Page 28 of The Siren's Call

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“What the fuck is this?”

“What does it look like my Little Vixen, it’s your new phone and you will always keep it on you. If you are not in mine or Lev’s presence, I want hourly updates on what you are doing. You can either text or phone, our numbers are already programmed in as those are all the numbers you will need. Now, I have dress fitters, caterers, and the best wedding planners available coming in two hours. Make yourself presentable and I’ll have Lev order breakfast for an hour’s time. You’ll find an outfit for you in our walk-in wardrobe.”

“I don’t need a new phone, I have a perfectly good one of my own thank you, that also has all the numbers I need. Also, can’t you just get one of your many women to sort the wedding out as I’m going to go back to sleep for a few hours before I’m due at work tonight? Thanks for the offer though.”

I get up, blowing Luka a kiss to which he just smirks and start to make my way around the table to exit the room again, leaving the phone on the table. Before I get a chance to walk away from the table Kai grabs my arm and spins me around. He grabs the back of my neck and pins my head on the table, pinning my arms at my back at the same time.

“What the fuck? Let her go!” Luka roars and goes to get up and come to my rescue. Then I hear a thud and see a knife sticking out of the table right by Luka’s hand. Luka freezes with a pained expression, and I look to see Lev at the doorway to the kitchen.

“Sit the fuck down Luka because I’ll make sure the next one doesn’t miss.” Lev spits.

I know Luka though; he won’t worry about his own safety when it comes to mine. I need to defuse the situation quickly because they will always use my friend against me.

“It’s okay Luka, I promise. Sit down, please.”

Luka grits his teeth angrily, but does as I ask and sits back down. Lev comes over to the table and retrieves his knife, tossing it up in the air and catching it with skill before putting it back in its sheath. He retreats to lean against the wall, crossing his arms against his chest and smirking at me. Fucker!

Kai leans over me. He uses the hand he was pinning my neck down with to grab a handful of hair instead. He runs his nose up and down my neck. I try not to shiver at the contact, but my body seems to have a mind of its own where Kai is concerned and betrays me. How can I hate him so vehemently, but my body seems to crave him like crack? I suppose that’s the art of addiction. It buries itself so deep you have no choice but to submit, or cut it out and lose part of yourself in the process.

“Did you think I was giving you an option on what you were doing today, my Little Vixen? Now, you will do as I’ve asked and take your new phone with you. I expect to see you dressed and back here ready for breakfast in an hour. Do not test me on this Valentina, or you will not like the punishment you get in front of your friend. Da?” Kai whispers in my ear.

“Yes Kai, I understand.” I grit out staring at Lev still because I can’t look Luka in the eye. I can see in my peripheral vision though that he’s looking towards the elevator with his jaw gritted and his hands balled into fists straining with how tightly he’s squeezing them.

“Good girl,” Kai whispers, placing a gentle kiss just below my ear. Then he releases his hold on me, sits back down and starts to read the morning paper as though none of that shit even happened. I straighten myself up and grab the phone off the table. I march toward Kai’s bedroom seething. I hear Kai instruct Lev to give Luka a phone and to tell him what the security measures are regarding my care.

I get to Kai’s room, open the doors and make sure I slam them behind me. I hate when men, especially in families like ours, treat women as though they are weak. That we need looking after and are unable to do anything but look pretty and suck their cocks. After a while, they even get bored of that and visit their whores instead.

I really feel like throwing a big paddy, screaming and shouting. Maybe throw a few things around the room, but I doubt it will do anything but make me angrier.

Instead I opt to strip off, just dumping his t-shirt on the floor and stepping into the shower. I turn the water on and feel it go warm with my hand before stepping under the spray. I stand there for about ten minutes feeling so overwhelmed by my situation that I fall to the floor and let the tears flow. I silently purge my emotions, building them up and using them as ever-present walls around my heart and soul. I don’t see crying as a weakness as long as you don’t do it in front of people who will use it against you. They find the things that you hold dear or freedoms you want, and they obliterate them, standing in the wake, smiling. So cry, but only show your tears to the worthy as they are the only ones who are capable of protecting a broken heart and shattered soul.

As I feel time slipping from my grasp I stand, washing my body and hair on autopilot. Getting out of the shower, I walk over to the double sinks to brush my hair, thinking about all the shit Kai is going to get me to do and cringe.

What the fuck does he think I know about weddings anyway? I despise weddings. In our world all they are is a show of power or money or, in most cases, showing off your newly bought possession. The woman you will defile, torture and discard when she is of no use and a young new addition comes along.

I rinse my mouth out and brush my hair, then go into the bedroom. I get changed into the clothes that have been left for me. An emerald green, wrap-around, knee-length dress and shoes to match. At least I have underwear on, a matching white lace bra and knickers.

Taking a deep breath, I leave the room and walk straight over to the table with my head held high. Kai stands and pulls out the seat next to him at the head of the table. So, I end up seated on the left of him and Lev is sitting opposite me on his right-hand side. Luka is seated next to Lev looking over some paperwork and files he must have been given in my absence.

Luka looks up at me and gives me a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. He knows we must tread carefully until they trust us and then maybe we can escape, disappearing forever. We need to be clever though as I know we will only get one chance and if it fails, I have no doubt Luka will pay with his life.

A flurry of staff arrives bringing in breakfast and drinks for us all, from a full English breakfast continental breakfast, and fresh exotic fruit salads to tea, coffee, and orange juice. I’m not that hungry so I just accept tea from the staff when they ask and sit drinking it silently.

Kai doesn’t seem happy with this and picks up my plate adding bacon, scrambled eggs, and tomatoes to it, before placing it in front of me. Everybody else then helps themselves, Luka and Lev eat as though they have never been fed before, inhaling the food rather than eating it, whereas Kai eats with the finesse and control he has at all times.

“Eat, Valentina. We have a long day ahead of us today, all the plans must be finalised today so everything can be organised in time. You will need your energy.”

“I have to be at work by five for rehearsals, and Luka has to be at work soon too. We can’t just not turn up Kai, we have rent and bills to pay.”

“Luka has quit his job and is now working for me. He read his contract and signed it while you were getting ready. As for the flat, we have paid off any debts and are emptying it as we speak. All your personal possessions will be brought to you both by my men, Luka explained the flat was furnished so everything is sorted already.”

“What the fuck! Why was I not consulted in any of this?” I shout.

I slam my cutlery down and stare straight at Luka. What the fuck is he thinking, how could he do this behind my back? Give up our home and quit his job to start working for Kai. He stares at me but doesn’t say anything.

“Luka knows a good thing when he sees it Valentina, he is going to be very well-paid and has the knowledge that you will be safe. He knows this is the best option for the safety of you both.”

“What about my job, I’m still due there and if I’m not mistaken, I already work for you so you can’t give me another contract!”
