Page 57 of The Siren's Call

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“You’re going to have to step out of this battle my friend, I’ll leave some of the men here with you. Once we clear the hotel, I’ll come back for you.” I reassure.

“It’s a scratch Boss, I’ll be fine. I’ll get it sorted out once we have the hotel back under control,” Pasha says, and he grunts when I help him to stand.

“You took a bullet for me, it’s not just a scratch. I owe you a debt, I won’t forget that,” I praise.

“It’s nothing Boss, I will just add it to all your other debts… you know you’re racking up quite the bill. Do I need to send out some heavies to collect?” Pasha mocks cheekily.

“Nah,” I chuckle, amused despite the fucked up situation we’re caught in.

“Now, shall we show these fucker’s why they shouldn’t mess with the Filippov’s or are you gonna start writing me love letters?” Pasha replies.

“Fuck off, you stubborn bastard. Let’s show them what a true Bratva army is made of and try not to die, yeah?” I reply.

“You say such sweet things to me, boss!” He jokes and gives me a wink.

I flip him off and turn to survey the front of the hotel as all hell breaks loose in the reception area. There’s rapid gun fire and Mikhail’s men, who were trying to infiltrate the reception area, start to retreat out.

“Oh, sweet lord of mine! I think I may have just come!” Isadora announces, while sitting on the floor watching her phone.

“For fuck’s sake Ida, are you watching porn in the middle of this shit show?” I shout.

“Well, if there’s such a thing as a lady boner, I’ve definitely got one. Fuck, that’s sexy as fuck.” Isadora replies, still engrossed in her phone.

“Stop fucking about and sort your shit out Ida. What’s going on in the reception area? Mikhail’s men are starting to retreat?” I ask.

“Just watch the doors and you’ll see. Fuck Nikki, I might just have to steal your woman for myself,” Isadora announces.

I scowl down at her, ready to give her what for, when I get the message I’ve been waiting for. Lev sends me confirmation that Steel Eye is terminated.

“Pasha. Sniper down, attack from both sides but watch gun fire because our men are in there. Go!” I instruct.

Pasha and my men split up and head to entrap Mikhail’s men. I take my jacket, off throwing it on the ground as I pull out my guns.

“Come on Ida, time for action or are you staying to watch your porn?”

“Three, two, one… look at the doors Nikki!”

I look over to the reception doors of my hotel to see Misha and Luka heading out of them. Fucking hell where’s Valentina, I’ll kill those fucker’s if they left her on her own. Then I see a cloaked figure stepping out behind them and my jaw drops. Literally drops. As the hood falls, I see her flaming red hair as she throws two knives at the same time. One hitting its target on the left, straight into its mark’s forehead. The other gets a man who’s just about to fire a shot at Misha.

I now know why Ida was so immersed in her screen. Fuck me sideways! Valentina is wearing a full-length hooded clock, army boots and the Valentino dress I purchased for her. The dress barely covers her arse but that isn’t my main concern at the moment. The fact that she has teamed the dress with a suspender belt and silk thigh highs is. Fuck me! She looks like a walking wet dream, a mixture between Jessica Rabbit, Kassandra from Assassin’s Creed and Lara Croft, all mixed into one sexy as fuck, kick ass creature. I want to strangle her as much as fuck her for daring to come out fighting in that outfit. My possessive nature wants to kill every man dead for seeing such a sight.

Misha and Luka are shooting a pathway, but some of Mikhail’s men are getting too close. I start forward, not taking my eyes off Valentina as I see her take some more knives out. She doesn’t falter and kicks the man to the right of her, jumping on him when he falls and stabbing him repeatedly in the chest. The other man grabs her, wrapping his arm tight around her neck and I see red. I shoot and his head explodes all over Valentina.

She immediately looks in my direction and when she makes eye contact with me, my world stops. Her smile is breath-taking. Even with all the blood and brain matter splattered all over her, it doesn’t distract from her beauty. She stands and starts running towards me. Ida runs past me, firing at anybody posing an attack at us.

Valentina finally reaches me and jumps on me, wrapping her legs around my hips. My arms immediately wrap around her waist, holding her to me. She looks me over for any injuries and then grabs my head slamming her lips to mine.

As she kisses me with the passion and fire only she can ignite, she consumes me like no other. I let my ferocious little kitten take her fill, slipping her delicate little tongue over mine as she takes little nibbles on my bottom lip. Her nails are digging deliciously into my shoulders and she starts to rub her pussy over my hardening cock, tented in my trousers.

I’m just about to slam her against the nearest wall when she pulls away, looking at me with so much desire. Gunshots, yells and death surrounds us, but we’re both too consumed in each other to care. That is until she reaches down to her stockings and pulls out one of her Strij throwing knives. Still staring into my eyes, she throws it slightly to the left of my head. I hear a thud and look back to see one of Mikhail’s men lying on the floor, eyes wide open but lifeless and Valentina’s knife is right between his eyes. I have no clue how she spotted the man approaching behind me.

“How the fuck did you see him, you were looking straight at me?”

“Peripheral vision baby, I think you better let me down so we can finish this.”

I shake my head at her, chuckling slightly as I let her body slide down mine. This woman is going to be the death of me I’m sure of it. I should be sorting this threat out and all I can think about is her.

We part and I go to push her behind me, but she knocks my hand away. I have no time to discipline her, but the punishments are piling up. My stubborn little brat needs to learn that I will put her back in her place once I get her home. I take in our surroundings and notice at least ten of my men lie injured or dead. Ida has someone pinned to the floor as she is laughing down at them. She has his head in a tight grip then, with a quick violent twist, she snaps his neck. With all the men dead outside, we head into the reception area.
