Page 43 of The Siren's Call

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As I finish off cleaning myself, I can’t help but chuckle, I definitely have my work cut out for me with my Little Vixen. I always expected a virgin to be meek and shy in the matter of their sexuality, but Valentina has always been the total opposite. Maybe it’s her dancing or maybe it’s just her defiant attitude to life, always wanting to be in control of her life.

I wanted to introduce her to my Den tonight, but things totally took a different turn, including the appearance of my sestra. I now need to sort that shit storm out and use her to my advantage as well. Security definitely needs tightening, amongst other things. I also need her to investigate the Polish, something is just fishy there and doesn’t sit quite right.

I stop the shower, grab a towel from the rack and give my hair a quick ruffle to dry it slightly. Wrapping it around my waist and leaving the bathroom, I find Valentina rifling through my t-shirt drawer. I ogle the view of her bent over, with her pussy and arse on full display, then go to my walk-in to get dressed. I put some boxers on plus a pair of beige jeans, teamed it with a khaki coloured long-sleeve top and pulled on my army boots.

As I walk out of the walk-in wardrobe, Valentina is pulling on my Guns and Roses band t-shirt on. Fuck, I love seeing her in my t-shirts. She looks delicious and, with her red locks against the black t-shirt my fucking god, she’s sexy.

“Do you want something to eat Valentina, you haven’t eaten properly in days? I can get the guys to order a pizza in.”

“Yes, that would be nice, I’ll have pepperoni please. I’ll just put some bottoms on, and I’ll be out.”


I leave Valentina to sort herself out and exit our room to go and update the guys. I find Misha standing, looking out of the floor to ceiling windows, Luka and Pasha sitting at the table having a conversation. They both look up as I enter and Luka gets up from his seat.

“Is she alright Boss?” Misha asks, looking concerned.

“She’s fine Misha, she’s showered and is just getting dressed at the moment. She wishes to have a pepperoni pizza so can you sort that? Also eat yourselves, I don’t know how long this is going to take.”

“I’ll sort it Boss, are you sure she’s okay with the blood and everything, she looked quite pale when she saw it.”

“She’s absolutely fine with blood Misha, trust me. She’s seen so much in her life it’s unbelievable. The training her Papa made her do in her adolescence also sorted out any issue with blood. I couldn’t keep up with the number of broken noses she caused or other wounds with her knives,” Luka says.

“What the fuck are you telling me? Men were fighting with her? Were they using weapons as well?” I ask, annoyed beyond belief.

“Trust me Kai, I feared far more for the men than I did for Valentina. Vladimir fully trained her, he was her Systema coach, you just haven’t seen her in action yet. Every soldier that ended up fighting her came off worse, even the arseholes that managed to get hits in. Nikon was a mean motherfucker; he had a history of beating women up and scarring one up horrendously. Valentina also knew this and, the first time her Papa made her fight the guards, she called him out for a personal fight.” Luka says.

“It’s Boss to you prick! What the fuck was Valentina thinking?”

“Sorry… Valentina never cared about getting hurt, she wanted to teach this idiot a lesson. I said one of us could do it, but she refused. She said the only way for the bastard to learn was to be taught the lesson by a woman. So, when she picked him to fight her, he was ecstatic. He didn’t like Valentina, just saw her as a rich Bratva princess; he jumped into the fighting ring while the other soldiers egged him on. It was a chance to hurt her without repercussions from her Papa,” Luka continues.

“Fuck me, what was she thinking? I knew she was crazy, but this was suicidal! How old was she?” I say, gritting my teeth in anger.

“She was fifteen when she fought Nikon, after only three years training. She had to start training shortly after she was caught in the woods by her house. I think it was her sadistic bastard of a Papa’s way of punishing her, along with stopping her dancing lessons.” Luka says.

Misha runs his hands through his hair, pulling slightly as his face screws up in anger.

“I knew he’d hurt her, I tried to get back to her, but I couldn’t get enough men willing to go against Mikhail at the time. That’s why when you spotted me at that fight, I agreed to join your ranks. I worked my way up and I borrowed some of Dimitri’s men and tried to rescue her. She was gone by that time, I feared she was dead. Fuck I should have acted quicker,” Misha rages.

“Why didn’t you tell me, Misha, did Dimitri sanction your actions?” I seethe.

“She was your enemy Boss; you all hated the family with a vengeance. I didn’t think you’d be interested, and no, Dimitri knew nothing of the rescue mission.”

I look at Misha seething, but I know that back then I would have probably told him he wasn’t allowed to rescue her. I would have told him to leave her to rot. This sickens me to the bone now. I’m so angry with myself, even though I didn’t know her. My hatred was born from lessons taught and inherited from the anger between the two families.

“She had her protectors, Misha, we did our best to protect her. And I finally managed to get her out of there with the help of a few of my fellow soldiers. The fights and training were things we couldn’t get involved in, it would have given us away and ruined any hope of our escape,” Luka says.

“Not fucking soon enough, anyway what happened?” I say angrily.

“Well, she had gotten Vlad to get specially commissioned fighting knives made for her. The Spetsnaz knives have a bladed edge on each side; one serrated and the other a cleaner blade edge. Hers also had a guard on the handle so she can keep her grip when using the blade in either direction. She still has them today, along with her set of ten Strij throwing knives.”

“Fuck me, they are fucking lethal knives,” Misha says with a proud look on his face.

“Deadly. Anyway, she has the Strij’s attached to her combat belts and each of her Spetsnaz fighting knives in her hands when she enters the ring. Nikon is skipping about the ring, egging his fellow soldiers on. They were leering at Valentina and cheering for him. Her Papa sits in a chair opposite the ring, on a raised platform so he can see the fight unhindered. Nikon turns and sees Valentina with her knives, he laughed and made fun of her. Valentina just stands there calm and with no expression on her face. Her Papa shouts the order for the fight to begin. Nikon raises his knife in front of himself and charges Valentina. He’s expecting his weight and height to scare Valentina, or knock her to the ground so he can jump on her. Valentina just stands there and, at the last moment, swerves out of his way to the side. At the same time, she brings her left hand up and across his chest, whilst bringing her right hand up and across his back. Nikon roars in pain and looks down, seeing a gaping slice across his chest. And we can see its matching one on his back. He looks at Valentina in disbelief but she just smiles at him, wiping his blood off her knives on her trousers,” Luka pauses, shaking his head at the memory.

“Nikon charges her again in his anger but this time? Valentina runs at him too and slides through his legs, catching the inside of his thighs with both her knives. The cuts she has inflicted on Nixon are not meant to kill; believe me she knew how to inflict such wounds. No, Valentina is bleeding him slowly, wearing him down and making him slower. She didn’t have any intention of killing him, she had totally different motives as we soon found out,” Luka wipes his hand down his face.
