Page 67 of The Siren's Call

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“Hello, it’s a pleasure to meet you both,” Mark says, as he shakes Kai’s hand and gives me a peck on the cheek.

“If you would like to follow me gentlemen and we can get started?” Mark asks.

“I’m leaving Misha and Luka with you Valentina; I shouldn’t be long,” Kai says, as he kisses my forehead.

“They can’t come into the dressing rooms, Kai. I think Isadora and I can look after ourselves if we are attacked. I wouldn’t have put it past Isadora to have snuck her robots in,” I jest, trying to calm Kai’s mood.

“They will stay outside, but will be there if you need them. Humour me Valentina,” Kai replies.

“Okay, okay. I’m just waiting here for Sam, she won’t be long. Then we’ll go and have our fitting,” I concede.

“She’ll be fine Nikki, she has me,” Isadora says.

“Yes, that’s what I’m worried about,” Kai retorts.

“Haha dickhead, move your arse now before I kick you into next week,” Isadora replies sweetly.

I’m liking Kai’s sister more and more each day. She’s as nutty as they come but my sort of crazy. Kai admits defeat and, after a quick quiet word with Misha and Luka, he disappears with his Papa, brother, and Lev.

Grace comes over to us and offers us some champagne, to which Isadora turns her nose up at.

“Don’t you have something stronger? I’m going to need it if you want me to entertain trying one of your hideous dresses on. Don’t even think of giving me anything with frills or bows; I’ll snap your neck in a heartbeat, capisce?” Isadora says with venom.

Grace’s face drains of all colour. I’m sure she’s about to pass out at any second. Bloody hell, hurry up Sam so we can get this shit show over and done with. As if my prayers have been answered, Sam bursts through the door all windswept and interesting. Thank the lord.

“She’s only kidding Grace, can you get us all some cognac please?” I ask trying to smooth things over.

“Um. Yes, of course. Give me a moment and I’ll be back.” Grace mutters rushing off.

“Fucking hell Isadora, you nearly just killed off the dressmaker. If she doesn’t come back, I’ll kick your arse,” I whisper angrily.

“I wish! Why the hell you and Kai thought I would want to wear a dress is beyond me. It better be floor length because I’m wearing my Doc’s, I don’t give a fuck what anybody says,” Isadora rants, crossing her arms.

“Suck it up buttercup and please don’t threaten the poor women again. That’s if she even comes back,” I scold her.

I walk over to Sam and give her a hug and kiss; she’s looking wide eyed around the shop.

“Thank God you’re here Sam, Isadora has just threatened the dressmaker. She’s just gone off to get us drinks and I’m hoping she comes back. What a shit show,” I whisper.

“Sorry I’m late. The babysitter was late to look after Juliet, then I got stuck in bloody traffic,” Sam whispers back.

“Never mind babe, you’re here now. I want this shit show over and done with already,” I reply.

“Hi Sam,” Isadora greets.

“Hi Isadora,” Sam replies.

The dressmaker, who has a bit more colour in her cheeks than a moment ago, comes over to give us our drinks. We all take them off the tray.

“If you’d like to follow me ladies?” Grace requests.

We all follow her to the ladies’ dressing rooms and she directs us to a chaise lounge. We all sit down and sip our drinks; God I need this.

“Okay who’s going first?” Grace asks.

We all look at each other and, with no takers, I decide to take the lead.

“I’ll go first,” I announce.
