Page 15 of Mistletoe Hearts

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I cleared my throat. "That one. That one definitely has to come to Catalina.”

Alex tortured me some more by twirling in the outfit. "Are you sure? It doesn't exactly say Christmas."

"It's red. Red equals Christmas." I tried to convince her.

“But you don't think it's too…"


She nodded.

My dick agreed.

"It's perfect. You're getting the dress, so deal with it.”

Alex wrinkled her nose. "When did you get this bossy? I have my own dresses.”

"Oh, please. When we get back to your place, show me one dress that does not have paint on it.”

She opened her mouth to argue but then quickly snapped it shut again. She narrowed her gaze at me, and her lips were twitching.

I paid for the red dress, but she insisted on paying half for the simple green one. I didn't want to let her do it, but I knew how important it was to her to pull her weight.

On the sidewalk, I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. She turned her face up at me, her gaze warm and light and happy. And holy hell, I really wanted to— What in the world was wrong with me?

“Well, if it isn't the Siamese twins. I see you didn't trade up after I left you, Alex.”

I held back a groan as Alex and I turned. Her ex stood on the sidewalk glaring at us. "Brian, still a prick, I see." I had to fight the overwhelming urge to hit the guy. He'd hurt Alex bad and didn't deserve to walk the earth.

Alex was unusually taciturn. She was usually quick with the comebacks. When it came to this guy, it's like she had nothing. I still had no idea how Alex had ever dated him. He was just like her long-ago ex, Mark. Matter of fact, so many of them were like Mark.

But Brian was a special brand of turd who only ever thought about himself, and to make matters worse, he didn’t pull his weight with the bills. And Brian was one of those artists who’d thought his talent was on the same level as hers. He eventually gave up and became an art dealer. He didn't deserve her.

And you do?

Brian's smirk morphed into a sneer. "Alex, if you finally dump this loser, you could have a real chance. I might still consider taking you back. You have to get rid of him first though."

That did it. "Listen, you little prick."

She put a hand on my chest and nuzzled close. "Jensen, sweetheart, calling him a prick is an insult to all pricks.”

I bit back my chuckle.

Brian didn't seem amused. "You know I was the best thing that ever happened to you, Alex. If you’d just paid a little more attention to me and hadn't been so selfish—"

And that was the fundamental problem with Brian. He believed everything he needed had to come first.

I tightened my arm around Alex's shoulders and pulled her close before kissing her forehead. “Brian, I just want to say that you guys breaking up was the best thing to ever happen to Alex. Me too. Because she realized what a loser you are, and she's mine now."

Brian's brows shot up as Alex snuggled into my side. And when she tipped her megawatt smile at me, I couldn't help myself. I told myself it was practice for what we would have to do in a few days. The truth was that the membrane between us that was a separation between friendship and something more was getting thinner and thinner these days. I dipped my head and slid my lips over hers.

With a surprised gasp, Alex parted her lips, and all thought ceased on my end.

All thought. All breath. All basic bodily functions ceased. All that mattered to me in that moment was the feel of Alex's soft lips and the slide of her tongue over mine. A deep shudder racked my body in that instant.

Alex wrapped her arms around my waist, and every nerve cell in my body shouted,yes.I knew we had an audience, so I had to make it good, right?

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.
