Page 27 of The Siren's Call

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“Da, boss.”

Lev rummages around in the bag again and hands me a battered phone with a cracked screen.

“Did you do this damage?” I ask Lev with irritation as the phone is fit only for the bin. I hear Isadora tapping at a hundred miles a minute as is her normal speed when she’s on her laptop. She’s mumbling about men and them being ignorant.

“Net, it was in that condition when I looked at it, Boss.”

“Fuck” I say and signal Lev to leave, he nods and exits the room.

I swipe the phone and find that she doesn’t even have a pin code or lock on the screen. Shit, my girl needs to be taught how to protect her belongings. I browse the phone and find her number. I jot it down to enter in my phone until I get a replacement for her.

“Her name is Valentina Ivanov, I’ve just messaged you, her number. I need you to do a full investigation. I need the answers in two days. Da?”

“What the fuck are you up to Nikki? Why do you want information on that slut for? Hasn’t she done a disappearing act, run off with her bodyguard the last I heard? Probably fucked him and stuck a knife in his back the crazy bitch.”

“Just get me the information I need Isadora, the quicker the better. What is your price?”

“Well, for information on that crazy bitch the price has just gone up tenfold. I need a backup rig and I have my eye on several pairs of Docs. Considering you are in England and these are one-off pieces, you can obtain them for me. I’ll send you the information over and one mil should be enough to cover the rig I will need.”

“Done, I’ll transfer the money now. Oh, and remember discretion, Isadora.”

“Da, Nikki.”

She cuts the call and I slump back in my chair. I have the craziest feeling getting Isadora involved is going to come back and bite me in the arse. It’s a risk I am willing to take though as I need to be sure every base is covered. My Little Vixen needs to be safe, but I also have my family coming and I’m not willing to take any risks with their safety.

Sighing, I place Valentina’s phone back in her bag and put it in my bottom drawer. I retrieve a burner phone and put it in my pocket. I get up and leave the room, ready to find my Little Vixen. She has planning to do and a tight schedule to keep.


Waking up for the second time and finding Kai absent from the bed is annoying. Is he some early fucking bird or just an insomniac who doesn’t sleep, who the fuck knows?

I roll out of bed and grab some clean clothes out of the drawers. I attempt to roll up the joggers and pull the drawstring on them tying it around my waist and they are still nearly falling off. I give up and kick them off just leaving his t-shirt on. Which fits me like a dress anyway. I finger comb my hair, brush my teeth, then leave the room in search of some much-needed tea.

I walk into the main room to find Luka sitting at the dining table nursing a coffee. I run over to him and chuck myself at him, catching him off guard and nearly spilling his coffee on the table. I hug him so tightly I’m not sure whether he can breathe or not. He laughs and hugs me back with the same intensity.

“I’m so glad you’re okay Luka, I hate the price you always have to pay in being my friend. It isn’t fair but I don’t know what I would do without you. I love you; you know that don’t you?”

“I do Lena and I love you too. I’m fine, just worried about you, did he hurt you at all?”

Luka pulls back and takes my face in his hands studying it before his eyes trace my frame to check for any injuries. I know he can see the marks on my wrists from the chain cuffs and the bite marks and knife wound on my neck. His expression turns stony, and I can feel the anger building in him.

“It’s okay Luka nothing happened that I didn’t consent to. I promise I would tell you if it did. Kai didn’t harm me in any way.”

“She’s telling the truth; now get you’re fucking hands off my soon-to-be wife! If I see you touch her again, I’ll cut them fucking off.”

I scramble up off Luka’s lap and his hands fall away. Luka looks at me with so much hurt in his expression it kills me.

“What have you done, Lena?”

I go to answer him, God knows what I’m going to say to him, but it doesn’t matter because Kai gets there before me.

“Valentina has agreed to be my wife and you are to be her guard when you can be trusted with her safety. Until then you will always be monitored by my team, any signs of betrayal of trust from either of you will result in punishments. Do I make myself clear?”

“Da” Luka responds stoically.

“Fucking crystal” I spit at Kai, giving him my best ‘fuck you’ face. He may have gotten my agreement to marry him in exchange for my friend’s safety, but it doesn’t mean I will be a docile woman.

Kai goes into one of his pockets and pulls out a phone and slides it across the table to me. I put my hand out to stop the phone from sliding off the table, I look down at the latest iPhone in disgust.
