Page 76 of The Siren's Call

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It’s too late now, the cat is out of the bag. They have a right to know and so does Valentina, but I want to wait to tell her. I need her to know I mean it; she needs to trust me first.

“I am a lost cause, Bret; I have fallen in love with Valentina. She is mine as much as I am hers,” I reply solemnly.

“Well, this is truly a celebration indeed, our big Bret is in love. So, it is important to spend tonight with your soon to be wife. Congratulations Bret,” Dimitri replies, coming over to slap me on the shoulder.

“Does Valentina know you love her?” Ida asks.

“No and I wish it to remain like that for now, I need her to trust me before she can truly believe that I’m telling the truth,” I reply.

“Very well Nikki, I never thought I would see the day you fell in love. I’m really happy for you.” Ida smiles, then comes over and hugs me like she used to when she was young.

“Thank you both but, as you can see, it’s no bed of roses. It may just be a fight to the death for us all, but I vow to you both that, when the time comes for you both, I will be the first by your side. Fighting with you so that you can keep your love,” I promise to them both.

“Always,” they both reply in unison.

“Okay, so let’s get back to the ladies, let’s make sure they haven’t gotten themselves into trouble,” I announce.

“I’ll hang back Nikki, I want to check over some surveillance and make sure the plans for tomorrow are watertight. Text me when you’re on your way out and I’ll join you then,” Ida replies.

“Are you sure Ida, we can stay and do some with you?” Dimitri replies.

“I’m not alone, I’ve got Pasha here to help. Besides, I want you to make sure Nikki enjoys himself. He needs to relax tonight, go and entertain the ladies’ guys.” Ida dismisses us.

“You’re so stubborn Ida, why don’t you wait until later and do it with the rest of us?” I reply.

“Because I will take all the women off you all and have them for myself if I come. You know you lot are no competition for me, they would be putty in my hands. I mean the dick is on short supply unless I want to give Misha’s cock another ride, or maybe sample Luka’s rideability,” Ida retorts.

“Fuck off! No woman can resist my dick, Ida.” Dimitri resorts.

“It’s not dick the women are after Dima, the things I don’t know about how to please a woman, or a man, are not worth knowing. Once a woman has sampled my tongue lapping at her clit, your cock will fade in comparison. Just face it; they love my sort of crazy,” Ida replies with a wink.

“Am I just invisible here?” Pasha questions as we chuckle.

“I think I’d break you Pasha, but if you’re offering, I may decide to test out the goods,” Ida says, smirking at Pasha.

“I think I might have to renege on my offer beautiful. You’ll probably rip my stitches open.” Pasha grimaces as we laugh at him.

“For fuck sake’s, can we just go and get this party started? I for one need a drink,” Lev groans.

“Ida, behave and let me know if you find anything out,” I demand, before leaving the room.

As we get to the room, the guards part and open the doors for us to enter. When we walk into the room, I can only describe it as a hen night on acid. It has changed considerably since we left. There are balloons, banners and giant inflatable cocks bouncing about the room. Bottles of champagne are lying about empty, cocktail glasses half full discarded on the tables.

The music pumps out of the speakers on full blast, the sultry sensual beats of a New Orleans version of ‘Seven Nation Army.’ Amongst all the chaos of the room, the ladies are nowhere in here and neither are Misha or Luka.

“Where are the ladies?” I ask the bar staff coldly.

“They are changing out the back Sir, they will be on the stage shortly. They said if you come back, that you should take a seat in front of the stage in the chairs provided.” The young bartender replies.

“For fuck sake’s, what the hell are they up to now?” I grate out, rubbing my hand down my face.

“Well, I’m game. Fuck yes, I could do with a show right about now,” Dimitri says as he wanders off and takes a seat on one of the chairs.

“Where the fuck are my men?” I ask.

“Out back guarding the dressing room Sir.” The same bartender replies.

I can’t for the life of me think about what’s going to happen now, I know Valentina she’s going to come out here half naked and dance her sexy little arse off all over the stage. It’s going to make me want to kill every mother fucker in the room.
