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“Just past one.”

“I slept longer than I figured I would.” She shoved aside the cozy wool throw she’d pulled over herself and sat up.

“Here.” He joined her and handed her a glass of orange juice. She eagerly guzzled it down. “There’s not much here in the way of supplies, but I found frozen waffles and syrup.”

“Works for me.” She was too hungry to care. “Give me five minutes to get cleaned up.”

He took the empty glass back. “Feeling better?” He ran his free hand over the top of her head and down the curve of her shoulder. Her nipples sprang to attention. She hunched slightly, hoping he wouldn’t notice.

“I’m good. I won’t be long.” His hand dropped away. He looked like he might say more but gave a nod and returned to the kitchen.

True to her word, she hustled to the bedroom and rejoined him in just over five minutes. She’d scrubbed her face, brushed her hair and teeth, and tugged on fresh clothes. Laundry was soon going to be a real issue. There was never a convenient time for normal things when you were on the run for your life.

“Perfect timing.” Two waffles popped up in the toaster. He set them on a plate and handed it to her. He might be a wolf, an alpha male, but he didn’t expect her to do the cooking. He’d been the one to handle all the chores so far.

“What about you?” She set the plate on the table. Everything else, including coffee, butter, and maple syrup, was already there.

“I’ve got it.” Using a dishtowel as an oven mitt, he pulled a pan of toasted waffles out of the warming oven. He set it in the center of the table and forked six onto his plate.

“Have you slept at all?”

“I caught a couple of hours.”

“Oh.” It was somewhat of a letdown that he hadn’t woken her so they could have gone to bed.

“I slept in the chair.” He pointed to the recliner across from the sofa. “I didn’t want to disturb you.”

She shrugged and shoveled in a mouthful of waffle. “Next time, disturb me.”

His slow, sexy smile warmed her from head to toe. “Noted.”

When she finished the last bite, she set her fork down on the side of the plate. “When do we leave?” The idea of going back made her stomach churn. There’d already been two attempts on her life. How many could she realistically expect to survive?

“As soon as we clear away the dishes and get packed up.”

It was what she’d expected, but it seemed too soon. Everything was moving fast. “I’d hoped to do laundry.”

“If we need more, we’ll buy it. Or—”

“Don’t say it.” She pointed a finger at him. “I’m not staying here. I’m going with you.”

“Are you done eating?”

“What? No argument?” She’d expected at least a token fight.

“Would it do any good?”

“No.” Being here alone would be infinitely worse.

“While I might want to stash you somewhere safe, I’m not sure such a place exists. Wolves are predators. They won’t stop hunting. It’s dangerous for you to be with me. It’s more dangerous for you to be alone. With a mage in the mix, it’s worse.” His thoughts paralleled hers. He pushed away from the table and took his dishes to the kitchen. “We’re pulling out in twenty minutes.”

Other than the brief caress in the living room, he hadn’t touched her. He was all no-nonsense, Mr. Practical.

Grabbing her plate, she joined him. “Is anything wrong? Stupid question. I mean, is there anything wrong between us? You seem…distant.”

Hands braced on the counter, he lowered his head and sighed. “What do you want me to say?”

“Want? Nothing.”Liar, a voice in the back of her head whispered. She wanted reassurance. For him to hold her close and promise everything would be okay. That wasn’t fair. It was on her to take care of herself. “I’d like the truth. It’s like you’re two people. One is a hot lover, a man who seems to care. The other is cold and aloof, almost cruel.” She’d have missed the slightest flinch if she hadn’t been watching so closely.
