Page 3 of Mistletoe Hearts

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I could see why some people would risk it all for this. Which made her dangerous.

I thought it would be simple. I’d give her a kiss and step back, easy. Just enough for Mark to see and get jealous. But when she sighed and her body molded against mine, I fucking forgot what I was supposed to be doing.

Instead, I slipped my hands around her body, cupping the back of her neck and pinning her in place, angling her head just right so I could deepen the kiss.

Molten lava started to course through my veins, and everything around us started to melt away, piece by piece. The music faded first, then the talking, then the people. And it was just me, and this girl, and this kiss.

When she wrapped her arms around my neck, bringing herself even closer while using her teeth to scrape my bottom lip just a little… No lie, the way the sharp bolt of electricity snapped along my spine, I thought I might come. No fucking joke.

But in that second, I wanted more. I wanted to keep her.

Except you are a fuckboy and don’t fucking do relationships.

Ever. I knew how they ended. Bitterly. So it was better to have fun. And this girl… God, this girl was the kind of girl you kept.

I tried to pull back. I swear to God, I did. I just needed a little more. Just one more taste.

In the end, it wasn't me who pulled back. Or even her. Instead, someone was dragging me away.

I was still groggy and lust-drunk when Mark yanked me. "Jensen, what the fuck? I thought we were friends."

Had I been more aware, I could have blocked the punch. But all my blood had run south. My brain cells were in dire need of a reboot, and the hit across my jaw did the trick. My head snapped to the side, but I didn't move much. The pain woke everything up, and I glowered at him. "Oh, really? You're the one who's cheating on what looks like two or three people, and I'm the asshole?" I didn't know the girl, so I couldn't use her name. Instead, I tucked her under my arms. "You see, she didn't want us to be together until she told you that she wanted to break up. I waited impatiently to kiss her because she's amazing."

I hoped she'd play along. And when she wound her arms around my waist and tucked into me, God, there was a sliver of me that wished it was real.

Mark's gaze drifted to her. "Alex, is this fucking true?"

"Unlike you, I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't cheat on you with two people, one of whom was my fucking friend."

Sasha had the grace to look chagrinned at that.

"I just started to have feelings for someone else,” she continued, “so I came to find you and talk to you so we didn't need to go home on fucking holiday in this weird spot. Only I found out there was no need for me to have been the good one. I could have been having fun all this time. And p.s.," she turned to look at me. "Babe, that kiss was well worth waiting for."

I grinned at her, nodded my head at Mark, and turned her fully around before whispering, "By the way, my name is Jensen."

"I'm Alex."

"Nice to meet you. Now let's get out of here before I do something to Mark's face that I'll probably be arrested for."

"By the way, thank you."

"What's a Good Samaritan for?"

As we left, I turned my gaze over my shoulder and grinned at Mark, who was still scowling at me while Sasha tugged on his arm and the other girl stared at him as if asking, 'What the fuck?'

Yeah, asshole. You're getting everything you deserve.



What in theworld had just happened?

I glanced over at the gorgeous guy who had walked me out of the bar like he had every intention of taking me home. My body purred at that idea, but I didn't know him.

He led me toward a bright yellow Camaro in the parking lot, tugging me against him.

"Um, oh, while uh, that was… interesting, um, I just—"
