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I’m being fanciful.She was projecting her bad mood onto a perfect stranger.

“And you are?”

The tone was polite enough, but there was a demand beneath it. This was a man used to getting what he wanted. She already had one of those in her life and didn’t need another. Especially not one who gave her the creeps.

“Sorry for the mix-up. Have a good day.” Reluctant to turn her back on him, she took several steps away.

“Ah, a woman of mystery.”

Rather than engage, she shook her head, turned, and kept going. Sweat beaded on her forehead. She wanted to break out in a run. Her heart was pounding a mile a minute—her fight-or-flight reflex kicking into high gear. Why was she so scared? The guy hadn’t done anything.

“I confess I was following you. I saw you at the Green Door the other night.”

Too close. She spun around to find him right behind her. The smug smile on his face made her palm itch to smack it off. “You were at the club?” She didn’t remember seeing him.

“Now I’ve scared you.” Rather than sound upset, his tone was almost…pleased. The bastard was enjoying himself.

She tilted her chin up and forced a laugh. “Why would you think that?” She eased one hand into her purse and wrapped her fingers around her phone. It vibrated, almost startling her into dropping it. She’d muted it earlier, not wanting to talk to anyone.

His lips firmed into a thin line. It gave his features a cruel edge, emphasizing his high cheekbones. Time to go. She’d taken a few steps away when he spoke again. “Don’t you want to know why I was following you?”

Of course she did. “Not particularly.”

His rough laugh was like fingernails on a chalkboard. “Liar.”

Enough was enough. “Look, buddy, there’s a cop about fifty feet behind you. Leave me alone or I’m calling him over.” Why was she suddenly a magnet for dangerous men?

This time, he didn’t follow. She was almost out of earshot when he called out, “Don’t you want to know about Devlin?”

She stumbled but kept going, resisting the urge to slam her hands over her ears. Figured this was somehow tied to Devlin. Her world had been upended since he’d saved her life. She might have been safer if the car had hit her.

Maybe the two of them worked together. Maybe this was how they got their kicks—picking out an ordinary woman and stalking and scaring her. Her reactions to the men couldn’t be more opposite. She was drawn to Devlin, despite his intensity and questionable actions. This guy might be smoother and better dressed, but she didn’t want him within ten feet of her.

“He’s not who he seems.” Pietro didn’t raise his voice, but it carried easily.

Don’t stop. Don’t stop.Her feet ignored her, refusing to go any farther.Don’t ask. Don’t ask.“What do you mean?” Damn it, she’d asked.

He sauntered up beside her and motioned to a bench. “Shall we sit?”

“I’m fine standing.”

Rather than be offended, he laughed. Leaving her there, he took a seat right in the center. Leaning back, he spread his arms wide, taking up as much space as possible. If she wanted to join him, she’d either have to perch on an end or risk touching him.

She stayed where she was. As tempting as it was to prod him for answers, she kept her mouth shut. Sometimes silence worked better than questions.

His foot tapped against the ground. His easy smile slid away.

It’s not real.His smile was camouflage to hide his real feelings. She had experience with predators like him. They were slick and polished and said all the right things. Beneath the gloss was nothing but rot.

Whatever he told her would likely be a lie. She briefly closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Even with the sunshine and heat, she was chilled to the bone. She wanted nothing more than a scalding hot shower and a huge mug of coffee.

Being alone in her apartment was looking better by the second.

Without a word, she walked away.

“Has he mentioned werewolves?”

This time, she kept going. He’d play this game for as long as it pleased him. In the end, he might not tell her anything of value. Not that she’d trust anything he said. Pietro Cardelli—she repeated his name. It might not be his real one, but it was something to tell the authorities if she saw him again. Her gut told her he was somehow tied to the wolf dog at her door last night.
