Page 40 of The Siren's Call

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“This “bitch” is his sister and the next time you fuck my brother about I’ll slit your throat, understood?”

“What? You got your own sister to do a background check on me? I can’t believe you Kai.”

“Lev take my sister to your place and for God’s sake keep her there until I’ve sorted this shit out. Luka go and tell Misha to kick that prick out of here and tell him to never come the fuck back. Fuck, why do women cause me the most trouble in my life?”

Luka goes off to do as ordered and, after giving me a look that could kill most people, Isadora walks off with Lev. I face Valentina and fuck my life; tonight isn’t going to go as intended. When I was back at home after knocking ten tons of shit out of that prick, I wanted to introduce Valentina to my Den. At this rate, I’ll be lucky if she comes home at all.

Chapter 12


I’m consumed by anger. How dare he get his sister to investigate me and as for his sister, well we get along swimmingly, don’t we? Never mind a wedding taking place, I think Isadora and I will be planning to assassinate each other well before then. Thinking of that though, we only have three days until I have to marry Kai. Shit, I need to get out of this and fast.

“Valentina I can see those clogs, of yours working overtime in that pretty head of yours. You need to calm down and think rationally about all of this because we’ve both just witnessed what happens when you go off on one.”

“What do I need to think about Kai? You’ve just made me even more of an enemy than I was before with your family. Not only have you given them reason to not trust me, but you’ve told them that you don’t either.”

Kai sighs and runs his hand through his hair. It’s a frustrated tell that he has, I’ve noticed.

“What do you want me to say? If I could assure my family in any way that you are not part of some elaborate plan to kill us, it was to let my sister run a no holds barred check on you. I had my doubts as well Valentina, you know this. Wouldn’t you if it were the other way round?”

I actually stop and think about this whole messed-up situation we are both in. If we knew who each other were when we met, we wouldn’t have touched each other with a ten-foot barge pole as they say here. Kai would have probably killed me instantly to get one over on my Papa. Don’t get me wrong, I would have given him a good fight. If there is anything my Papa did right in his sordid existence, it was to make sure I was trained to fight.

The thing Kai doesn’t realise though, or maybe he does, is that my Papa would have had him killed the instant he found out. If I were on the run with Luka when we met and Luka had known who owned the club, we would have been on a plane out of Birmingham within the hour. So yes, I can understand Kai checking my intentions out, he would be a fool not to. And the man I know is far from a fool. He oozes a shrewd intuition and has an omniscient nature; what he doesn’t know already, that he will torture needed information out of you within no time at all.

“All right, I’ll admit that you were in the right to do the check, but couldn’t you have gotten anyone else other than your sister? Fuck’s sake Kai, I thought I was a bitch, but she’s a Harley Quinn computer nerd! All I need to see now is the Joker pop out from the V.I.P. Lounge and maybe Deadpool fall in from the skylight.”

“You’re calling my sister a nerd and yet you’re naming DC AND Marvel characters? My Little Vixen, I definitely have so much to learn about you, which is what I intend to do over the next few weeks. To answer your question, Isadora is the best hacker, or computer nerd as you call her, that we know. She’s family, so can be trusted with this confidential information, including that I have the missing Russian Bratva Princess, Valentina Ivanov in my possession. As you can understand this is sensitive information that, if it fell into the wrong hands, would be catastrophic.”

“I give up!” I say throwing my hands up into the air.

“You’ll be fine Valentina I promise, Isadora is a sweetheart really. She has a temper that rivals your own, but I think you both have a lot in common. Give it time and I think you’ll be the best of friends. I promise!”

“I think you’re definitely delusional if you think that’s ever going to happen. Anyway, can we go home now? I’m tired and I desperately need a shower, I’m covered in your blood and spunk.”

“Just the way I like you my Little Vixen, we will be going home shortly. Misha will be taking us home and I have some business to take care of so I will be leaving you with Misha and Luka.”

“Won’t you need Misha with you? Did the meeting not go as planned?”

“It went better than expected, that’s what I don’t trust. I need to do some checks while my sister is here, so I will head over to Lev’s. I’ll be taking Pasha with me so don’t worry. Don’t wait up as this may take a while. I also have some more surveillance I wish Isadora to do as well. I need to give her the venues for the wedding to do a full check on security.”

“Do you think my Papa knows I’m here Kai?”

“He might have heard whispers, but you don’t need to worry my Little Vixen, I will keep you safe. Trust me, okay.”

“I trust no one, Kai, so don’t ask me to. It’s the safest way to be, so your heart doesn’t get broken. It’s the best way to ensure I’m not killed or betrayed, the one person I trusted in my life died because of me. It won’t happen again.”

“You’ll learn in time Valentina; I will stop at nothing to protect what’s mine.”

I want to reply but I’m too exhausted to get into any more arguments. That’s all Kai sees me as, his prized possession to show to all the Mafia world. The daughter of the enemy, meek and obedient. I’m tired of being someone’s trophy or pawn to play on the chessboard.

I always look to the best possible example of how valuable women are. The lioness stalks, hunts, and kills the prey. She feeds the King, her Lion. She looks after her pups and her Kingdom but above all her King. In return he protects her and his cubs, that’s the King I want.

I want a King who finds me valuable and lets me fight by his side. A man who finds my mind as valuable as my body and loves me with all his heart. A true King and Queen ruling their empire together, side by side. I don’t just want to be a King’s treasured possession; I want to be his world as he would be mine.

If my Papa knows I’m here, he’ll be coming for me. I’d like to believe Kai will be able to protect me and Luka; but I know my Papa. He’ll stop at nothing to teach me a lesson for the embarrassment I’ve caused him. Death will be a blessing compared to what he has planned for me.

Misha walks in with Pasha and Luka; I look straight at Misha’s hands, blood covers his hands and my stomach drops, yet another person suffers for my actions. Why do I keep on doing this? Will I never learn that my actions can cause people around me to be killed or injured. Misha notices my incessant glare at his hands and excuses himself.
