Page 88 of The Siren's Call

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“Get the fuck back upstairs now, I’m going to try and get in touch with Valentina.” I roar and end the call.

I dial Valentina’s mobile, but nobody answers; I ring at least ten times to no avail. Shoving my phone back into my jacket pocket, I walk over to look at Ida’s computer. It’s full of code and she has about twenty windows open all over the screen.

I turn to Lev and see him still trying to reach someone.

“No answer?” I ask.

“She always answers her phone, always Kai. Fuck, I knew I shouldn’t have left her there,” Lev rambles, while still redialing the number and expecting a different outcome.

“Valentina’s not answering either, have you tried Luka?” I ask.

“He’s not answering. Fuck, something’s seriously wrong,” Lev mutters.

“Fuck this I’m going back, stay here and I’ll let you know what’s going on,” I announce.

“I’m in, I’ve got the hotel back but nothing else. Shit. Oh fuck, get my bag I need the controls for my Idabots. The hotel is under siege and there’s a shit ton of them,” Ida shouts suddenly.

I look at all the screens, searching for the penthouse. The hotel is in chaos. I see my men, lying dead on various screens, and the stairwells are littered with more. How many fuckers are there, and how have they taken my men by surprise like this?

“I’ll get it,” says Dimitri, breaking my thoughts as he heads out into the church for Ida’s bag.

“It’s under the seat…the skull case.” Ida shouts, as Dimitri bolts out of the door.

“How have they managed to bypass all of the security measures Ida?” my Papa asks.

“I have no clue Papa. Even with my computer down all of them were still in place. Wait until I get my case, and I’ll send Bobee on the hunt; I left him there and brought Horny and Sting with me,” Ida declares, as she skips through the screens, trying to find the penthouse camera.

“Where’s the penthouse camera’s, why the fuck are they not there?” I ask, frustrated.

“It looks like they’ve been disabled, that’s why I’ve asked for my case so I can investigate with Bobee,” Ida says, distracted.

“Who is this ‘Boobie’ you keep talking about and what are these Idabots things? I haven’t a clue what you are talking about child,” Papa asks.

“My drones Papa, I’ve explained this to you several times. Obviously, you listen to nothing I say,” Ida groans.

Dimitri runs back in with the case and passes it to Ida, then gives me a look and signals me to talk. I walk over to him and we stand in the corner, so I can still see what Ida is doing. I don’t want to leave the room until she has any information.

“They are all getting restless out there Bret, do you want me to try and smooth things over?” Dimitri suggests.

“I think it would be best, under no circumstances does anybody leave until we have visuals on the outside of this building. The last thing I need is anymore shit hitting the fan.” He nods.

“There’s a shit ton of intruders Bret, they’ve killed most of my men. I’m going to need to pull resources from the ranks until I can recruit again,” I inform Dimitri.

“That goes without question Bret. I have an elite forces team just finished training as well.”


“Two squads and three teams of guards. I’ve been ramping up on recruitment since our last encounter with the Irish. Our numbers are level currently, so the new recruits can come here,” Dimitri answers.

Fuck he’s kept all this information quiet; I need to polish up on the family Empire. I’ve been so preoccupied with taking over Birmingham, I’d not had time to check on the motherland. After this mess is sorted, I need to take control and get everything back in line.

“Perfect Bret, go and sort the wedding guests. Under no circumstances are the families allowed to leave the church. I need to locate Valentina.” He nods, listening.

“Ida needs to get eyes on the outside of this building to make sure it’s safe before anyone can leave. The last fucking thing I need is all the families at war because someone dies at my wedding. What a fucking shit show!”

“Don’t worry Bret, I will sort everything. You just concentrate on finding your bride,” Dimitri promises, before he turns to leave.

“Who the fuck has any news for me?” I demand.
