Page 9 of The Siren's Call

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The staff immediately rush to approach the car but Lev steps out and they stop in their tracks, retreating back to the doors. When they have returned to a safe distance Lev opens my door. He puts out a hand to help me out but I ignore it, step out and stand to the side so he can close the door.

I look up at the Hotel which is at least thirty floors high with floor-to-ceiling windows. The building is luxurious and screams money. Expensive décor and, would you believe it, a fountain smack bang in the middle of the driveway.

Kai puts his hand on the small of my back and I turn to look at him. Is this what he does with all his women, brings them to a high-class hotel to impress them? Sorry honey that won’t work for me.

I’m surprised to see at least another three cars surrounding ours when I look back, with guards observing and alert. This looks a bit overkill for a burlesque club owner, but I don’t have much time to mull it over as Kai moves us toward the reception of the hotel.

All the staff in reception stare at us when we pass, or should I say they stare at Kai. Well, I don’t blame them really. If I worked here, I’d be drooling as he passed every day too.

We get to the lifts, but we don’t go to the ones for guests to use. We head to a lift on its own, labelled ‘Private’. Kai steps up to the pad located next to the lift and presses his palm to a scanner situated to the left. It opens immediately and we all enter.

There are only three buttons on the panel, which is weird as I counted at least thirty floors. There is LG I’m assuming for the lower ground floor, maybe it’s an underground parking garage, G for the ground floor which we’ve just come from and then P… Oh my god we’re going to the penthouse suite.

Kai slips his arm around my waist, pulling me into his side, his big palm hugging my hip and his thumb lazily rubbing up and down my waist. He reaches over to the panel and presses P, and we start the ascent up. Lev is standing in front of us, facing the doors.

When the lift comes to a gentle stop and the doors open, Lev steps out and nods to two other burly guards posted inside the penthouse. He stands aside as Kai steers me into the apartment. The guards then skirt around the side of the room and leave via the lift. I look over to Lev and find him disappearing down a hallway to the left.

The room must be at least the width of the full hotel at the front, with floor-to-ceiling windows. It’s astonishing. The space is decorated with a minimalistic feeling, but everything in here screams wealth. God, he must pay a bomb to stay here.

A massive dining table that must seat at least twenty sits in the middle of the room, with fresh-cut Calla Lilies in a crystal vase as the centrepiece of the table. Modern art is hanging on several internal walls and when I look over to the left-hand side, I have to hide a gasp as there is a huge sunken seating area. The seating looks like Italian leather, and it has several plush cushions and throws scattered along the three sides. Up on the wall, facing the seating area is a huge flat screen TV. It must be at least one hundred inches, if not more.

“Would you like a drink my Little Vixen?” Kai whispers in my ear, making me nearly jump out of my skin. I turn my face to respond but he’s still so close to me that our noses rub against each other as I look into his eyes. My heart thumps against my ribcage, trying to escape as I stare into those gorgeous ocean-blue eyes. They are mainly an intoxicating, piercing blue which seems to sparkle with mischief, and there were flecks of alluring emerald green which lure you to drown in this man’s depths.

“Baby?” Kai whispers, stroking my cheek with his palm as I stand hypnotised by his eyes, probably looking like every other woman he’s ever looked at. This thought shakes me out of his lure.

“Bacardi and Coke if you have it, please!”

He kisses my forehead and goes over to the bar I hadn’t seen in my quick scan of the room before. I walk over to look out of the windows, to try and focus myself and not look like a love-sick puppy.Bloody hell, what is this man doing to me?

The view is spectacular, with panoramic views out over the city. People are still mulling about in and out of establishments, going home or loitering on the streets. I look further out and can even see green fields, hills and unspoilt land, free from the taint of man. It’s as far from where I used to live as you could get and maybe that’s why it feels like home so much.

Kai comes to join me overlooking the city and hands me my drink. I accept it with a nod and go back to looking out at the view, taking a small sip of my drink. Just as I like it, double Bacardi with a splash of coke. Heaven.

“How do you like the view my Little Vixen?”

“It’s quite beautiful, Kai, but if you think this grand tour will get me into your bed and stroke your ego? You are very much mistaken!”

I take another sip of my drink but nearly choke when I hear Kai start laughing. I mean come on, this man is the epitome of a domineering arsehole, why does he also look so God damn gorgeous when he laughs as well? I bet he shits skittles too. Urgh!

“Annabelle my dear, I would never try to lull you into my bed, my beautiful Little Vixen. The only thing you will be stroking tonight is my cock, I have never needed to have my ego stroked. As I said to you earlier, I want you and only you to come to my bed, so I can treat you like the goddess you are. I want to be gentle with you at first, but I cannot promise that I will be able to hold back after that. I’m not a good man Annabelle, far from it, but I’m a monster in the bedroom. The choice is yours my Little Vixen, do you want to join me on the dark side?”

Kai knocks his vodka back in one and looks at me with a raised brow and a sinful promise in his eyes. Good Lord this man irritates the fuck out of me but that doesn’t stop me from wanting to climb him like a tree.

I think of what my virginity has been to me all this time; it’s been a commodity that vicious men thought they could barter for and sell. As though it belonged to them in the first place. It’s time to take back what is only mine to give away and what better way than to give it away willingly? I also know that at least Kai will make it enjoyable and then we can part ways and I can forget about one of the things that has been a burden.

“You know I’m a virgin Kai, why are you at all interested in me? You could have brought a multitude of women back here instead of me!”

I finish off my drink and Kai takes it off me, going to put both empty glasses back at the bar. He comes back to me and lifts my face to his, using his fingers under my chin. I look between his eyes trying to gauge what his response is going to be. My stupid heart is beating ten to the dozen, giving away how much his response really matters to me.

“Let’s just set one thing straight here and now before we go on my Little Vixen. I have never brought anyone back to my home, ever. It’s not something I do. I fuck and leave. Now you Annabelle may be a virgin and think that it’s a flaw, but I can assure you that it is nothing but a precious gift. As I’ve said I can’t promise I will be able to control myself, but I will try to be gentle at the beginning. You have demanded my full attention from the moment I first saw you, that’s never happened before. You are an enigma that I fully intend to consume and make you mine by the end of the night!”

Well fuck me, I don’t know what I was expecting Kai to say, but it certainly wasn’t that. My mind and body are at war as to what to make of his declaration. I will never belong to a man as long as I live. I won’t have what happened to Mama happen to me, I can’t.

My heart though is trying to beat through my chest and pour its innards over the floor at the declaration he has just made to me. It’s like my heart wants me to stop thinking for once and try just letting go.

Now, my pussy? That bloody hussy needs to calm herself down because she just wants to suffocate him by sitting on his face to stop him from talking. She wants action not words and now she’s acting like a dick-starved porno star.

Fuck this shit, it’s about time I lived my life for me and if Kai is my biggest mistake so be it. I’ll deal with whatever happens tomorrow. Come what may.
