Page 74 of The Siren's Call

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“I’ll be a good girl Kai, I promise.” She replies sweetly back to me.

“Now why do I not believe a word you just said, you little brat?” I question.

“Because you know me so well Kai. I’ll try, Kai that’s all I can say,” she replies honestly.

“I have a pre-wedding gift for you later Valentina, how you receive this gift is entirely up to you. You can be a good girl and receive it with pleasure or you can be a brat and receive it with pain. The choice is yours, my Little Vixen.” I state.

She looks at me with wide, lust-filled eyes and I know I’ve enticed her enough to try and be a good girl. Before I get a chance to say anything else though, the doors open and her friends are escorted in. She spots them and dives up from her seat, running over to them and hugging Sam and Rose with all her might.

I look over to Lev, who is staring at Sam like the lovesick puppy he is for only her. I can’t understand what has happened between them but, from what he has told me, she’s not interested anymore. There must be something else though as, whenever I look at her, she’s always watching him with a forlorn look on her face. I’ll have to get Valentina on the case to find out why she is really holding back from him.

I stand and signal to my siblings that it’s time to leave. They get up and we all walk over to the girls.

“Good evening, ladies, please excuse us for a while as we have a meeting to attend with the staff. Have fun and we won’t be long.”

“Hi Kai,” Rose replies.

“Hello Kai,” Sam says.

“Ladies.” I respond.

I grab Valentina and kiss her forehead; she sighs quietly then I release her.

“Behave Vixen,” I demand.

She smiles up at me, then wanders off to her friends who are sitting where we were before. I walk out of the room and head up to the top floor of the building. I walk towards my office, which is currently being guarded by Pasha and my men.

“How’s the side my friend? I tried calling you to check but you didn’t answer.” I ask.

“Much better Boss, you know me… tough as old boots. I must have been sleeping the pain meds off, sorry,” Pasha replies.

“Never mind as long as it’s healing, is everything ready?” I ask.

“Da Boss,” he answers.

He nods in respect to which I return the gesture, then we walk into the office and through to the holding room or, as it’s more commonly known, the red room. The room was given its name because of the copious amount of blood that has been spilled here. I enter first, Dimitri and Ida follow, then Lev enters, closing the door behind us. The room is almost empty, with only a table in the far-right hand corner and a chair in the centre of the room.

Currently the man tied to the chair is Konstantin. He looks calm and watches everyone who enters the room. Lev walks over to the back wall and leans against it as he lights a cigarette up. Dimitri does the same on the right wall and Ida walks over to Konstantin. She runs her hand through his hair, as she walks around him until she arrives at his back. She then grabs a handful of his hair and tugs his head back viciously.

“What secrets have you got to tell me little pig? Don’t squeal them too quickly though, I prefer a challenge when breaking people down, as they try to hold out on me. You see, many prisoners don’t get to meet me as I’m a bit insane but as you’re such a special visitor, I’ve been given a day release to make you more comfortable. You may wish, in the end, that one of my brothers were dealing with you, but try and stay for the ride big boy,” Ida tells him with venom.

The thing is though, she’s not lying about anything she’s said to him. Like the rest of us, Ida has been trained in all methods of torture. Unlike Dimitri and I, she enjoys it far too much. So, she’s mostly been kept away from that side of the business. Tech became her new release. There is no point trying to get her to back down from this and let one of us do it, I value my life too much.

“Stop playing with him Ida and sort this shit out. I want to get back to my woman some time tonight,” I demand.

“See big boy, they want to spoil our fun already; I haven’t even started the foreplay yet. Looks like I’ll have to skip it tonight and fuck your arse raw, straight off the bat,” Ida coos to Konstantin.

She releases his hair and walks over to the table which holds every torture device she could need. As Ida peruses the table, I watch Konstantin in the chair. Since we walked in, I’ve been assessing his every move. It’s key to perfect torture to know what makes your captive tick, what affects them and any little tell they give away in their sessions.

I’d have liked a lot more time with Konstantin but, due to everything we have going on, I need this resolved so we know what tomorrow may bring. Now though, it’s the first time I’ve seen any form of worry in his face. He wasn’t expecting a woman and I can tell he’s unsure of how to deal with her. He sees me watching him and hides his emotions behind a blank mask.

Ida walks back over and kneels in front of him, holding up the cigar cutter to his right index finger. She slides it all the way down to the bottom of his finger, looks up at him and slices his finger off. He thrashes against his restraints, trying to hold back his scream. This doesn’t impress Ida though; she wants his screams.

She quickly moves on to his middle finger, before he knows what’s happening as he has his eyes tightly shut. She cuts off his middle finger and he does let out a scream to this one. On and on we go, until he has no fingers left. He’s still conscious though so she grabs his face, looking down at him.

“Have you got any secrets to tell me yet big boy?” she asks.

“Fuck you, you psychotic bitch. I’ll never give you anything,” he replies.
