Page 23 of The Siren's Call

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As if this mess couldn’t get any worse, she had to name yet another one of our family’s enemies. This one though hits me harder, as his Papa was responsible for the murder of my Mama. We killed his Papa in retaliation, hence how Isaak became head of his family.

My papa is going to be furious with my news tomorrow. Our world is about to blow up and we will need to be prepared for the war we are about to start.

“Good girl Valentina, you have done me proud. Now the last question I have for you. Are you ready baby?”

“Yes Kai.”

“Okay. Who did your Papa take off you, that hurt you so much?”

“Kai, that’s such an unfair question. Why do you want to know anyway? To use against me?”

“No, never Valentina. I just want to know why you hate him so much. I want to know what he did to hurt you?”

“So, you think selling your own daughter isn’t enough reason?”

“Of course I do Valentina, but I also know the person he took from you hurt you more. So, who was it?”

“He didn’t just take the only person I ever loved from me, Kai. He took my world. He broke me when I refused to agree to be sold and to marry Isaak. My Mama defended me and started to argue with my Papa. She slapped him when he called me an ungrateful worthless whore. Then my Papa shot her in the head, right there in front of me. He told me it was my fault and if I didn’t marry Isaak the same would happen to me.”


“Valentina, I’m so sorry this happened to you, but I promise you that I will never let him, or Isaak, hurt you. You are safe with me. Nobody will be able to hurt you again.”

If only that was true, I really want to believe Kai, but nobody can stop the inevitable from happening. When my Papa finds out where I am, he will come for me. Despite what Kai thinks, nobody will be able to stop him. Then he will make me pay for running from him with my life or my soul.

“Sorry Kai, but as soon as my Papa finds out that you have me, he will stop at nothing to get me back.”

“Then let him try Valentina, because I vow to kill him myself for how much hurt he has caused my Queen!”

The only people in my life that have protected me are my Mama, Bear and Luka, so it’s hard for me to trust people so easily. Kai also has me chained to his bed and has a knife ready to do God knows what. Don’t get me wrong, it’s hot as fuck. I mean come, on who wouldn’t want to be in my exact position right now. Kai is the epitome of a sex god and he’s slowly getting me addicted. I’ve just got to remember to protect my heart in all this.

“If that’s all your questions Kai, are you going to release me?”

“Never, my Little Vixen, I’ll keep you chained here for as long as I want. You see, now we have the questions over and done with; we have unfinished business left that I wish to explore. So be a good girl and do not come until I give you permission.”

Is he serious? I’ve just had to dredge the mess of my life up. Does he really think I’m in the mood for sex now? I need to check on Luka and I’m in dire need of a cup of tea.

“Look, Kai, I’m not in the mood for this shit anymore. Unchain me, please.”

“Valentina, if you open your mouth for anything other than my cock again, I will force-feed you it, until you choke. Do not test me, you will not like my punishments. You have already been warned.”

“Fuck you, Kai! If you think me meek you have made a grave error. I will not be some submissive body for you to use and discard. Now release me, please.”

Kai doesn’t answer me but gives me a smirk as though I’ve just fallen right into his trap. I can’t help thinking maybe I have because I can’t release myself from the chains he has me in. God, he’s totally insane, what the hell have I gotten myself into now?

Kai gets off the bed and pushes his joggers off and kicks them to the side. He’s totally naked now and my eyes ogle at his body. He’s magnificent and is huge everywhere, with tattoos and muscle upon muscle. I may trick him one day and chain him to the bed so I can lick every inch of his body. Maybe pay back the torture I know he is going to inflict on me now. Is he really expecting me not to come when he’s licking my pussy?

Hell no!

He prowls over my body with the grace of a leopard, a predatory look on his face. I’m in trouble, I can tell from the glint in his eyes.


I try to kick my knee out to catch his balls on the way up, but I can’t move an inch. Fuck! I rattle at the chains, but I don’t know what I think I’ll achieve because they are padlocked.

Kai’s face is directly in front of mine now, his ocean-blue eyes calculating my every move… not that I can make any. He licks his lips slowly and sensually, then lowers his head and bites my bottom lip hard. I try to hold back any reaction, but I can’t help letting a pitiful whine out when he bites even harder. Shit, now my pussy is getting ideas, the fucking floozy. I release an obscene amount of juices that coat my inner thighs, and it’s totally fucking embarrassing.

Kai releases my lip and licks it a few times, how the fuck does he think licking it is going to help. I’ve probably got teeth marks on my lips, if not blood. He lifts his head slowly with his tongue still out and he has blood on his tongue. Fucker.
