Page 4 of The Siren's Call

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“Hello there Little Red!” he says, winking at me.

The other guard stands there like a silent sentinel at the door and I give him a once over. He is also well muscled and looks a little like a tank, with a mean looking edge to him. On closer inspection there is something else I can’t quite determine. As I study his face, I realise what’s holding my attention. His eyes. Although his demeanour is mean, his eyes are full of a sadness that calls to my own, so I address him.

“I don’t think we’ve met Tank,” I cajole amiably.

His stern expression flickers to amusement and back, so quickly I wasn’t sure whether I had imagined it.

“This is Pasha,” Lev chipped in.

“He doesn’t say much, and he can be a mean sonofabitch,” he adds.

Pasha inclines his head and steps to the side, allowing me access to the door.

“Are you ready to play with the big bad wolf today? Because my dear you have certainly riled him up good and proper!” Lev asks tauntingly.

I walk up to him and rest my hand on his chest, peering up at him through my lashes.

“Honey, I’ll have him purring like a kitten by the time I’m out of here, so don’t you worry that pretty little head of yours. Oh, and I might be little but don’t underestimate this little pocket rocket! I like to bite!” I run my hand slightly down his chest and smirk at him before opening the door and entering the VIP lounge.

The VIP lounge is luxurious, lit with ambient blue lighting. Leather and plush velvet seating faces a balcony overlooking the entire club.

Kai stands with his back to me, his hands in his pockets as he looks over his kingdom. He’s tall, blonde, 6ft5 at least and muscular if the pull of his shirt over his back is anything to go by.

His jacket is hanging over the back of a chair, discarded in favour of his sleeves rolled up to as far as they will go on his bulging forearms. The black silk shirt ripples across his body with every movement.

My attention is drawn to his glorious arse, oh my Lord I think I may be drooling.‘Oh my god woman, get a grip.’I draw my attention away, with regret, from that peachy goodness and walk towards him.

“I believe you wanted to see me?” I say with my head held high and my shoulders back.Come on Boss Man, let’s continue our little game, let’s see what you’ve got.

“You, my Little Vixen, put on quite a show tonight. Pray, tell me was that all for my benefit? Did you want my attention, crave it maybe, or do you normally dance like that in my club?”

He isn’t even looking at me and both that and his comment have me riled. Right Mr, my claws are coming out!

“I dance like that all the time, in your club as you put it! But believe me when I say that I do not want or crave your attention, Boss Man! If I draw a man’s attention that’s his problem not mine, I’m just doing the job you pay me to do. I consider you to be quite rude though, as a poor blonde was choking on your cock at the time! Your attention should have remained with her!”

I’m lying. In a way I did crave his attention, but I would never admit to it, and I will not be seen as an attention-seeking whore. I do what I do for me, a rebellion against my past life. Two fingers up at all the men who have tried to dictate and rule my life so far. I’ll be fucked if I’ll let another man think he can rule me again.

“Oh, but you see my Little Vixen, the blonde was irritating the fuck out of me until you came out on my stage. She served her purpose, as I imagined you sucking my dick here instead of what you imitated on stage. You might want to lie to yourself Little Vixen but understand this. Don’t ever fucking lie to me again as you will not like the consequences!”

I swear I think I have steam coming out of my ears because I’m that mad. How fucking dare he, he’s so fucking up himself that he’s high off the fumes from his own bullshit!

To add insult to injury he hasn’t even turned to grace me with his attention. Well, fuck you with a giant fucking strap-on!

“Well, I hope you enjoyed the show Boss Man because I know for a fact every other man and most of the women did. So, if you want to believe I crave your attention you can fuck right off, you delusional arsehole!”

I turn and walk towards the door ready to get the fuck out of here and forget I ever met this arsehole. Urgh! I don’t even hear him approaching, and then I’m twisted and he’s pressing me to the wall in two seconds flat.

His chest is heaving, and his eyes are piercing right down to my soul. His body is pinning me to the wall and his hand is gripping my throat. Not hard enough to choke me, but the grip is punishing.

I should be scared and part of me is, but the bigger part of me is on fire. As in oh my God this is fucking panty-wetting hot. He’s so big, so angry and so fucking hot I nearly fucking forget he’s an arsehole. Nearly!

“You need to keep that smart mouth of yours shut, my Little Vixen, because you are pushing your luck now. Do not mention any other man or woman in my presence again. I don’t give a fuck what you say anymore but you have got my attention. The whole twisted fucking lot of it. And you will not be escaping so easily, do you hear me? I will punish that sexy fucking arse of yours until you confess you are lying and tell me how much you like my attention! With the marks on your delectable arse to prove it and remind you for days!”

I think I would be a puddle on the floor if he didn’t have me pinned to the wall. Fucking hell that was hot, I’m burning up and blushing like mad. This man is so infuriating! He’s such a dickhead then he says things that turn me on. I’m so confused, my mind and my body are at war.

“If you think that I will admit to wanting your attention, let alone liking it, you’re more of an idiot than I thought!” I spit, as I peer at him through my lashes.

“We shall see then won’t we, my Little Vixen?” He’s staring down at me, with the threat beating down on my body like a storm ready to engulf me. His eyes are flicking from my eyes to my lips. Suddenly, I’m nervous about what he’s going to do.
