Page 20 of The Siren's Call

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Kai’s nose is bleeding but not gushing as I hoped. His face is also covered in scratch marks, looking like he had a fight with an alley cat. He wipes his nose with the back of his hand and looks down at the blood, then back at me with a smirk. Bastard!

“Valentina, Valentina, Valentina, all this foreplay is just getting me hard. Now be a good little girl and behave while I put my cuffs on you, or I will just give the order to kill Luka immediately!”

“You may kill Luka but know this, you will gain your own damnation right along with it,” I spit, through barred teeth.

“I know you already see me as your enemy, but if you do that you will find out what being one of my enemies is like. I will hunt you down like vermin and I will not stop until I destroy you, sending your twisted black soul back to Hell. You will welcome hell when I’m done with you, I promise you that!”

Kai grabs me around the throat hard and lowers his face inches from mine. I do not cower or look away. I keep my eyes intently on his, keeping my breathing as steady as I can. If these men sense weakness they capitalise on it and bleed it dry.

I know Kai knows Luka is my weakness but as for any other, he is yet to find out. He will soon realise I have none, although maybe that has changed, as Kai is fast becoming a weakness I can’t afford to have, especially if my Papa finds out.

“If you are a good girl and behave, I will promise not to hurt your precious Luka. How’s that for a promise? I think it’s pretty generous on my part actually.”

I sigh and contemplate his offer. Does he think I was born yesterday? These men think that if you are born with a vagina, it somehow makes you incapable of understanding their games.

“Okay, re-word your proposal and I will accept your offer.”

“Valentina, you are pushing your luck my Little Vixen!”

“Promise me Luka will not be harmed or killed by you or any of your men. He will also be allowed to guard me still.”

“Fuck, Valentina, do you really think you are in a position to negotiate? Also, do you think Luka has done an excellent job at protecting you so far, hmm? He did, after all, allow you to fall into the Lions’ den, quite literally.”

“Those are my terms, take them or leave them, Kai!”

Kai tips his head back and laughs, and he looks so fucking beautiful. It’s almost as though he’s forgotten our predicament… almost. He locks those piercing ocean-blue eyes on me, and they are glittering with mischief and lust. I raise my brows in question. What the fuck is he up to now?

“Okay, my Little Vixen. Say I agree to your proposal, what is it you are offering me in return? Because what you have proposed is worth far more than I’m willing to agree to without anything in return.”

I take a deep breath and really consider what I’m about to offer Kai. Can I do this? Am I brave enough to go through with it? Although, on the other hand, what options do I have? I lick my lips and take my last breath of freedom. I’ve fought this for what feels like a lifetime, but this seems to be the lesser of two evils. I just hope I’m making the right decision.

“Me Kai, you will get me! I will be yours to do whatever you wish to, for however long you want.”

Kai’s eyes flare with lust and shock. I don’t think he predicted I would offer myself. I know he thought it was the last thing I would do. Shit, I even surprised myself; that is the most stupid thing I could have done. But what is the saying ‘Keep your friends close and your enemies closer’, well this is what I’m about to do. Let’s see how these bastards fare with a viper in their nest.

“Accepted, my Little Vixen. In exchange for your friend Luka’s life and safety, you will offer yourself to me. No holes barred, please mind the pun. What you don’t realise is that by offering yourself to me completely you will now have one week to organise our wedding. Saturday will be our wedding day and you will become my wife and queen.”

“What the actual fuck? I didn’t agree to marriage Kai. Why the hell would you want to marry your enemy, as you so put it? Are you fucking crazy?”

“Far from it, my sweet little vixen. You want your friend’s life; I want yours in return. That is my proposal.”

There must be something I’m missing, why would Kai want to marry me? He could have a number of women, why me? My Papa, of course. He wants to rub it in my Papa’s face. The fact that he has me, the daughter of his worst enemy. For fucks sake, men are so fucking predictable.

A dick-swinging contest is the last thing I wish to be in the middle of, but what choice do I have? I have to save Luka. We’ll figure a plan out before the wedding and escape.

“Okay, Kai you win, I accept your proposal.”

Kai smiles down at me and squeezes my throat tighter, and he surprises me by kissing me with so much passion. The kiss goes on for what seems like a lifetime, and I can’t help getting swept away in it. I kiss Kai back, giving him as much intensity as he is giving me, until he breaks the kiss and silently pulls back.

Kai then picks up the discarded leather cuffs and attaches one to each of my wrists. Then he places the chains through the cuffs and padlocks them securely. I lie there unmoving just watching Kai as he threads the chains through the hooks attached to the headboard.

Oh, this is what they are for.

When both of my wrists are secure, he leans down and presses a button on the side of the bed. He keeps his finger on it and suddenly the chains are pulling my wrists up and pulling my arms to the point of discomfort. He releases the button when he is satisfied.

He does the same with my ankles, but instead of being attached to chains from the ceiling, he pulls my legs apart, so I’m now spread-eagled; then pulls chains from under the bed and attaches the cuffs to those. He tightens them as he did with my arms. I’m totally at his mercy and should be scared but I’m not, I’m aroused and horny as fuck.

Well, who knew?
