Page 61 of The Siren's Call

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I know what she’s offering as pleasure, and I feel like my skin is heating by the second. I don’t realise what I’m doing until Kai reaches over and grabs my hand, squeezing it to get me to release the knife I was slipping out from my stocking. I look at him in surprise and he smirks down to me shaking his head. I release the knife and Kai removes his hand to address the woman.

“Amanda, I’d like you to meet my soon to be wife Valentina. Valentina, this is Amanda the Hotel manager. Anything you desire, Amanda will deliver. Please make sure Valentina is treated like the Queen she is while we are here Amanda.” Kai orders.

I try to hide the smirk on my face but fail when Amanda’s face drops. I look at Kai and he winks at me, making a goofy smile spread over my face. I look at Amanda who is trying to pull herself together, then a fake smile appears on her face.

“Lovely to meet you Amanda, what pleasure do you have in mind for me today?” I say sweetly.

I can’t help it; I know it’s irrational but I’m jealous as hell of all these women in Kai’s life. Kai squeezes my hand and I look up at him, giving him doe eyes in return, while fluttering my eyelashes at him. This makes him laugh and seems to break Amanda out of her shock.

“It’s lovely to meet you too Valentina, I’ll just go and get the room key. If you’ll excuse me?”

“Play nice Valentina, you can’t go around stabbing my female staff.”

“She needs to keep her slimy paws off you then Kai.”

“Jealousy doesn’t suit you kotehok, especially if it’s not warranted.”

“You’ve obviously fucked her Kai, and she can’t wait to jump back onto your cock.”

Kai throws his head back and laughs. It’s such a beautiful sight I can’t help but smile at him, dampening some of my anger at Amanda slightly.

“I think she would definitely pick up an injury if she jumped on my dick Valentina.”

“Haha, very fucking funny.”

“I always aim to please.”

“Oh my God will you just shut up, what’s taking her so long anyway. I’m standing here, with blood all over me looking like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. You could’ve warned me that we were going to be standing in the main reception.”

“What would you have done, grabbed a shower on the way?”

“Smart arse.”

Kai pulls me towards the reception desk and I look around, but nobody is there at all. It’s deserted. Amanda walks out from the back room and hands Kai a key card.

“Everything is ready for you Kai; we hope you have a nice stay. Let me know if you need anything.”

“We will do Amanda, please send Misha and my men up to the penthouse when they get here. I do not need to stipulate the privacy needed when they arrive, do I?”

“Of course not Kai. Everything is in hand as always.”

“Glad to hear it.”

Kai pulls me off toward the elevators. I give Amanda the death stare as we leave. We enter the lift and Kai presses the button to the penthouse. When the doors close, I’m encompassed in Kai’s boisterous laughter.

“What have you got to laugh about Mr?”

“You can stop giving the death stare, Valentina. She’s gone.”

“Fuck you arsehole.”

I tilt my head to the floor to hide my smile. This man misses nothing. I can’t help wondering what he must think of me. Maybe he’s regretting even meeting me, with all the trouble I’ve brought to his life. He should have just gotten rid of me though surely, not taken on this war with me.

When the doors open to the penthouse, they reveal a large waiting room, equipped with chairs, a table and two additional doors other than the double doors in front of us. The penthouse itself runs with the same theme as downstairs; reds, browns, beiges and golds. The old-fashioned charm and elegance that England always has to offer.

“That door is the staff entrance and that door is the exit to the stairway.”

Kai points to the door on the right and then left, then he zaps his card on the fob next to the door. I follow him in and look around the open plan area; there are at least four seating areas, another huge dining table but, unlike his other penthouse, this one has deep oak fixtures and dark chocolate leather settees. Red cushions and a huge floral display on the oak dining table accent the space.
