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“I’m not doing this again.” She was in as much of a rut with Brenda as she was with the rest of her life. It was time to stop putting up with this crap. If she wanted things to be different, she was the one who had to change.

“You okay, honey?” A gorgeous blonde in killer heels and designer jeans stepped up to the counter alongside her.

Damn, she’d been talking to herself. “I’m good.”

“You sure?” The unexpected kindness brought tears to her eyes. Zoe blinked them back.

“I’m sure. My friend is bailing on me for some guy she just met.” She clamped her lips shut. She usually didn’t share personal stuff, certainly not with a stranger.

Rather than run away or look at her like she was crazy for oversharing, the woman shook her head. “That sucks. Women need to stick together. You want to sit with me and my girls?”

Touched by the kind gesture, she smiled but shook her head. “Appreciate the offer, but I’m going to call it a night and head home.”

“You change your mind, we’re over by the bar.” The woman left, a sway in her step. Zoe admired her easy confidence.

“Time for Cinderella to go home.” Getting dressed up to come out was fun, but the low heels were starting to hurt her feet and her dress was sticking to her. Hot, sweaty, and more disappointed than angry, she squared her shoulders and headed for the door.

The small hairs on her arms rose as she stepped into the hallway.What the hell?The crowd was a few feet away, but it suddenly seemed like miles. The lighting was dim, but there was no one else here.

A shadow moved, and a man stepped into the light. Her eyes tracked up and up, landing on a familiar face.

“You.” It was her guardian angel.

It was her, the woman he’d saved earlier today. He hadn’t recognized her voice because she hadn’t spoken during their first encounter. What the hell was going on?

“Have you been following me?” Rather than scurry away to safety, she took a step toward him and drilled her index finger against his chest. He wanted to grab it, bring it to his mouth, and suck on it.

Shocked speechless by his reaction and her audacity, it took him a second to reply. “No.”

Her brows lowered and her lips flattened. Two little lines formed between her eyes. He wanted to rub them with his thumb and smooth them away.

What the fuck was wrong with him?

“No what?”

“No, I didn’t follow you. I came here looking for someone else.”

Her eyes widened. The light struck them just right. Like a lightning bolt, it hit him. They were the exact same color as his. The hint of blue he’d picked up earlier must have been a reflection from her top. There was no telltale glow to mark her as a wolf. Whoever she was, she was definitely human.

When she licked her lips, his dick stirred and he stifled a groan. His wolf quivered with excitement. It had been years since he’d wanted a woman, and he’d never wanted one this badly. He reached out and touched the white lock of hair. Smooth as silk, it glided over his fingers.

Rather than order him to stop or pull away, she leaned closer, as though caught in the same irresistible web of attraction as him.

Her plump bottom lip beckoned. He traced his thumb over it. She swallowed heavily before taking a step away. “Ah, I need to go. Thanks again for earlier today. You know, for saving my life.” Turning on her heel, she started to leave.

Reacting on instinct, he caught her upper arm to keep her from getting away. She stumbled backward. In a move reminiscent of this afternoon, she fell against him.

Rather than yell, she groaned. “We’ve got to stop meeting like this.”

A joke? She was making a joke? Had she not noticed that no one had entered the hallway since they’d been here? The deadly vibes he was giving off were keeping everyone else at bay. But this small human female wasn’t the least bit put off by him. It was both bewildering and intriguing.

Maybe he’d been celibate too long and this was his body’s way of signaling it was time to deal with the problem. Maybe if they fucked all night long, he’d rid himself of this ball-aching need.

Maybe it would make it worse.

Whoever this woman was, she was pure temptation, a dangerous distraction he didn’t need. If anything, he needed to keep his guard up until he discovered why he’d been drawn to her.
