Page 63 of The Siren's Call

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“It’s nothing compared to my Mama’s but thank you.”

“Are there any other talents that you are hiding from me?”

I smile, looking up at this beautiful but deadly man.

“No, that’s everything in my arsenal.”

Kai chuckles at me and helps me dry off, wrapping me in a white fluffy bathrobe which is far too big. I have to turn the sleeves up. I follow Kai out into the main room and I go and sit on one of the leather settees, as Kai picks up his phone to order the food. He opens a bottle of white wine and offers me a glass, before sitting and sipping his own glass.


We’ve eaten our food and polished off the bottle of wine. Valentina is sitting cuddled in a blanket at the end of the sofa watching a film. Lev has reported back and given me a detailed report of events that happened when we left, and they’re making their way back as we speak. They haven’t tracked down the missing man, but Ida says she’ll continue the search from here.

I need to punish Valentina before they arrive, because then I will have calmed my rage down slightly for when I reprimand Misha and Luka.

“Follow me, Valentina.”

I get up and Valentina looks at me, a puzzled expression on her face. I ignore her and continue to walk towards my Den here. I checked that everything was in order while Valentina was in the shower and left the door unlocked. I twist the knob and open the door, then turn to see Valentina following me. She stops dead on the threshold.

“What the hell is this room, Kai?”

“It’s my Den and from now on, whenever you enter this room; I want you to strip and kneel just inside the doorway. Do not speak until spoken to, I will explain the rules of the room when you are kneeling in the correct position.”

Valentina looks up at me shocked, but thankfully listens to my orders and takes off her robe. She folds it and places it by the door on the floor and kneels, looking up at me. Perfect.

“This room can either be for your pain or pleasure Valentina, how you act throughout the day will determine which one you receive, maybe a bit of both. You will remain silent unless I ask you to answer a question, you will always reply with your answer then follow with ‘sir.’ Do you understand so far?”


“Yes what?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Excellent. We will go through hard limits another time as today’s punishment will only consist of a flogging. Is that all clear?”


“You will see what flogging is in a moment, but do you consent?”

“Why do you have to punish me, Kai?”

“This is your last chance to get this right Valentina. The next time, I will give no warning and you will be gagged. You really need to ask me why I am punishing you? You put your life, and the life of my men in danger today, Valentina. Amongst other things. Now, I’ll ask again. Do you consent?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Excellent. Good girl.”

I walk over to the cabinet that contains the ball gags and take one out. Even though the thought of Valentina’s screams entices me I need to keep her quiet, as everyone is due back any minute. I go to my ropes hanging on the wall and choose four lengths of red.

I place them on top of the spanking bench and go back to collect a spreader bar. As the spreader bar already has foot cuffs attached, I only have to grab some wrist cuffs. When I have set everything on the spanking bench, I turn to approach Valentina.

Her breathing is rapid and her eyes are dilated, totally focused on the items I’ve placed on the spanking bench. She will have to learn quickly that I will not tolerate her attention being anywhere other than on me.

“You will look at me and only me until I say otherwise, do you understand Valentina?”

It takes her a few seconds to recognise my voice and pull her gaze away from the bench. Then she looks up at me with trepidation.

“You have one of two choices in this room, Valentina. I will tolerate nothing else. You either give all your attention to me and only me, or you can look at the floor in front of you. Do you understand?”
