Page 2 of Mistletoe Hearts

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But still, I couldn't force my body to move, to take action. Then someone next to me did move.


For all her insistence that I was overreacting, for all her reminders that perhaps I was insane, she was the one who went straight up to him, shouting, "You lying asshole. Fuck you."

Mark's eyes went wide. He stared at Sasha then held up his hands. "Sasha, babe, I'm sorry. It's not what it looks like."

My head cocked, and my mind tried to parse the words that he was saying.

Sasha, baby?

And why was he apologizing toher? Why wassheso angry?

And then it happened. The bile rushed up in my throat. I clamped a hand over my mouth and squeezed my eyes shut as if I could block it out and pretend it hadn't happened. Pretend I didn't know what my roommate and my boyfriend had been doing. And my boyfriend's additional girlfriend, or whoever she was.

When Sasha whipped around and turned back toward me, our gazes met and her mouth hung open as if she had momentarily forgotten that I could see and hear her as she berated my boyfriend for cheating onherwith someone else.

I don't know what came over me. Honestly, if I was questioned later about what was going on, I would have said that I was possessed. I reached my hand back and then let loose, but instead of the satisfying stinging of my palm, my arm didn't move. I tried again, but it still didn't move. So I turned to glower at it, only to find that my wrist was encased in a strong, tanned hand. I followed the arm up and gasped at the most beautiful man I had ever seen on campus. Dark curly hair. Whiskey colored eyes. A jaw sculpted by the gods. And the kind of lips that belonged on Angelina Jolie. Why the hell were they so full? Not to mention he had lashes thicker than mine, and my lashes were long as hell.

"What the hell are you doing?" I muttered when my brain cells came back online and my mouth could work again.

"I think a little payback is probably better revenge."

I frowned. Sasha had stopped her ranting, and Mark froze when he saw what was happening. All he said was, "Fuck, Alex."

And then the gorgeous stranger who was still holding my wrist turned me around. "Now, when I do this, don't slap me, okay?" And then he leaned in, pulling me toward him. My body was suddenly encased in nothing but heat as he wrapped his arms around me.

He turned so he blocked their view. "I'm not actually going to kiss you, I'm just going to kiss your neck so it will look like we're kissing. That way they'll both think that you were here to break up with him."

I gasped. "What?"

"You know, becausewe'renot assholes. You came to break up with Mark before carrying on a torrid affair with me. Because you and I are in love. Don't you see?"

The mischief in his eyes and the twitch of his mouth told me what he was doing. A perfect goddamn stranger thawed the ice that had threatened to encase me and turn me into a statue that was unable to think, or breathe, or ever love and care about anyone again.

"I don't know if that's going to work."

He lifted his brow. "Oh, right. We should probably do the whole thing. Make sure everybody knows."

All I could manage was a nod because… holy hell. What was he doing? What was I saying?

Somewhere deep down, I knew I was tangled in pain and betrayal, but I didn't care. And that was when the tall, gorgeous stranger turned me back around in full view of Mark and Sasha then slid his lips over mine.

* * *



The moment my lips touched hers, I felt like I'd been hooked up to a live wire. Holy cow. How was I ever going to stop?

When I saw what was happening from across the bar, my intention was just to fuck with Mark. He was an asshole, and I had a bit of a personal gripe with him. He'd wormed his way into an internship I'd been working for. So sticking it to him… Well, that was part of it. But also, what he’d done to this girl was a dickish move.

I didn't know the girl. I knew her friend though, Sasha. She was an okay enough girl, but she was the kind who was always chasing after some dude. I didn't know the girl in the booth with Mark, but hell, this was just a soup of epic shittiness.

I figured maybe I'd play the Good Samaritan gig for the day. But fuck me, kissing her was… Not that I believed in kismet, but the way this girl kissed… geeze.

She nearly made me a believer.
