Page 20 of Mistletoe Hearts

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Jensen breathed deep and rolled over, slinging an arm across my waist.Oh, God.I could smell the faint hint of his shower gel from the night before.

Okay, no more torturing myself, out of bed. I was going to be productive today. At the very least, I could hop the ferry to Los Angeles and check on the gallery opening and the delivery of my pieces. Yes, I’d be nice and focused. That was so much better than ogling Jensen.

I hated leaving him alone with his family, but a little space would do me some good. The last thing I wanted was for this little adventure to put a stressor on the relationship.

I slid out from under his arm and was in the bathroom in seconds. I snatched up my shower cap out of my toiletry bag and carefully tucked my straight hair underneath it. In and out of the shower in five minutes, and I was dressed even faster. And when I tiptoed out of the bedroom, Jensen was still sleeping.

Skipping down the stairs, I figured I'd grab something quick in the kitchen and hit the first ferry at 9:00. But I skidded to a stop when I found Grandma Lucy in the kitchen puttering around.

"Good morning. Do you need help getting anything? I can help you."

Grandma Lucy turned around and put her hand on her hip, cocking it slightly. "Honey, this is my kitchen. Nothing you could help me find that I didn't put there myself."

"Oh, I know, ma'am, I just thought I'd get something for you so that you don't overexert yourself."

The old lady grinned at me. "Ma'am? A long time since anyone called me that. Just call me Grandma Lucy."

I nodded. "Okay. Can I help you get anything before I head out?"

Lucy frowned at me. "Where are you going?"

"Oh, I was going to head into LA today and check on the gallery pieces. They were supposed to be delivered today, and I'd like to be there to check things out. Make sure everything's okay."

Grandma Lucy suddenly held onto the counter and wobbled slightly. I was on her in a flash, scooting a stool underneath her. "You have to sit down. I'll get Jensen then call your doctor."

"Oh stop it. I don't need a doctor. I was hoping you could help me in the kitchen this morning."

I wavered. "Oh, Grandma Lucy, you should probably be warned, I’ve ruined more of your recipes than I should confess. Even with precise directions, I managed to screw them up."

Grandma Lucy laughed. "Yes, I know, Jensen does tell me all the stories about you. The time you tried to make him a stew."

I flushed. "It was not my fault. I swear the oven hates me."

"Well, we'll just fix that today." Her smile was filled with warmth. I knew in that moment there was no way that anyone couldn't love this woman.

I opened my mouth to tell her that I had to get to the city. But Grandma Lucy just clucked around the kitchen handing me things, asking me to open things, telling me that she was going to show me how to make bread from scratch.

I needed to get out of there.

But do you really? Cassie's got it.

And I was here for Jensen. He wanted his grandmother relaxing. And until he could take care of her himself, it was Alex to the rescue. Besides, I could help out for an hour.

But as Grandma Lucy told me stories about Jensen growing up and asked me questions about myself and my childhood and what my dreams were, I realized that there was no way I was going to LA today. And part of me didn't even mind.

* * *


I wokeup alone and cold. I was never cold. But when I reached for Alex in the morning, her side of the bed was cool, like she'd been out of bed for a while.Probably running from me.

I flopped back on the pillows and groaned. I expected to be up all night, staring at the wall, kind of like she'd stared at the ceiling. But the moment the light was out and I heard her sigh deeply and exhale, I did the same and was out like a light. My brain offered up glimpses of memory and snippets of the bliss of soft, warm skin pressed into my side within fifteen minutes.

Just like every other time we'd crashed together, Alex was like coming home. And even though I'd slept later than I would've liked, I felt so refreshed and revived. It was 8:30.Wow, when was the last time I'd slept in that late? I was showered and out the door within minutes, and I could hear Alex in the kitchen laughing with Grandma Lucy. Just the sound of the two of them giggling like schoolgirls in the kitchen made the warmth in my chest spread out like a ball of fire, simultaneously filling me with joy and calm. Like this was the way it should be.

Easy there, boy. Don't go getting all excited. This is just pretend.

The smell of baking bread made my stomach react, and I walked into the kitchen with a smile. "I see you two are happy."
