Page 87 of The Siren's Call

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“Stop please, they are going to kill you and I can’t have that Bear. Let me go with them and please don’t fight anymore. Please find my surprise in the dresses in Kai’s walk-in wardrobe, and look after yourself and Kai, Bret,” I beg, as Pasha and Nikon drag me towards the door.

“No Red, don’t do this. I don’t care what happens to me.” He roars.

“It’s for the best Bret,” I say, as I’m dragged away.

The last time I see Bear, he’s roaring “Nooo!!” as he fights with at least ten of my papa’s men trying to get to me.

As I’m distracted looking at a raging Bear, I feel a sharp prick in the side of my neck.

“Time to sleep, little traitor. Soon you will be reunited with your Papa and I, for one, cannot wait for this to be over,” Pasha whispers in my ear. “It’s a shame really, I was getting quite fond of you.”

I feel lightheaded and woozy. I try to shake my head and blink my eyes to fight the feeling, but fail.

Before I fall to the floor, I’m thrown over someone’s shoulder and the last thing I see is the stairs, while the rotors of an awaiting helicopter whir in the distance. All light begins to fade as the darkness takes me, and all I can think about is Kai. What a fairytale we would have made. Fairytales don’t exist in our world though; I learnt that when I was little. My King will have to find another Queen to reign by his side.

Chapter 23


I’m pacing by the church altar. I have this feeling in my bones, and I can’t seem to shift it. Dimitri is leaning against the wall with a cigarette, giving no shit’s that he shouldn’t be smoking in here. My Papa is sitting in the front row with a deadpan expression on his face, as Ida rambles on while typing away on her laptop.

The church is full of the guests that had to be invited today. Politicians, judges, the police chief; basically everyone on the payroll. Also, the family’s allied with us, such as the Polish, the Italian-Americans and the Spanish mob. I couldn’t give a fuck about any of them being here. The one person I’m waiting for is making me fucking sweat by being late.

I look at Ida again, her hands still on the keyboard. Her face goes pale and she gets up, rushing to the back waiting room. I look at Dimitri and Lev, signalling them to follow, and we all make our way after her. My Papa see’s the signal and gets up to follow us.

When we all arrive in the room, I find Ida sitting at the table, typing away furiously on her laptop. She starts swearing and typing faster.

“What the fuck’s going on Ida?” I shout, startling her slightly.

“It’s all gone down; everything has gone dark. I’m blind and can’t get back into any of our security systems. I’ve got alarms going off everywhere and I can’t track down what the hell is happening.” She rambles, still furiously typing away.

“Can you fucking explain properly? What the hell is going on?” I ask again.

“The security system has booted me out, I’m trying to get in the back door as we speak. I should be back up and running in a few minutes but until then. We are in the dark. I have no visuals on the hotel or the travel routes; the camera’s set up around the church have gone dark as well,” she replies.

“How the hell has this happened Ida? I thought you and Pasha went over all the security details last night. That’s what you assured us in the meeting this morning,” I demand.

“We did. Everything was in place. I went through all the security measures with Pasha with a fine-tooth comb. We spent hours putting the implements in place. What the fuck?” Ida screeches.

“What now?” I ask, pissed off to the back teeth of this shit.

“Some fucker has placed a Crypto Locker on my system. Do they think I’m a fucking novice? Wait until I trace you, you fuckers. You’ll wish you were never born. Just give me a few minutes and I’ll be back up and running,” Ida announces.

“Fuck this shit, I’m calling Misha.” I announce.

I dial Misha’s number and he picks up after five rings, very much to my dissatisfaction.

“Da Boss?” He asks.

“What the fuck took you so long to answer?” I rage down the phone.

“Sorry Boss, all hell’s kicking off here. We’ve got alarms going off everywhere and I can’t find Pasha. The men are trying to disable it as we speak, and I’ve sent guards to the entrances to check they are secure,” he reports.

“What the hell are you doing down there? I gave you strict instructions to stay with Valentina,” I roar.

I see Lev pull out his mobile and start ringing someone. He isn’t getting any joy either. I can see the panic in his eyes and he keeps redialling, desperate to get in contact.

“Pasha called me and insisted I come to investigate as Ida had instructed me to. I started a security check but when I got to the location he gave me, I couldn’t find him. I tried calling, but his phone has been switched off. Something’s not right Boss and now the lifts are down,” Misha reports.
