Page 32 of The Siren's Call

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“Go and get changed, my Little Vixen. This is the dress, I do not need to see any more. Misha, you and Pasha go to my office now and wait for me there. Lev go with them and Luka, you see our guests out, all the others will come for their fittings and alterations Friday.”

“There are some alterations I need to make to Miss Ivanov’s gown so I can get everything ready for Friday. I also need to take the measurements for all of the men here, Mr Filippov.”

“I’ll give you ten minutes to get everything you need, start with me and the men first, then you can do Valentina’s alterations under Luka’s supervision. Luka, I trust you to keep my woman safe and to make sure everyone is gone.”


All the women start scurrying around taking all our measurements as quickly as they can. I ordered Lev’s and my measurements to be taken first because I need to find out what connection Misha has to Valentina. It’s driving me insane. I can feel anger building to the point I may just kill everyone in the room any second now.

Finally, with our measurements done, I leave Valentina in Luka’s care. This is the first test I will be giving him, as I have security cameras in my office so I will see if he tries to aid her escape.

I open the door and take a seat behind my desk, glaring at Misha sat in the seat opposite me with Pasha seated beside him. Lev leans up against the wall, lighting up a cigarette and taking a deep drag.

I open my drawer and take out my own cigarettes, lighting one and relishing the hit of nicotine which calms me slightly.

“Lev, sort us some drinks, will you? I fucking need one after all that shit, I thought at one point they would measure my cock. For fucks sake, I have suits tailor-fitted all the time, they don’t do that shit.”

“I’m only glad Valentina didn’t witness them measuring you, I think she may have just kicked their arses and then cut your bollocks off for good measure. She’s a proper hellion, that one, I know first-hand. My bollocks are still sore from my first encounter with her,” Lev winces.

“Shit, my woman is hot when she is angry. I’ve always wanted women to do as I tell them, then fuck them off but Valentina… she’s addictive.”

“Are you just using Valentina to get one over on her Papa or do you really love her and want her as your wife?” Misha asked.

“What the fuck has it got to do with you if I’m using her or not? I suggest you keep your fucking mouth shut where my woman is concerned. How do you know her anyway?”

“It’s got everything to do with me Kai, I respect you and appreciate you, you are the boss. But I’m not going to let Valentina get hurt, she’s like a little sister to me, so having one yourself you should know how I feel. I failed her once before and I’ve never forgiven myself for that, she’s the only family I have. Nobody is going to hurt her as her Papa and his men did, I’ll fucking fight to the death for her!”

Misha was out of breath and the aggression radiating from him was immense. I’d never seen Misha show his emotions, he has always been an emotionless killing machine. An excellent negotiator and torture expert, hence why at his age he was my third. And, his size scared most people instantly.

He said Valentina was like a sister, which calmed me slightly as he had no interest in her sexually. Good fucking job because that would have been one hell of a fight with him. Bear, as Valentina called him, is a very suitable name for him.

“She is to be my wife and I do not intend to hurt a single hair on her head. You have my promise on that, Luka is her bodyguard now. Though if you want, I can also put you on her protection unless I need to pull you off for something else. On the wedding day though you will be protecting Valentina alongside Luka until she arrives at the church.”

“I will protect her with my life Boss, you have my word.”

“Good that’s settled, now tell me what happened with my shipments. Who needs killing and when am I getting them back?”

“Well, I don’t think you’ll be happy with the answer boss, especially considering who he is.”

“Just fucking tell me, Misha.”

“Isaak Volkov boss. He ambushed the ship on the way here. They killed all the men on board about twenty miles out. Luckily, our contacts had found the ship and contacted the clean-up team, and everything has been taken care of,” Misha reports.

“We have notified all the families and given your regards. I offered them the usual compensation and lifetime protection of the Filippov family,” Pasha begins to report before pausing, “maybe we could make that into a catchy logo… “we kill em you compensate ‘em.” Catching my unimpressed look he mumbles, “Tough crowd” before he continues. “I have the tech team running through the traffic cameras and CCTV footage to track the shipments or vehicles involved,” Pasha reports.

“I want him found and I want him alive, I think this is going to be a family torture session and killing all rolled into one. Put the usual contract out and set the price at five million pounds, that should be a tasty prize. I’ll contact my Papa tonight after the club and meeting with Polish. I need you both there as the mood I’m in, they will not fare well if they do not agree to our terms.”

“Da Boss,” all of them say in unison.

“Good, now Misha, Pasha, go to the club and make sure everything is ready for our arrival. Lev, you go downstairs and sort the men out for our departure. I’ll be taking Valentina and Luka tonight, so I want everything to go smoothly. Valentina is annoyed enough that I will not let her dance anymore, so I want her watched closely. Understood?”

“Da Boss,” all of them reply.

“Brilliant, now I have a woman to sort out, so fuck off.”

They all leave my office laughing at me, I don’t blame them as I value my balls where they are. Valentina has an attraction to rearranging balls on men.

Seeing her in her wedding dress is enough incentive for me to leave my office and go in search of my Little Vixen though. She looked sensational in her dress, a true goddess here on earth. Never mind the wedding night, I will be fucking her in the dress on the way to the reception. She will spend all of our reception talking to our guests with my cum dripping from her pussy. Everyone will know who owns her. Me, Nikolai Filippov! God help any man who tries to touch what belongs to me.
