Page 19 of The Siren's Call

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“Nobody is going anywhere! You will both be staying here until I decide what to do with you. Lev, take Luka to a spare room and lock him in. You know which one to use, and make sure to secure him so we might speak of this matter in more depth. Pasha…” I pause, momentarily at a loss. I shrug and continue… “go and find something useful to do. I don’t know, figure it out.”

Pasha gives a cheeky salute and a mocking finger wave before leaving the room.

Lev pulls Luka up by his arms and follows behind him to lead Luka to our interrogation room down his wing of the penthouse. It’s soundproofed and has some special little tools that get people talking rather fast. While he is making the arrangements for Luka I will get Valentina settled, or should I say fastened in, to await my personal method of torture. From what I’ve seen though, I think my Little Vixen will like it a bit too much.

“Come, Princess, let’s get you acquainted with one of my favourite little toys. I have not had a chance to test them out yet and to say I am excited is an understatement.


I gasp in astonishment at Kai’s words. I should be afraid after all; I have now found out we are enemies, but I can’t help feeling turned on. What the hell is wrong with me? Don’t misunderstand me I’m scared for Luka, really fucking worried that they will kill him. They will try to torture him for information, but they will never succeed. They don’t know Luka as I do, he’d die before he would reveal anything I didn’t wish to be divulged; he is that loyal.

I need to try and persuade Kai to release Luka or at least not torture him. I need to divert his attention so I can formulate an exit strategy for us both.

Kai gives me one of his trademark sinister smirks and starts to walk toward his bedroom. He doesn’t even look back to see if I’m following him, because what choice do I have? So I follow Kai, like an obedient puppy. Let him underestimate me again. They will all soon find out who I really am.

I have not given my all in any fight I have had with them yet. There has always been someone there that I’ve not wanted to get hurt for me. Sam, back at the club and now Luka here. I’ll bide my time and attack when they least expect it.

As I follow Kai, I can’t help but admire his hot as fuck body. This man is built for sin. A giant amongst men, with a wide frame of hard rippling muscles, a slim waist, that edible arse. Fuck, I like a good arse and this man has a perfectly proportioned one, which leads to sinfully thick thighs like tree trunks. This man has never missed a leg day in his life that’s for sure. Urgh, why are the most mouth-watering men off-limits?

I enter Kai’s bedroom and walk towards the bed, unsure of what he has planned for me. Kai closes the door and locks it, walking over to his dresser and placing the key there. He turns to survey me, crossing his arms over his chest, making his biceps bulge and the veins in his forearms swell. I hope I’m not drooling. Why are men’s forearms so fucking sexy?Shit, concentrate Valentina, he’s the enemy.


One word, just one fucking word. Does he think I’m a dog that will sit and beg for him? No, fuck that.

“Who the fuck do you think you are? I’m not one of your whores at the club, Kai, I will be remaining dressed. Now tell me what you wish to discuss?”

“As I recall” he replies derisively. “You were all but begging me to make you my whore not too long ago. Maybe I do not wish to discuss anything at all. Perhaps we should start by refreshing your memory. Now, FUCKING. STRIP. VALENTINA! Before I cut that fucking dress right off you. I will not ask you again.”

Stupid treacherous pussy, why the hell are you fluttering like a hummingbird locked in a cage.Looks like I can’t rely on my body to hide my reactions to this son of a bitch. Give my pussy a bit of dick and she becomes a cock whore. Fuck!

“Go screw yourself.”

I smile and cross my own arms over my chest. Not just to portray my fuck you stance but to also hide my hard-as-glass fucking nipples. I ache to rub my thighs together but that would just be an obvious signal to my aroused state.

Before I can even react, Kai races towards me. I didn’t even notice him move but he’s on me in seconds.How can a man that big move so fucking fast?

He grabs me and flings me over his shoulder and I begin kicking and screaming. He walks to the top of the bed and throws me down unceremoniously. I bounce a few times. My teeth smash together with the force of the fall, so much so that I’m lucky I didn’t bite my tongue.

I give Kai a seething look and get ready to give a vicious onslaught of how much of a prick he is, but I’m stopped when he leans down to the side of the bed and presses something. There’s a clinking noise and movement on the ceiling. I look up and to say I’m stunned at what I see is an understatement.

“What the fuck?” I whisper.

I watch in both horror and confusion as two holes open in the ceiling and two lengths of chains are lowered. I feel a thud on the bed and jump in shock. I look down and see four padded leather handcuffs thrown down beside me. I look at Kai with defiance and he graces me with a knowing smirk. Oh, hell to the no!

I try to leap off the bed only to be snagged around the waist by Kai’s iron-gripped arm. I throw my head back, hoping I connect with his nose but hit his rock-hard chest instead. Jesus that hurts!

We scuffle, me trying to kick out or scratch the fuckers’ eyes out. Kai doesn’t try to attack. I notice that all he does is deflect my attacks until he successfully manages to restrain me on the bed with his immense weight. He is straddling my stomach and has also managed to pin both my arms above my head.

“Fucking let me go Kai, for God’s sake you prick. I swear I’m going to kill you for this,” I seethe.

“I’m going to castrate you and force feed your balls to Lev and make your stupid ass watch. Then I’m going to beat the shit out of you and see if I can’t knock some of that fucking dumb right out of you and that thick skull of yours!”

I thrash my pelvis and legs trying to get out of his hold, but it doesn’t fucking work.Fuck. Think Valentina, think.I try to think back to my classes with Vladimir, my Systema trainer. I try not to panic and then have a brain wave.

I bring my legs up quickly, crossing my calves over each other and in front of Kai’s neck. I have now effectively trapped his head in my legs so I can try a choke hold or maybe just snap his neck. Why does that last thought pains me so much?Soft, Valentina, you’re going soft. Focus!

I squeeze my legs tighter and pull them down to try to choke him. Kai releases my arms and grabs at my legs trying to get out of my choke hold. I reach up trying to claw at his face, to stop him from escaping my death grip. I manage to mark his face scratching him, but not before he manages to prise my legs apart with his powerful arms. I try to clamp my legs more, but he is far more powerful than I am. I release my leg hold and push quickly forward, managing to head-butt him directly on his nose hard. Shit, that hurt!
