Page 70 of The Siren's Call

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“Oh intriguing? You’ll have to tell me more on the way to dinner.”

“Are you intrigued about my Papa’s sexual tastes, my Little Vixen?”

“Ew no, I was talking more about the club.”

“If I told you about the club Valentina, I don’t think you would be able to look at my Papa again. Now, we need to go or we will be late.”

“Spoil sport, I could use some ammunition against him for the third degree he’s bound to give me.”

“Behave Valentina, keep those claws of your’s in tonight.”

I smile at Kai sweetly and he shakes his head at me as we exit the hotel. Misha and Luka are waiting for us when we exit. Kai helps me into the car, then gets in on the other side. We make small talk for a bit, but Kai gets a call and I spend the remainder of the drive nervously looking out of the window.

How can so many years of hate and anger be turned into anything else? I think Kai’s optimism about this being a bonding event is unrealistic, all his family will see is Mikhail’s spawn.

We arrive at the restaurant and Kai helps me out of the car. I take a big breath as we walk into the restaurant. As we enter with Misha and Luka following us, a beautiful brunette hostess approaches us.

“Good evening, Mr Filippov. Your family have already arrived, they have been escorted to your private room. I’ll take you to them now. Who is this gorgeous goddess you have with you today?” She asks, much to my surprise.

“Good evening, Jasmin. This is my fiancée, Valentina Ivanov. Valentina, this is Jasmin, her father is the owner here and a good friend,” Kai introduces.

“Pleased to meet you, Jasmin,” I reply.

“The pleasure is all mine, it’s good to see the woman who has finally tamed Kai. He’s so annoyingly grumpy that I thought it would never happen.” Jasmin says cheekily, winking at me.

I can’t resist laughing and Kai grumbles under his breath as Jasmin turns to lead us to Kai’s private room. We walk to the left and enter a corridor marked ‘staff only’. As we get halfway down the corridor, Jasmin stops and opens the door to the left. We enter and Kai’s Papa, Isadora and Dimitri are seated, drinking and talking.

They all look up as we enter; Dimitri and Isadora smile and get up to greet us. Kai’s Papa remains seated, sipping his drink and giving me the death stare.

They both give Kai a hug, then Isadora comes over and hugs me. Dimitri follows suit, but pauses to whisper in my ear.

“He’ll come around, he’s just set in his ways and a grumpy arsehole to boot.”

He pulls away with a smile and I smile at him in return. It looks like at least Kai’s brother and sister are warming towards me.

We all take our seats, Kai pulling mine out for me and placing me in between him and Isadora. He holds my hand under the table, giving it a light reassuring squeeze.

“It’s so lovely to have you all with us tonight, Papa is putting on a special meal for you all. He is hoping to come and say hello soon, can I get anyone a drink?” Jasmin asks.

Everyone gives their drinks orders and Kai orders a Bacardi and coke for me, thank the lord. Jasmin goes to get them and the room falls into silence. This is so uncomfortable, I haven’t experienced this since leaving my Papa’s house three years ago.

“Fuck’s sake, will someone please just say something before I bash everyone’s heads together,” Isadora threatens.

“Valentina, I’d like to formally introduce you to my family. Firstly this is my Papa Viktor. Papa, this is Valentina, your soon to be daughter-in-law.” Kai announces.

“Pleased to meet you Viktor.” I reply softly.

“I wish I could return the sentiment but alas, I would be lying. We need to get this over and done with so I will just be blunt. The hatred between our families has been there for over a century, you are and will always be Ivanov scum. Kai might be willing to give you our name for whatever schemes he is planning, but to me you will never be one of us. Nor will any spawn you try and palm off on my son,” Viktor seethes at me.

“Fuck me,” Dimitri says, slapping his hand over his face.

“Way to go Papa, charming as always,” Isadora deadpans.

“How dare you speak to Valentina like that, I warned you Papa. If you do not accept Valentina, then you will lose me. If I ever hear you call Valentina, or our children ‘spawn’ again I will kill you,” Kai seethes at his Papa.

“How will you ever know they are your children; she will be fucking anything with a dick. I know you won’t give up all the pussy you have on offer, so don’t even pretend. You have a fuck toy in every establishment you own and countless on speed dial. You’ve probably fucked twenty plus people since you told me about this charade of a marriage. I thought it was to just get one over on Mikhail and you were just using the bitch,” Viktor seethes.

The table shakes and the cutlery and glasses smash as Kai tries to fly across the table at his Papa. Dimitri manages to pull him back and hold on to him, but Viktor hasn’t moved. I can’t let this carry on and I don’t want Kai to fall out with his family, even though I could happily sink a knife into his Papa’s throat right about now.
