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Following her heart, she hooked her hand around the back of his neck and pulled him down until their lips were almost touching.

He said nothing, but his earlier warning rang in her ears.Be sure.

She touched her lips to his.

Chapter Thirteen

It made an odd kind of sense that dark magic was likely behind the arrival of three lone wolves on a single night so long ago. That would take a powerful mage, the likes of which the world had never seen before.

If a mage could accomplish that, it was as probable they were behind Zoe’s unique coloring and his attraction to her. Could a spell be manipulating her body and emotions, making her want him? Her acceptance of all he was made her a gift, a treasure to protect against all who sought to take her. Was that also part of some magic spell?

Devlin was used to trusting his instincts to guide him, but he was flying blind.Trust.The word echoed inside him. The voice was the one that had guided him since his first shift. However he and Zoe had come together, they were here now. Nothing else mattered. He trusted the white wolf. There was magic of a different sort in the creature. If this wasn’t meant to be, the beast would be trying to block him rather than encouraging their connection.

Her tongue stroked his bottom lip, shoving aside his concerns. She was a fever in his blood, one that would no longer be denied.

“Zoe.” Her name was quickly becoming a talisman. Her innocent vow that she wouldn’t leave him was worth more than the largest fortune. Money was easy enough to come by. Loyalty and trust were far more precious.

Her hand rested atop his tattoo. The marking pulsed, power funneling to the spot. The sensation was startling in its intensity. It was also new. He started to pull back, fearing it would somehow harm her. A sense of calm and certainty washed over him, his wolf reassuring him. Nothing inside him would hurt her.

“Oh.” She raised her hand and curled her fingers, as if grasping something. “That tickled. What was it?”

“What does it feel like?”

“A tingling sensation. Not a shock, but electric. It’s nice.” She placed her hand back on the spot. Her gentle smile of wonder broke the last of the restraints binding him.

Surging forward, he took her mouth, demanding a response. She made a noise of surprise, followed by one of pleasure. Her fingernails dug into his shoulders as she kissed him back, rising on her toes to meet him.

Heat crept up his spine and spread outward to every part of him. His dick was trying to punch through his jeans, his balls strangled by the heavy material. He wanted them gone but was afraid if he removed them he’d pounce.

Not happening.

Her pleasure came before his. With that goal in mind, he grabbed the front of her shirt and yanked. Buttons popped, material ripped. Before he could tear it from her body, he glimpsed dark smudges on her skin. They were obscene reminders of the attack.

“What? Why did you stop?” She shoved a lock of hair off her face.

He traced the edges of a large bruise on her shoulder. “You’re injured.”

“I’m a little rough around the edges. So what? It’s not the first time.”

“Who hurt you before?” He growled, his hackles rising. “Tell me.”

“It’s old news. I’m more concerned with the here and now.” She shrugged out of the remains of the shirt and tossed it aside.

It was impossible not to look. Her breasts weren’t overly large, but they were full and firm, tipped by dark pink nipples that demanded attention.

“We have to be careful with my arm.” His gaze went straight to the white gauze bandage on her left arm. “But believe me when I tell you I’ll be in more pain if we don’t do this than if we do.” She touched her hand to his face. “I trust you.”

The backs of his eyes stung. He blinked several times. Not trusting himself to speak past the lump in his throat, he gave a curt nod. He would not abuse the gift she was offering.

The gray and black wolves would think him a fool. A few days ago, he would have agreed. Lowering his guard was asking for trouble, but he couldn’t make himself walk away. He wasn’t totally lost to reason. If magic was involved, keeping an eye on Zoe was practical and the smart thing to do. The pleasure they found together was a bonus.

On some level, they were using each other. On another, there was no denying the heat, the bond between them.

Lifting her into his arms, he carried her to the bed. Kneeling beside her, he eased her leggings down. She lifted her ass to make it easier. Rather than remove her underwear right away, he traced his index finger over the soft material, down the slope of her belly and between her legs. It was already damp. The musky scent of her arousal rose to greet him.

Her breathing hitched and her thighs parted.

With infinite care, he slid his hands under the fabric and pulled it down and away. She was sheer perfection. The thatch of hair covering her mound was mostly black, but like her hair, it had a stripe of white right down the center.
