Page 12 of Mistletoe Hearts

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“Jensen, you know I would do anything for you. But this is ridiculous. I'm abadliar. And Grandma Lucy will be able to tell. And I'm pretty sure they'll notice when you bring me home and I'm like 'Hey, my name is Alex.' They'll put two and two together that the person that you've been calling Alex all this time is somehow standing in as your girlfriend."

Okay, I hadn't really thought of that. But that could work. We could just pull theyes, we're best friends, but we also started datingruse. No biggie. That would totally work. "Relax. I doubt anyone will find it hard to believe that we started dating after being friends for so long."

Her tiny frown only deepened, and she opened her mouth, then closed it again.

Please don't say no. Please don't say no. Please do not say no.

She chewed her bottom lip. "Jensen, this is such a bad idea on so many fronts."

She didn't want to do it. Not that I blamed her. She understood the issues with my family.

"Look, it's fine." I pushed off from the refrigerator and went to her, laying my head on her shoulder. When in doubt, use charm.Lotsof charm. I'd gotten used to generally talking my way into or out of any situation. All I had to do was find the precise button to push. Figure out the right person to be. I was brilliant at figuring out what people needed and being able to be that person for them.

What does that mean for you? Who do you want to be?

Well, the person I wanted to be and the person I was were two different types of people. The man that I really was, no one loved back. No one except Grandma Lucy. And right now, I would do anything to make her happy and keep her healthy. And if that meant begging, then I would gladly get on my knees.

I lifted my head. Alex was scant inches away from me.

My first thought was,God, I wonder if she tastes the same.

The next thought was also not helpful.Her lips look as soft as I remember.

And then the next one was far less helpful and way naughtier. And that one wasn't so much of a thought as it was a visual of what we might get up to between her lips and mine. I shook my head. Damn it. I'd been doing so well, managing to go whole days without a sexual thought about Alex. Because as much as I loved her, if I ever acted on even one of those notions, that would end everything. "Tell me what you need, Alex, and I'll make it happen. Right now I'm pleading with you. As my best friend, I need your help."

* * *


The man was good,but Icouldn'tdo what he wanted. I couldn't just give in. Because then he'd know. For the most part, I hid it well. That ridiculous sliver of hope I carried around that one day, the sexy Jensen Morrison would look at me like he did the string of women he brought around. Heneverlooked at me like that. He looked at me like I was family. Which was nice. And important. But that deep, dark, hidden part of me wanted so much more. If I pretended to do this, then I was going to expose myself. He was going to see.

"Look, I think this is a bad idea, and I've got the gallery opening on New Year's Eve. I can't drop everything and just go to Catalina for a few days."

"I know, and I will do everything possible to help you prepare. You tell me what you need, and I'll give you hotel resources. I will make it happen so you can do this. I will clear any schedules, get a helicopter to fly you back to San Diego for meetings, whatever you need."

I shook my head. The man was exasperating. And sexy. And sweet. His dark brown eyes, the color of melted chocolate, implored me. And I wanted to give him anything. I wanted to give himeverything.

No. I am not giving him everything. This is a way to get my heart broken.

Yes, yes it was. And I was not going to be one of the many who had their heart broken by Jensen Morrison. Of all the women in his life, I stuck around because we hadn't gone there with each other. We were friends.Justfriends. "Okay look, I know you need help. What about Sheila, your PR person? She's smart, fun, and she'd totally get it. She is all about the image. Me, I constantly have paint under my fingernails, and generally somewhere else on my body that I don't even notice until you tell me."

"Sheila? Have you forgotten that she is a lesbian?"

Good point. But she might still be willing to help out her boss. Although, that wasn't ideal. Because then Sheila would really be lying. Plus, the two of them would have no chemistry and it would show.

“Okay, so no Sheila. What about Madison? Madison likes you a lot."

Jensen scoffed. "Madison? Are you insane? It took me months to get her to stop calling me three times a day every day. Bunny boilers need not apply."

Despite myself, I laughed. "You are so wrong. Just because she made it known that she was totally into you did not make her a bunny boiler."

"It makes her clingy. And I don't need to confuse matters. You're the perfect choice. No waters to muddy. You know me better than anyone. You could help me navigate the waters of the family. I need you. Not Sheila, or Madison, or some other hired hand. I need my best friend."

"Jensen, this is a bad idea."

"It's only for a few days. Just for the holidays. I'll make sure you get to LA to do everything that you need to do for the gallery opening. And I'll give you all the support you need. I just need three or four days in Catalina. And technically you'll be no farther away from LA than you are now, so it'll be fine. Please Alex, I need you."

And because I was a fool who cared too much about him, I sighed. "Okay, fine, I'll do it."
