Page 34 of The Siren's Call

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“Right, firstly yes, I’ve been with Kai this whole time. Secondly, Kai fired me, so I’m not allowed to dance here anymore.”

“WHAT?!” Rose all but screeched, nearly deafening me in the process.

All the other girls were looking at me in shock and dismay.

“I was with Kai, I shouldn’t have to spell out to you guys what we were up to, should I?”

“You were having a fuck feast with our hot as fuck bosses’ boss and you didn’t think to pick up the phone to let one of us know you were okay.”

“Well, I didn’t have my phone on me until just now. I knew we were coming to the club, so I thought it was better to explain in person.”

“We’ve all been worried sick, and you were having the time of your life or probably in a sex coma. What the hell did the prick fire you for?” Rose asked angrily.

God this woman always has my back, no matter what. It was so refreshing to have so many people looking out for me after years of nobody.

“Isn’t it obvious Rose, he doesn’t want his new piece of arse dancing for other men. She’ll be back with us when he tires of her,” Stacey sniped.

“Shut your mouth bitch before I rip your fake extensions out.” Rose spat at Stacey.

“Well Amy hasn’t got fired, yes the others did, but she’s still here for now,” Kim said.

“Yes, she’s with him now that’s why, obviously his time with Belle hasn’t satisfied him enough. She left about 10 minutes ago,” Stacey said, smiling like a Cheshire cat.

I try to not let my emotions show on my face, but I’m devastated. I knew Kai wouldn’t be loyal but to actually know it’s happening right now is like a knife to the gut. I feel my eyes tearing up a bit and know I need to have a moment on my own to let my emotions out. I can’t let Kai see me like this, he obviously doesn’t care about me. So why should I care about him?

I turn and head out the door, I see the sad look on Luka’s face, but I don’t want his pity; I truly can’t cope with it. I walk out the door and go to pass Sam’s office, the door is partially ajar but I’m not emotionally stable enough to talk to her right now. I’ll catch up with her later.

As I reach the door, I note that Pasha has disappeared from its entrance, no doubt scaring some poor unsuspecting victim somewhere else, so I go through and the voice I hear makes me stop in my tracks.

“Please baby, I need you. Fuck, I don’t want to fuck anybody else. Why do you make us suffer like this? You know you want me too, if I put my hand on your pussy right now, you know it would be dripping for me,” Lev drooled.

“I can’t Lev, you know I can’t. Go fuck one of your other women, I can’t give in again; it was a mistake the last time,” Sam replied breathlessly.

“What last time, you know there’s been more than one time, baby. Your pussy aches for me, just as much as my cock aches for you. We were both made for each other, I don’t know why you fight it so much, baby.”

“Your cock aches for any woman’s pussy, God it’s been in enough. Need I remind you I have a daughter, so my pussy doesn’t just weep for you either,” Sam seethes.

“They were just a fuck, a release because you kept on denying this chemistry we have. I don’t care if you fucked someone else and had that gorgeous daughter of yours. I’ll take care of her, just the same as I will her mama. You belong with me, now let me show you why baby,” Lev cooed.

I hear Sam moan and then Lev groans. Fuck, I need to stop being a voyeur at the door; not that I can see. My imagination is so much better so I slowly walk past the door as quietly as I can, slipping into the toilets.

I sit on the toilet and let the floodgates open, I let myself cry for my broken heart yet again. I just think I’m never destined to find love. I think it’s a myth from fairy tales. Something that existed long ago but gets lost as the generations lose the skill.

I go to the toilet, flushing it before I leave the cubicle to wash my hands. With that done I look at my reflection. Thanking God for waterproof mascara, I assess myself in the mirror. My eyes look a bit red and puffy but at least I don’t have panda eyes.

Luka knocks on the door, making me jump in the process.

“Lena, Kai has just messaged that he wants to see you.”

I walk out of the door, look up at Luka and smile.

“Let’s go and see his majesty, we don’t want to keep him waiting, do we?”

“Don’t go off on one Lena, try keeping calm and listen to what he has to say.”

“I’m calm Luka, I don’t give two shits who he’s fucking. I’m just a chess piece he’s playing and another hole he’s fucking. I’ll just bide my time and find a way to escape. Then they will regret ever crossing me, the lot of them. None of them know how dangerous I really am, let them underestimate me. All of them will pay for the wrong’s they have done to me!”

“I think he cares Lena, honestly.”
