Page 85 of The Siren's Call

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“I will Luka, don’t you worry,” I reply, giving him a big hug.

Once I release him, he wanders off to find Misha. I walk over to the bar and pour myself a Bacardi and Coke. Bugger the champagne sitting there in an iced bucket, next to the huge bouquet of flowers Kai left for me this morning. I need my go-to drink to take the edge off.

Misha and Luka walk back in, talking as Misha’s phone rings. Answering it, he walks off again.

“I need the toilet, Mama,” Juliet whines.

“It’s okay Sam, I’ll take her,” I offer and walk over to Juliet, taking her hand to lead her off to the toilet. Before we leave Misha comes marching in, looking angry.

“What’s the matter Bear?” I ask.

“The men aren’t sure about some alarm going off downstairs, so I’m going to check it out. Luka you stay here with the girls, the guards are on the doors if you need them. I shouldn’t be long, so if you all get ready for when I’m back we can leave for the church,” Misha says, before he marches off out of the penthouse.

I get that feeling in the pit of my stomach again and I look at Luka with worry.

“It’ll be fine Lena, take Juliet to the toilet. Misha will be back soon,” he reassures me.

Sam starts wringing her hands worriedly and looking towards the door that Misha disappeared out of. I pull on Juliet’s little hand and lead her down the corridor to the toilet.

When we reach the toilet in Kai’s bedroom, I help Juliet with her dress as I position her over the toilet to have her wee. She finishes up and washes her hands. Just as we are about to leave the room, an explosion rocks the building. Juliet screams and I cuddle her to me to comfort her.

I hear gun fire outside the penthouse, and I start to worry. I look down at little Juliet who is trembling in my hold, and I know I have to keep her safe. I rush her into the closet and push my dresses to one side, placing her as far back as I can. I get on my knees, holding her tear-stricken face in my hands.

“Sweet one, please stop crying. I need you to listen to me, okay?” I plead with her.

“I’m scared,” she whimpers back to me, shaking.

“I know you are Juliet, but I need you to be a brave big girl for me, can you do that?” I ask hurriedly.

She nods and looks at me wide-eyed when more gun fire goes off.

“I need you to stay here for me okay. Do not come out until Bear comes in to find you okay. You know Bear, don’t you?” I ask.

“Yes, he’s like the giant in the fairy tales,” she replies, which melts my heart.

“Yes, he is. But Bear is a big friendly giant who will keep you safe, okay? So only come out when you see him, not anybody else. I’m going to help your Mama now, so stay hidden behind my dresses and don’t come out until Bear is here. Okay?” I plead.

“Okay, wait for Bear and don’t come out,” she agrees.

“That’s its baby, you’re being so brave. Remember no noise, you must keep quiet,” I remind her.

“Okay.” She sniffs.

I cover her with my dresses and make her a tiny hole she can peak out of. I back away, ensuring that nobody can make out she’s there and grab my knife belt with my throwing knives in. I grab my fighting knives and walk over to Kai’s drawer. Opening the top one, I find several Makarov’s in a compartment. I pick two out and load them with ammo cartridges, then select a few spares and place them in my knife belt.

I take one more look at Juliet and rush out of the walk-in wardrobe. I spot my mobile on the dressing table and stash it down my corset. Quietly, I pull the door open and start to sneak down the corridor. I get to the living room and look around to find Luka and Sam behind the bar, crouched down.

She gets up and starts to run to me as the doors blast open with another explosion. She’s about halfway across the room when a gun fires and Sam’s face laces with pain. She falls down face first and blood starts to seep on the floor under her. I want to rush over to her to stop the bleeding, but I have to hold myself back.

Luka returns fire and I hear a thud of what must be one of the attackers. He has to duck back down as several guns return fire. I peek around the corner and spot several men entering the room. I fire off a couple of rounds and hit two of my targets then duck back around the corner as I receive returning fire. Shit! How many of them are here?

Luka returns fire again and I look around the corner, managing to take out another two targets. We take cover again as more gunfire comes our way. Then I hear the tell-tale sounds of a grenade and I run back down the corridor, ducking into another room just as the grenade detonates.

I pull the mobile out of my corset and dial Kai, his phone goes to voicemail straight away. I try another time, desperate to talk to him, but the voicemail hits again. I decide to leave him a message as my time is ticking and I need to get back to Luka.

“Kai. I don’t have long baby, but I need you to know this. I need you to know I love you; I’ve not wanted to admit it to myself, let alone you. We are under attack and I’m not sure I’m going to make it, so I need to make sure you hear me say it to you. I always said we weren’t destined for a happy ever after, but know I will try everything I can to get back to you. If I don’t make it just know I love you, even in death. Sam has been shot, she’s lying face down bleeding and not moving. Luka is trying to fight them off, but there are too many Kai. Juliet is in the walk-in hiding under my dresses. If Misha doesn’t manage to rescue her…” I pause when I hear what sounds like a door being kicked open in my vicinity and they are too close to Juliet for my liking.

“I have to go now Nikolai. If I don’t see you again, know I’m safe with my Mama and love you so much.” I end the call and throw the phone away.
