Page 33 of The Siren's Call

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Chapter 10


I’m standing in the V.I.P. area of The Siren’s Call, watching the other girls do their burlesque routines. I’m so envious of them, I belong on that stage, and I worked hard to earn my spot.

My favourite dances are ‘Seven Nation Army’ (the New Orleans version of the song). It’s a slow sultry group dance. Then ‘Tough Lover’ by Christina Aguilera, another group routine. ‘Fever’ by Peggy Lee is the epitome of sex, and our routine is phenomenal.

Kai is discussing the coordination of his meeting with Lev, Misha and Pasha. It looks like Misha will be sitting in on the meeting, Lev and Pasha being the guard dog’s on the door and Luka will be babysitting me at the bar. Fuck my life.

I’m currently ignoring them all because it’s either that or I may just chop off all their bollocks in a tantrum of epic proportions. Maybe that’s the right way to go though, as it might get my anger out and release it with violence instead of dancing. I wonder whether Kai would consider employing me as an assassin instead of a dancer.

“Little Vixen, it is time for you to go now, I’ll message Luka when it’s time for you to be brought back to me. Behave yourself or you know how you will spend the rest of the night. Your delectable arse sore and no release will be granted.”

“Fuck you arsehole, I’d rather spend the night listening to Lev’s tantalising conversation than go anywhere near you.”

With that, I turn around and walk toward the door, followed closely by Luka. I can hear Misha and Pasha laugh as I leave, while Kai and Lev are mumbling under their breaths.

I go to the bar and Luka orders us a drink, my usual Bacardi and Coke. Luka just has a Coke.

“Why are you not drinking Luka? Has the big boss told you that you’re not allowed?”

“I wouldn’t drink anyway protecting you Lena, you know that. You need to stop sulking and understand all this is to protect you. I had to take Kai’s offer when you told him who we are. I will not have anything happen to you Lena. You are like my little sister and with Kai knowing, I had to make sure he was involved in protecting you too. Once your Papa finds out where you are, he will come for you Lena and there is only one of me. I need to make sure if anything happens to me, you are protected.”

“Nothing’s going to happen to you, Luka I’ll kill anyone that tries.”

“Your Papa will bring an army Lena, you know that. I’m only one man and you are a badass bitch but like me, there is only one of you. At least with Kai’s and Filippov’s family protection, I know we have a chance at keeping you safe. Please don’t make this any harder than it already is Lena. If there was another way, I would have taken it, you know that’s the truth.”

“I do Luka, you know I trust you. I’m just pissed because I can’t dance anymore, you know how much my dancing means to me. I’ll get over it eventually but until then I’m allowed my hissy fit, okay? It’s a girl’s prerogative.”

“Believe me, in all the time I’ve spent with you Lena, I know better than to get in the way of you and your hissy fits. It’s the only form of torture that would ever get me to spill all my secrets. I even feel sorry for Kai having to put up with them.”

I give Luka my best impression of a death ray coming out of my eyes and totally obliterating him. When he just cracks up laughing at me, I jab him in the arm which has the opposite effect than I intended. He laughs even more. I must be losing my touch. We sit, there drinking and having a laugh for about half an hour. I’ve had enough though and need some female company.

“Come on arsehole, if Kai thinks I’m sitting at the bar all night he’s got another thing coming. When have I ever been obedient? I’m going to the changing rooms to speak to the girls and Sam.”

Luka has a scan around the area before he and Pasha follow me into the staff-only entrance to the offices and changing room. I pass Sam’s office and she isn’t there, so I go into the changing room and I’m immediately pounced on by at least five half-naked women. I’m not tall so two pairs of tits are crushing my face and the other girls are hugging us all.

I mean if deaths are to go by, suffocation by tits doesn’t sound that bad really, but it’s not something I’d like on my epitaph. I try to get my head free from said tits and, with a struggle, I finally manage.

Luka stays close, whilst Pasha does his best impression of a gargoyle by the door.

“God girls I’ve only been gone a couple of days, anybody would have thought I was dead.”

“Well as far as we knew you were, after you were all but kidnapped out of here by Kai. Then Sam told us you weren’t dancing here anymore, girl I thought I would never see you again,” Rose worriedly said.

“I’m okay honey, honestly. He’s just a controlling neanderthal of a man, with a superiority complex. Chucking small women over his shoulder obviously gets him off.”

“I wasn’t worried about you in the slightest. To be honest, I was glad you were gone. I finally got my spot back, so don’t think coming back now is going to mean you’ll be getting it back, bitch,” Kim says from her dressing table giving me a cheeky wink in the mirror as she adds more mascara to her false lashes.

“Love you too bitch, nice to see you haven’t lost that sunny disposition while I was away,” I say, smirking at her as she smiles back at me in the mirror.

“Never mind that bitch, where have you been and are you back for good?” Rose says hopefully.

I look at all my girls, mostly naked as their tits and arses are on full display. To anybody else, this would be the strangest conversation of their lives but, I’m used to it.

“Okay, I’ve been with Kai. I will also not be dancing anymore so no need to worry Kim. I am not going to steal the spotlight again, so put those claws away.”

“What the hell, you’ve been with Kai for the whole time? Also, what do you mean you aren’t bloody dancing here anymore, dancing is your life, Belle?”
