Page 5 of The Siren's Call

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“Bring it on Boss Man!” Shit, the words come out before I can stop them. I glance up at him and go to say something else. Hell, I don’t know ‘sorry Mr Boss Man’but I don’t get a chance to do anything as his lips come crashing down on mine.

I’m so shocked I freeze; I can do absolutely nothing until his tongue licks across my bottom lip, demanding access. I’m beyond reasonable thinking suddenly, because I open to him, giving him all the permission he needs. He starts off the kiss so softly caressing my tongue with his, encouraging me to participate.

What Kai doesn’t know, what no one knows as a matter of fact, aside from my best friend and secret bodyguard Luka, is that I’ve never been touched by a man like this, or more than this. Not even so much as a kiss! There were rules to my previous life and if anybody had touched a hair on my head, they would have been killed.

Believe me, I’ve had plenty of chances since I left but I just haven’t wanted to. I put on a good act as the sexy vixen Kai keeps on calling me, but it’s all a front. A mask per se, but I feel as if that mask has been ripped off and shredded in one fell swoop.

I melt into Kai and start to respond to the kiss as best I can. This seems to be the response he was waiting for because suddenly, the kiss goes from slow and sensual to wild and animalistic in seconds. All I can do is hold on to his shirt in a tight grip and cling on for the ride.


I swear I think this woman in my arms, or should I say I have pinned to the wall, is who I was thinking about when I named this club. She has enticed me with her Siren’s call, and I have no control whatsoever.

I don’t kiss at all, it’s one of my fucking rules. No kissing, no dates, no details. Fuck all personal. It’s a fuck or a blow job then fuck off, but this woman has me ripping up my rule book and wanting, for the first time, to call somebody MINE! What the ever-loving fuck!

I was kissing her softly, trying to encourage her to respond but when she did? All bets were off. A flip switch in me went off, and my inner beast came to the forefront and said fuck this shit.

I’m now fucking her mouth with my tongue, clashing teeth and desperately trying to put my claim on this woman for everybody to see. To my surprise, she is giving back as much as I’m giving her.

She starts to writhe in my hold and let out little whimpers which are sexy as fuck. I want to consume her, own her, and mark her so deep she will never be able to deny my claim again.

My cock has only been interested in her since I first saw her on stage, even after I blew my load in that bitches mouth. It wanted her then and it wants her now. It’s as insatiable for her as I am.

I break the kiss sharply, ripping my lips away from her and she lets out a whine in protest which shoots directly to my balls. Fucking hell this woman will be the death of me.

I grab her waist and lift her higher on the wall, pinning her with my body again. She squeaks, but then wraps her legs around my waist. This position puts her hot, wet, little pussy directly against my aching cock.

Her dress has luckily opened due to the high split, giving me access to those glorious silky thighs. I look down and run my hands from her knees up to the top of her thighs. I slide my hands underneath them and squeeze in a punishing grip.

I put my forehead against hers and try to take a breath while my cock is throbbing against her wet panties. I look into her eyes and see that she is just as fucked as I am. If this was death, we both welcomed it with open arms.

I lift my right hand and push a finger underneath the flimsy little strap holding up the dress on her shoulder. I let it fall and it slips off, revealing her right breast. Her breasts are fucking unbelievable; voluptuous, and pert. She has tight rosebud nipples, begging to be sucked within an inch of their life.

I groan, grinding my cock against her pussy and her back arches, pushing her breasts out and up. I can’t resist. I lower my mouth to her rosebud nipple and suck hard. She mews and writhes in my hold but there’s no escape. I can’t help myself and I bite down hard on her nipple.

“Oh, Oh, please, oh God Kai, argh, YES!” I smile around my mouthful and give her breast a quick kiss, then bring my head back slightly to blow gently on her wet nipple.

Her hands come up and wind themselves in my hair, scratching my scalp desperately with her nails, arching her back even more in an attempt to get me to put it back in my mouth.

“Oh, poor baby, is it a tease? Hmm… not getting the satisfaction that your body craves? You see, my beautiful Little Vixen, you have been a very naughty girl and naughty girls don’t get rewarded. Naughty girls get punished, and if they are good girls taking it, they get rewarded.”

I proved my point by grabbing her wet rosy nipple and twisting hard. She screams and looks at me, panting with so much lust in her eyes it’s beautiful. My Little Vixen likes her pain with her pleasure. Fucking perfect.

I grip her under her thighs again and pull away from the wall. I carry her over to my chair, and sit down with her straddling my lap. She looks at me puzzled and starts to try and pull the strap back up on her dress.

I grab her wrist and squeeze slightly, raising my brow. She releases the strap, raising a brow in question back at me. I raise my finger and lightly circle her nipple. A whisper of touch to stimulate but leave her wanting more.

“Little Vixen, your performance earlier left me with quite a puzzling conclusion. If that performance were just for me in private it would have been appreciated greatly and rewarded accordingly. Both satisfactory to myself and you. As it is, you decided to give that little performance in front of the whole club. You let those men see what was meant for my eyes only and I can’t let that misbehaviour go unpunished now, can I?”

Her brows crease and she seems to break out of the lust-filled bubble I had her in. She grabs my wrist to try and stop my touch on her. I grab her throat with my other hand and shake my head lightly, to tell her it’s not going to happen.

“What the fuck are you on about Kai? It was a dance, it’s what you pay me for. I dance in your club, not just for you!” She attempts to get off my lap, but I tighten my grip on her throat. Her eyes widen and she tries to swallow past my grip.

“That there, honey, was not just your normal performance. Believe me, I have seen hundreds. You wanted to play with the devil, and you gained his attention well and truly. Now that you have my undivided attention there is no escape. You will be mine to do what I want to when I want to. I will guarantee you one thing though, my Little Vixen, you will love every single depraved moment of it and beg for more!”

Her eyes are dilated and she’s breathing heavily. She’s conflicted, I can tell by the way her brows are drawn together. My Little Vixen is going to be more of a challenge than I anticipated, her submission will be hard-won but oh-so-delicious when she gives it to me.

“My name is Annabelle, Belle to my friends, but you will never be one of those arsehole. One thing I can guarantee to you is that I will never be yours, No way in hell a man will own me, in this life or the next. You can go and get blondie back for round two because I’m not fucking interested!”
