew her by now. This was what she’d been hiding. This was why she was afraid. And she’d come here today to turn herself in for me. To keep me safe.

There was no way I was going to let that happen. At this point, I could give two shits what happened to me. But I sure as shit was going to protect her. But I knew I had to tread lightly. I glared at Emilie. What had I done wrong? Shit, what had Inotdone wrong? The thing was I would gladly go to jail a thousand times over if it meant protecting Diana.

Turning my attention to Emilie, I said, “Nice try. Not for me. In case you forgot, we’re on the same side. I’ve got a vulnerable witness in my protection. And if you come at her this aggressively, she’s going to be in the wind.”

Interpol chick leaned forward, planting her hands on the center table and giving me a priceless shot of her quite spectacular tits. Too bad the view left me cold. “I’m curious. First how you came up with this magical witness just now? Because in the weeks I’ve been here, you haven’t said a word. I’m also curious about this witness floating on the wind and if you’re going to assist her with that.” She shrugged. “Because I must tell you, in terms you’ll understand, that would be a felony. If you have a witness, you need to turn her over to me. She can blow this Vandergraff investigation wide open.”

I bit my lip to hold in a smirk. If only Emilie knew that she’d already seen the witness once, briefly. I doubted she’d make the connection from this old picture to the girl she’d seen ducking down the hall in my condo.

“Are you kidding me? I’ve been chasing this witness all over town as it is. And if we don’t get an immunity deal going, the witness is going to walk and you’ll have nothing. So if you want to have access, you’ll have to go through me.” Shit, I was losing it. But if Emilie Durand thought she was going to waltz down and take Diana from me, she had another think coming. All that woman cared about was cracking her case. She didn’t give a shit who she got killed in the process.

Emilie shoved herself back from the table. She scowled while she paced. “You’re obstructing an ongoing investigation. Do you know how long I’ve been chasing them? And you have the ticket and you won’t share?”

Alan held up his hands. “Everyone relax. Ms. Durand, calm yourself. Because at the end of the day, your investigation is on the Vandergraffs, not whatever witness Rafe has brought in. If we get the Vandergraffs, we might even get Boris too. That Russian has been on all our watch lists for a long damn time. There are a lot of open investigations we could close. So if I were you, I would listen to what Rafe’s witness has to say. Those three alone will make your entire career. You really want to spend it going after one of my agents?”

I breathed a sigh of relief. I hadn’t been sure if Alan would back me up. Especially since I had been blowing him off for weeks.

Then Alan turned his attention to me.

“And DeMarco. What the fuck? You have a goddamned witness? You’ve had one all this time, and you didn’t say anything? This is not an undercover assignment. You said you were done with those. You asked me to bring you in from the cold. Was I wrong to bring you in? Was this whole thing a fucking mistake, bringing you back and resurrecting your ass? I know you wanted to see your family again. Tell me I wasn’t wrong, Rafe. Tell me I made the right fucking choice, because to keep a witness from me is not a wise move on your part. Were you in the underbelly too long? Have you somehow forgotten that you are supposed to be the good guy?”

I calmed the urge to knock Alan the fuck out. Alan had been a good handler. We’d been through a lot together. But I wouldn’t hesitate to clock him if he at all insinuated that I hadn’t been a good agent all this time.

Through clenched teeth, I muttered, “Not a mistake. And you’ll forgive my lack of trust, considering how Interpol has been turning up at my house hinting that I’m somehow involved in something with the Vandergraffs.”

Alan’s eyes swung to the left.

Emilie scowled. “I merely stopped by for a drink and possibly some sex. I got turned down on all fronts.Nobodyturns me down. Unless they’re trying to hide something.”

I shook my head. “Just not interested. You don’t really do it for me. I’m curious though. Was the attempted questioning about the night I killed the old man part of the come-on? Because if it was, you’re rusty.”

And just like that, her mask slipped. She wanted to appear aloof, but instead she just looked jilted and vindictive. She’d completely forgotten about our audience.

“Shut the fuck up. I know you had another reason for going there. How do I know your little band of assassins didn’t turn on you? I know your type, and sooner or later, Alan will know it too. I’m waiting for you to trip up. Once a thief and a murderer, always a thief and a murderer.”

I ignored the twinge of pain somewhere near my heart. She was right. I was a murderer. Not a thief though.

“I’m sorry, but you have to amend your statement.” I shrugged. “The term is assassin. An assassin that you and your agency personally used to carry out things that you were too chickenshit to handle yourselves. Any blood that’s on my hands is on yours too.”

Emilie turned her attention to Alan. “He’s being insubordinate.”

Alan shook his head. “No he’s not. He’s a special agent. He’s doing his job.”

“I thought he was retired!” Emilie screeched.

“That paperwork hasn’t been put through yet. Too busy.” Alan looked like he was fighting a smile as Emilie’s face turned bright red. “You seem to be taking this case entirely too personal. Do I need to take this up your food chain?”

She clamped her mouth shut then. I tried very hard not to smirk at that. Unfortunately though, a tiny one might’ve snuck through. I’d never thought that Alan’s refusing to accept my retirement might come in handy, but I sent up a silent prayer of thanks at my old handler’s stubbornness.

“Now, about immunity. I’m not taking you to my witness until you have something for me in writing. And given the Vandergraff activity, I’d hurry.”

Alan pursed his lips. For a long moment he and I had a standoff. Me refusing to budge. And Alan waiting me out. But eventually Alan reached into his pocket, pulled out his phone, and made a call. “I’m going to need an immunity deal in the next thirty minutes.”

* * *

