Page 5 of Mistletoe Hearts

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I shrugged. "That's nice of you to say."

"Oh, I don't say things I don't mean."

"Right. You kissed me like maybe you do say lots of things you don't mean."

He lifted a brow and crossed his arms. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Like, maybe your ex is right, and you are a fuckboy?"

He flashed a grin then. "We can say that I've made mistakes in the past. I never lied though. I don't believe in it. I had parents who hated each other, and my whole family lies all the time. It's terrible, actually, so I tell the truth. It's just that people don't like it when you do that."

I smiled up at him, and I could see the sincerity in his eyes. He really was helping me out. It wasn’t his fault I gleaned some other meaning just because he'd kissed me.

I squared my shoulders. "Well, Jensen, is there a last name that goes with your first?"

"You know, I've never heard of a one-named Jensen before. Maybe that should be a thing."

"No, it's not a thing."

"It's Morrison."

"Well, thank you very much, Jensen Morrison. You saved my ass. And my ego, what little I have left of it."

"You should have lots of ego, beautiful girl. Your sixth sense told you there was something wrong. You're smart. You just need better roommates. And boyfriends."

"Yes, I do, don't I? I'll get right on that just as soon as I get home."

"So, what do you say, maybe we should go and get some food? Different bar though. Since I'm an unrepentant fuckboy, you deserve better than me as a partner. But I think I have a slot on the friend roster if you're interested."

"So what, you're a Good Samaritan who just happens to be looking for a friend?"

"Yeah, something tells me you're a little bit of a Christmas miracle, and I think my grandmother would love you."

"Your grandmother?"

"Yeah, long story but worth pointing out. She always tells me to find people who are unfailingly honest and really intuitive. You strike me as both. So what do you say, Alex? Let's go get some fries and you can tell me all about you and how you ended up with asshole Mark and how we're going to pay him back."

"I thought we already got him back."

"Oh no, this was just our opening gambit. We're going to ruin him forever. He should pay for hurting you. That's the way I believe friends roll. Ride or die."

I laughed up at him. "See, about that ride or die thing, like where are we going? And why do I have to die when we get there?"

"You know, it's a good question. Let's figure it out over some French fries. Where's your car? I'll follow you there."

"You know what, Jensen Morrison, I just might like you."



One year later…

The best part about being friends with Jensen Morrison was he was fun. Playful. Always had a smile. And while he was prone to general fuckboyishness, he was loyal. Hell, sometimes he'd even stay home from a date if I looked sad or preoccupied with something, and he would do anything to make me smile and bring me out of my funk.

The bad news about being best friends with Jensen was that sometimes it was easy to confuse the signals of someone actually caring for me just because they loved me as a person. At times I'd have to talk myself out of that chain of thought.

I liked him. Sure, he was cute, but it wasn't just that. He was a genuinely good guy, and he cared about me. And once he'd proclaimed us best friends, that was it. Instant loyalty. In so many ways, Jensen and I were alike, and he just got me. Which was why I forcibly shut down any pesky little feelings beyond friendship.
