Page 84 of The Siren's Call

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“You don’t need to worry about that Juliet, it’s a big girl’s ride that makes you feel poorly after you’ve been on it,” Sam answers.

I can’t hold it any longer; I burst out laughing and can’t stop. Luka and Misha walk into the room and stare at me in amusement. Sam comes over and clips me around the head, making me laugh more. Shit, I don’t think I’ve laughed so much in my life.

“You’re going to ruin your make-up Valentina! Get your arse in that bedroom and get that dress on. I’ll come and tighten the corset in a bit,” she says, shooing me off to the bedroom.

“What happened?” Misha asks Sam but, before she can reply, Juliet answers for her.

“Mama had another ride on a big cock, but she said it made her poorly,” Juliet answers, not taking her eyes off her colouring.

“For fuck sake’s I’m going to kill you, Valentina,” Sam shouts while Misha and Luka burst out laughing.

I end up snorting and running off to the bedroom in fits of laughter. I go to the bathroom to grab a tissue, trying to capture the tears from my laughter before they escape and ruin my make-up.

A short while later I’m in my dress and Sam has tied the corset without suffocating me. We stand there, looking at myself in the mirror and I can’t help the sadness that overwhelms me that it isn’t my Mama standing behind me. That both of us had this chance ripped away from us by my Papa.

Sam rubs my back and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

“You look absolutely gorgeous Valentina; Kai is a very lucky man. I’m so privileged to be a part of this day with you, thank you for letting Juliet and I be a part of your special day,” Sam says.

“You’re my new family now Sam, I’m just glad you are here with me because I’m nervous as hell,” I reply.

“Bollocks, there is nothing to be nervous about. You’ll knock them dead, now chin up and come and show Misha and Luka your dress. They are pacing a hole in the floor out there, waiting for you,” Sam chastises.

I laugh and pull my shoulders back; I walk out into the living room. Luka and Misha are pacing and then stop dead in their tracks when they see me enter. I do a twirl, not knowing what else to do.

“You look like the princess in my drawing.” Juliet cries out.

We all smile at her, and I take a deep breath as Misha walks over to me.

“You look so beautiful, Valentina; you make me so proud. He better look after you or he’ll have me to deal with,” Misha warns.

“I’m sure he will do, knowing I have my Bear protecting me if he doesn’t. I’m so glad to have you here with me today, Misha,” I reply, full of emotion.

“I wouldn’t be anywhere else Red. Are you happy?” Misha asks me, cupping my cheek with his big hand.

“I’m happy Bear, he makes me happy.” I answer truthfully.

“Good, I’m happy for you sweetheart you deserve it more than anyone,” Misha says, placing a kiss on my forehead.

“So do you Bear, you’ll find it one day,” I reply, kissing his cheek.

“It’s not meant for me Valentina; I’ll just be happy seeing you happy.” Misha replies walking away.

I’ll make it my aim to make sure that man finds happiness, he deserves it after the life he’s had so far. Luka comes over to me then, giving me a hug and kissing me on the cheek.

“Are you sure this is what you want, Valentina? I can get us out of here if you really don’t want this?” Luka asks.

“I’m good Luka, truly. It’s time for you to pass all this worry over to Kai and start finding your own happiness. Thank you for everything you have done for me, you will never know how much you mean to me Luka,” I whisper, giving him a kiss back on the cheek.

“There’s plenty of time for that Valentina, let me have some fun with a few first.” Luka winks at me and I laugh.

“That is absolutely true, you have some fun first. But if any of them break your heart, they will have me to deal with. Understand me?” I reply.

“Don’t you go scaring them away Lena, I do enough of that myself,” Luka winks cheekily at me.

“You know I love you and Bear like my big annoying brothers, don’t you?” I ask.

“I do honey, and I love you back. Just make sure that man of yours behaves, or he’ll have me and Misha to deal with, okay?” Luka replies.
