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Her eyelids fluttered open. The white of her irises seemed almost iridescent. A trick of the light but beautiful nonetheless. Whatever the future held, this would change them forever.

Look at me.

Her body shivered from an orgasm that would’ve knocked her socks off—if she’d been wearing them. Their gazes caught and held. There was so much turmoil reflected in his eyes, so many unnamed emotions swirling in their depths. See him? There was no way not to. Even with her eyes closed, he filled her body, mind, and soul.

She’d had sex before. Those experiences had been pleasurable enough, but this was on a whole other level. This was shooting stars, fireworks, and marching band level. In one word—explosive. And life-altering. She wasn’t foolish enough to believe this was for forever, but being with Devlin would leave a mark, in more ways than one. Knowing that, she still wanted him.

She was trying to catch her breath when he pushed his way inside. It was instinct to tense, but she forced herself to relax. It wasn’t easy; he was a big man.

Sweat beaded on his brow, a muscle worked in his jaw. If he thought for one second this was painful, he’d stop. Basic biology said they’d fit together, but she was being stretched to the max. It was uncomfortable but stopped short of painful. After several seconds, that eased and it began to feel good as she became accustomed to having him inside her.

Panting heavily, he rested his palms flat on the bed, her legs hitched over his bent arms. Even now, he was conscious of her injuries. Whatever aches she had later, they were worth it.

Her palm itched from where she’d touched the marking on his chest. There’d been heat and a pressure, as if something had been trying to push inside. It should’ve freaked her out. Maybe she’d surpassed her “freak out” quota for the month. It had intrigued her. Made her want to “capture” whatever it was and hold it.

Her gaze was drawn to the sickle-shaped weapon etched on his chest. The lines were a smoky gray that should’ve appeared faded against his tanned skin. Instead, the image was as crisp and clear as if it was backlit. A symbol of who and what he was—the lone white wolf.

“You okay?” His chest expanded and contracted like a bellows. Inside her, his cock pulsed like a heartbeat. It was somewhat of a surprise to discover she was aroused again. After her intense orgasm, she’d assumed she’d enjoy this part, but it would be mostly for him.

“Mmm.” She tightened her inner muscles around him. “Very.” Was it possible for her to come twice? She hadn’t before.

His grin was quick and sexy as hell. He held up good for an old man. One hundred, not to mention immortal. Talk about a brain twist. “It’s about to get better.”

He flexed his hips, pulling out a short distance before driving in again. His erection stimulated every nerve ending. Her toes curled at the delicious sensation. His thrusts grew harder and faster. His lips peeled back in a snarl as he worked himself in and out. He angled his hips, hitting her clit in the perfect spot to have her shooting off like a rocket.

His roar drowned out her cries. Head thrown back, eyes closed, he let go. The thick cords of his neck stood out. Every muscle in his chest rippled. His release gave her an extra jolt. Grabbing onto his biceps, she held on and rode out the sensual storm.

It was too powerful, too much. But that was Devlin. This was who he was.

What have I done?the tiny part of her brain still functioning questioned. She’d made love with an immortal werewolf.

She felt too damn good to care. Right or wrong didn’t belong in this room. Whatever their backgrounds, whoever or whatever had brought them together, they fit. At least temporarily. Ignoring the squeezing of her heart, she focused on the now.

The sex had been sweaty and messy and perfect. Their bodies were still joined. Normally, she would’ve jumped up and gone to the bathroom to clean up, but she was enjoying the pleasurable hum vibrating in her body too much to care about such things.

His shaft twitched inside her. He was still hard. Rock hard. “Ah, you came, right?” She might have been wrapped up in her own orgasm, but it had been impossible to miss his.

A ghost of a smile appeared on his lips. “I’m not human, sweetheart. I can come two or three times before I need a break.”

Her nipples tightened to the point of pain. Damn, that could be fun. Not saying she’d like to do that every time. Hello? She was human and that would make her sore, no matter how ready she was for him. But occasionally? Oh yeah. Sign her up.

“I also swell at the base. It locks us together for a few minutes.” That said, he pulled out. Because he was still swollen, it wasn’t easy. Their moans mingled.

He collapsed onto the bed, his arm thrown over his face. Sprawled beside her, he was the epitome of a sated male.I did that.Pride had her chest puffing out. He lowered his arm. “What are you thinking?”

She shook her head. “Never you mind.”

He gave her a huge grin. “Now Ineedto know.”

Liquid trickled down her thigh. “Oh shit. We didn’t use a condom.” It hadn’t even occurred to her. “Please tell me you can’t get me pregnant.”

His grin faded. “Would that be so bad?”

“Are you out of your mind? Yes, it would be bad. I have people trying to kill me. Then there’s the whole you’re immortal and I’m human thing. What would that even mean for a child?” It was scary to contemplate. She wasn’t ready for motherhood.

And as much as she’d always wanted a happily ever after, she was realistic. If they survived—and that was a giant if—there was nothing to stop another wolf or mage from coming after her. As long as she was with Devlin, her life would be in danger. From what little he’d told her, their being together, the secrets he’d shared, put them in jeopardy from the other lone wolves. She had to be prepared to live on the run, always looking over her shoulder.
