Page 78 of The Siren's Call

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“Yes Kai.” She purrs and shudders when I blow over the shell of her ear.

“What an erotic gift to bestow on your future husband, I could not have asked for a more precious gift from you. I have a pre-wedding gift for you too Valentina, but this gift will be given in private. You will be a good girl for me and behave yourself until I get you back to the hotel.” I groan now, licking the shell of her ear.

“Yes Kai.” She replies as she shudders against my body, rubbing that delectable little pussy over my erection.

The dam breaks; I need to get her on her own, I need to be inside her. Own her and devour her all at the same time. I stand and throw her back over my shoulder. I walk towards the door, shouting back.

“I’m taking my Little Vixen back to the hotel, get your ladies and hurry up about it.”

As I fling open the doors I call to Misha as he follows us. Dimitri and Lev both have Rose and Sam over their respective shoulders.

“Misha, go to my sister and make sure she is safe, let her know we’ve gone ahead to the hotel and to meet us there. Stay with her until she wishes to return,” I order.

“Da Boss,” he acknowledges, before walking off towards the stairs.

I march down the stairs with Dimitri and Lev following and my Guards surrounding us. The lower level is packed but people soon part when they see us marching towards them. They stand there, gobsmacked, as we carry our bounty out of the club and into the awaiting cars.

I can’t wait to get my Little Vixen home and place my pre-wedding gift around that delicious neck of hers. Even though she will be kneeling at my feet when I place it around her neck, what she doesn’t know yet is I’d happily kneel at her feet every day of my life if it meant she stayed with me.

Chapter 21


As we walk through the reception area in the hotel people look at us in shock, I mean it’s not every day you see three hot as fuck men carrying three half-naked women over their shoulders. I’m quite chilled this time as Kai is deliciously rubbing my arse cheek, but the opposite can be said for Sam and Rose.

Three continuous spanks on the bottom seems to quieten Sam down, apart from a whimper and then a moan when Lev soothes the abused flesh with his hand. Rose on the other hand is like a wild cat, hitting Dimitri with blow after blow on the back. The smile on his face though is telling me he is enjoying the fight Rose is giving.

Rose’s language is turning the air blue, and I can’t help laughing. Her Birmingham accent was hard to master in the beginning, as she has a dialect that misses out half of the letters in a word, but I’m cultured now. I have also picked up quite a few words for my own use.

“Put me down ya wanka, ya fuckin knob, why the fuck av ya chucked me over ya shoulder again. I can walk ya know, cocky bastard,” Rose screams.

Whack, whack, whack three hard slaps on her arse as we enter the lift. She screeches and nearly deafens us all in the process. We all get in the lift and start our journey up to the penthouse apartment of Kai’s.

“What the fuck ya doin, slap my arse again and I’ll knock ya the fuck out. Ya Tw..." Rose doesn’t get to finish her sentence.

Dimitri throws her off his shoulder, pinning her body up against the lift wall. He grabs her around the throat and callously chuckles in her face.

“I suggest you shut that fuckable little mouth of yours my dearest Rose, or I will have you on your knees with your mouth full of my cock in front of everybody in this lift. Do you understand me?” Dimitri warns, his tone laced with both menace and mirth.

“I’ll bite the fucka off!” Rose grates out.

“Umm, Bret? Do you have an open mouth gag I can use on my dearest Rose here, she seems to be a bit nippy?” Dimitri asks Kai.

“Well, Dima I don’t carry them around on my person, but I have one in the penthouse you can use,” Kai chuckles back at Dimitri.

“What the fuck is one of those?” Rose screeches.

“You will soon find out my sweet, if that fuckable mouth of yours keeps on spewing out those curse words of yours. Now you have one opportunity to back out, I will drop you off home and you can bath that sore bottom of yours. Or you can be a good girl and stay, be fucked raw by yours truly and I’ll drop you off later. Choose wisely my little Rose,” Dimitri coos.

The lift stops and we all step out into the foyer. Luka goes and checks the penthouse while we wait for Rose, who is still pinned to the lift wall, to answer.

“Last chance Rose, the lift will be going down any second now,” Dimitri warns.

Rose nods her head at Dimitri.

“Words, my dear Rose,” Dimitri chastises.

“I’ll come with you,” Rose mutters.
