Page 71 of The Siren's Call

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“Kai listen to me, please baby,” I say softly, as I grab onto his hand trying to get him to sit back down in his seat.

Kai looks at me and I smile at him, still trying to pull his hand so he will sit. He eventually listens and sits down. The power and anger emanating from his body is electric.

“I’m fine baby, honestly. If your Papa doesn’t like me? That does not matter at all to me. I’m used to it; you don’t need to fight my battles for me,” I say honestly.

Kai shakes his head about to say something again, but I put my finger to his lips stopping him. Turning to Viktor who is still scowling at me, I smile sweetly.

“You’ve had your say now Viktor, so listen and listen well. I could not give a fuck what you think of me or my Papa. You are probably right about everything you think. This feud you have with my family is not my problem though. If you don’t trust me? Fine. Hate me all you want, but don’t lose your son over it. Wind your neck in, grin and bear it. You’re a big boy. We can play nicely, or I can just stab you in the throat now. Take your pick!” I reply sarcastically.

“How dare you speak to me like that you two-bit whore!” Viktor rages.

“Oh. Shit,” Dimitri moans.

“She’s a dancer Papa, not a whore for Christ sakes. Why are you judging the daughter for the Papa’s sins?” Isadora states calmly.

“Because the apple never falls far from the tree Ida, the sooner this is all over the better. Then Kai will come to his senses and kill the bitch and we can find him someone far more suitable for his stature,” Viktor replies.

“Shut the fuck up Papa! I will not be divorcing Valentina; she will be my wife. She is nothing like that bastard Mikhail and I will not have you keep on insulting her. If you don’t like it, I suggest you don’t turn up tomorrow. Now, if you will excuse us, we will be leaving now.” Kai says and stands.

“Kai there is no need…” Viktor starts to say.

“There is every fucking need!” Kai roars.

“Kai it’s oka…” I try to calm things.

“It’s not okay Valentina, men have treated you like shit all your life. I’m not going to stand by and watch it. You are mine so get used to it, you don’t deserve any of the treatment you have suffered,” Kai growls at me.

I’m gobsmacked. I literally just stare at him, wondering what the hell is going on. He’s right- men have treated me like shit, a commodity to use. I thought Kai wasn’t any different, but maybe I was wrong after all.

“Come on, we’re leaving.” Kai pulls me up by my hand from my chair.

“Fuck this shit. Papa, if you don’t sort yourself out tonight and turn up at this wedding tomorrow? I’m moving to Birmingham too; Kai is right. I can’t stand by and let you do this. Kai, I’m coming with you,” Isadora states.

“Me too. Papa, you need to think long and hard about this. Put your own family before some bitter old grudge one of your ancestors had. I’m not saying to make friends with Mikhail, God no, but clearly you can see his daughter is nothing like him,” Dimitri adds.

Viktor sits there with a shocked look on his face, then quickly hides it with a blank look. He watches as all his children get ready to leave and I want to scream.

“I’ll phone you later to let you know what I’m doing Kai. I need to think and let off some steam. Have a good night,” Viktor finally says.

“Fine. Goodbye Papa,” Kai replies.

We all leave the room and bump into Jasmin on the way down the corridor. She looks at us worriedly and I feel so sorry for her, as I can tell she cares about this family.

“Where are you going guys?” Jasmin asks.

“We have to leave I’m afraid Jasmin, apologise to your Papa for us but something urgent has just come up. See if my Papa still wants to eat and just bill the usual card for the entire meal. I’m sorry Jasmin.” Kai replies.

“Oh, I hope everything is alright? I’ll sort your Papa out, don’t worry about the bill. Please let me know if everything is okay later?” Jasmin pleads.

“I will honey, thanks,” Kai replies.

Kai kisses her on the cheek and I wave goodbye as we leave, with Isadora and Dimitri following. We all pile into the car and head over to Empire; I have to say I’m glad we left because I couldn’t have eaten a thing. I feel sorry for Kai though. Why couldn’t his pig-headed Papa keep his mouth shut?

We get to Empire and I’m in awe, I haven’t been to many clubs as I wasn’t allowed out at Papa’s. When I ran away with Luka we had to keep low key, so I didn’t go to clubs, I went to a few bars with the girls but not very often.

Empire is a huge Victorian building, with stained glass windows and the most spectacular arched double doorway. Over the top of the doorway is the only place where the club’s name is, carved decoratively into the stone above it. When we get out of the car, I’m shocked as I can’t hear any music at all. At a glance you would never know a nightclub was here. That is, except for the line of beautiful people winding down the street.

Dimitri and Isadora step in front of us and Misha and Luka follow behind, with Kai’s men surrounding us. When we get to the entrance, the door staff part and two of them open the doors to escort us in. That’s when the music hits me like a ton of bricks. Loud, pulsating sultry bass, a balm to a dancer’s soul.
