Page 66 of The Siren's Call

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“They should have stopped you going down in the first place. If they can’t control one-woman, what use are they to me?” Kai rages back at me.

“How fucking dare, you, nobody controls me, Kai. NO FUCKING BODY.” I scream.

“And therein lies the problem,” Kai’s Papa comments.

“Fuck you arsehole.” I shout to his Papa at the same time as Kai retorts with. “Not now Papa.”

“What did you want them to do Kai, knock me the fuck out? Because that’s what it would have taken to keep me from going down.” I ask.

“I should have tied you the fuck up before I left, you are fucking infuriating Valentina. In answer to your question though; no, none of my men have any right to touch you,” Kai replies.

“Then there is no problem here, is there? I was always going to fight Kai and nobody would ever be able to stop me. Stop trying,” I advise.

“You have to admit Nikki, she’s a vicious little thing when she fights. Also- hot as fuck. I have a personal copy of her fighting; I may give you a copy if you ask nicely. Dimitri has already ordered one,” Isadora states with a wink at me.

“Fuck off Ida.” Kai snaps.

I just stand there in shock for a few seconds. My God, who are these people?

“Um, thanks I think.” I eventually reply.

“I’ll leave it for now but if they ever disobey my orders again, I’ll kill them. No questions asked.” Kai states.

I let it go for now, but I’ll be having words with him later. I walk over to Bear and Luka and check their eyes out. They are swelling by the minute, so I walk into the kitchen, I retrieve two tea towels and fill them with ice from the freezer. I give each of them one to place over their eyes.

“Sit at the table guys, keep that on for at least ten minutes. It will help with the swelling.”

“I was a cage fighter Red, I know how to deal with a black eye. Thank you anyway,” Misha says.

“I know you do dickhead, but humour me.” I retort.

They both sit down and I go into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea. I feel Kai enter before he puts his arms around my waist.

“Fiery little kotehok today, aren’t you?”

“Do you blame me Kai, my arse is on fire. You have also hurt both of my friends for no good reason.”

“I’m not going to get into this again Valentina, your arse and their eyes are hurt for exactly the same reason. Deal with it and behave from now on.”

“Oh my God, you infuriate me Kai. What the fuck is everyone doing here anyway?”

“We were all discussing security for the wedding when my Papa and Dimitri arrived. It’s the dress fitting today and the family meal tonight.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, I have to try a dress on with a sore arse. Then I have to sit down at a meal with your strange family. Brilliant, I can’t wait.”

“It will be fine my Little Vixen I promise.”

“If you say so.”

I finish making my tea and exit with Kai, sitting down on a sofa with him. Everyone talks around me but I’m not really in a talkative mood so I just drink my tea.

I leave to get showered, then get ready to go for the dress fitting. We all have some breakfast and Sam texts me to say she is meeting us at the dress shop. We all leave and head there in a convoy of cars. There must be at least ten cars in the convoy; I feel like the prime minister or something. I hate all the fuss, but I can understand why Kai is taking precautions. All his family are here so he has to be careful.

We arrive and all Kai’s men form a barrier around the car. Kai gets out first and comes around to open my door. He holds his hand out and I place mine in his to exit the vehicle. I think Kai is going to release my hand once I’m out, but he only threads his fingers through mine. He escorts me into the shop where all the staff are waiting, lined up as though waiting for royalty.

When everyone arrives safely in the shop, the dressmaker we originally met comes over to greet myself and Kai.

“Welcome Mr Filippov and Miss Ivanov. Everything is ready and waiting for the final fitting. I am Grace, as you know from our initial meeting. I would like to introduce Mr Mark Gracey here who is our expert tailor and will be dealing with all the gentlemen in your party today.” Grace announces.
