Page 45 of The Siren's Call

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“I will, my Little Vixen.”

I kiss her forehead and squeeze her hand, then leave her to watch her film. I nod at Misha who is by the lift as I enter and he nods back. I gesture to Pasha and he stands to follow me, then turns as I press the button to go down and, as the doors close, I see her staring at me. I sigh, rubbing my hand down my face. This is going to be a long night.

“She’s quite something, your woman.” Pasha’s voice breaks the silence.

“She isn’t just something, my friend, she is everything,” I replied.

“For as long as I’ve known you, I have never seen a woman get under your skin. It’s kind of a relief that you are human like the rest of us.” Pasha quips.

“She isn’t just some woman, Pasha, she’s destined to be mine, my family, the mother of my future children, the very breath I take,” I state quietly, turning towards him. He stiffens suddenly, as though stung, before a sadness permeates from him and he goes quiet and thoughtful. I turn away again, believing the exchange over before I hear him whisper, to me or to himself, I do not know.

“I understand boss, family is everything…”

Chapter 13


As I enter Lev’s apartment, I hear my sister’s voice straight away. She’s nagging Lev about Valentina. When I enter the living room she’s sitting at the table, rambling on ten miles a minute while her fingers are flying across the keyboard of her laptop. She also has two monitors and computer towers spread over the table. On one monitor is my hotel and on the other is Lev’s apartment. She’s already logged into all the internal cameras and traffic cams, as well as all external CCTV footage of the surrounding areas of both buildings.

“I’ve already told you Ida, you probably know more than me. All I know is Kai is smitten, so good luck with that one.”

“Well, we need to change his mind then don’t we, I don’t trust her Lev. How can the spawn of that Devil be anything other than pure evil in a G-string? She has a good pair of tits, I’ll give her that, but I’ll bet Kai has teeth marks on his dick from that treacherous pussy of hers.”

“I wouldn’t let him hear you talking like that Ida, he threatened to kill me for grabbing her when she tried to attack him. So, believe me when I say, he’s definitely smitten.”

“Too fucking late, you pair of old washerwomen, haven’t you got anything better to talk about like security for my imminent wedding? You’re a bitch Ida, because you would have seen me arriving on the cameras, so why are you running your mouth?” I announce as I make myself known.

“Thank fuck for that. I’m off out for a cigarette because Ida has been doing my head in for hours. What took you so long Kai? Can you please remember I’m not a babysitting service for the psychotic women in your life. I have enough trouble in that department myself,” Lev mutters to me as he goes to leave.

“I heard that, arse wipe. I’m not psychotic, I’m just morally challenged. Are you still pining after Sam? You fucking drip. I would think having a child by another man would be a sure sign that she is well over you. Get over her Lev, your dick isn’t as fantastic as you thought,” Isadora shouts from her seat.

“Fuck you Ida, fucking low blow. You know fuck all about Sam and me, so shut the fuck up,” Lev shouts angrily, then slams the door.

“God, Ida. Who pissed in your cheerio’s today and what the fucks up with you?”

“I’m absolutely fandabidozi. It’s you lovesick puppies, being led around by your dick’s, is what worries me the most. Good job I’m here now to sort all of you out, kick some sense into your batshit brains. Have I got to worry about Misha as well, or is it just you two dipshits?”

“Misha has only his fuck buddies. Lev and I are fine, so leave it the fuck alone. You need to concentrate on the security for us all; all of the venues need to be secured and monitored.”

“What does it look like I’m doing now, idiot? I’ve secured here and your hotel. Lev has already forwarded me the venue details and I’m covering the route as we speak. Though, if my plan works, there will be no wedding and we can all go back to normal. All this is going to bring us, Nikki, is a whole heap of shit. You need to knock this infatuation on the head and just shoot the bitch. If you haven’t got the balls, I’ll do it for you. Call it a wedding present for your future, appropriate bride.”

“I swear Ida, if you harm a single hair on Valentina’s head, you’ll regret it. I’m trying to talk Papa out of arranged marriages for us all and it’s hopefully working. If you harm Valentina though, I’ll make sure you’re married off to the most vicious bastard I know.”

“Come on Nikki, that’s child play for me, you should know this by now. I’ll have the fucker eating out of my hand in hours. No fucker can control me unless I allow it. But I’ll leave your precious Princess alone. Fuck Nikki, you’re more fucked than I thought. What is it about her?”

“She’s mine, that’s all you need to know. I protect what’s mine, even from you Ida. Don’t get in my way on this, promise me.”

“Okay, okay, jeez! But don’t say I didn’t warn you Nikki. Trust me, a viper senses a fellow viper. She’ll be your downfall; I’ll be there to kill any fuckers that try to kill you though. Always Nikki, you know I love you Brat.”

“I know and I love you too Sestra. Valentina isn’t like how you make her out to be, I promise. I’ve learnt a lot about her during this time. Luka even told us some of the vicious things her Papa has made her do. It’s sickening Ida, I swear. Also, did you know Misha knew Valentina when he was younger, just before he joined our ranks?”

“Fuck no, that big bear gives fuck all away. He did once borrow some of Dimitri’s soldiers to go on a mission to his hometown, but I just thought it was a vengeance mission after what happened to his Mama, so I didn’t inform any of you. Is he involved with her romantically Nikki?”

“No, I questioned him as soon as I found out they knew each other. He sees her as family, his only family. He blames himself for letting her down. When he went on that mission and when he couldn’t find her, he thought her Papa had killed her.”

“Fuck, that explains a lot. No wonder he’s so fucking moody.”

“God Ida. Do you ever feel any empathy?”
