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Too bad he was the one guy she’d been attracted to in a long time. Back at the club, she’d been ready to throw herself into his arms. The brush of his lips against hers had set her on fire. She’d had a couple of lovers in the past, but that attraction paled in comparison.I shouldn’t have let him kiss me.That had been totally out of character, but she’d been unable to resist. There was something about him that drew her like iron to a magnet. And it barely qualified as a kiss. It had lasted a single second but every cell in her body had stood up and cheered. Obviously, she wasn’t as great a judge of character as she’d believed.

“Well?” She should be racing up the stairs and locking herself in her apartment, but for some unexplainable reason, she felt safe around him. He might be a stranger—God, she’d kissed a stranger—but he hadn’t done anything overtly threatening. Other than follow her home, which, okay, was suspicious. “What do you have to say for yourself?”

Massive shoulders moved up and down in a shrug. The tight T-shirt he wore clung to his chest, the short sleeves stretched by huge biceps. Seams tested their limits. Her hands itched to touch him. “Wanted to make sure you got home safely.”

She forced her attention away from his impressive physique and back to his face. She would not allow her insides to become warm and mushy. She wouldn’t. “Were you a boy scout as a kid? Guess not,” she said when all he did was continue to stare.

“It’s not safe for a woman alone this time of night.”

“Is that a threat?” It didn’t feel like one, but as tonight proved, she lost all common sense around this man. If only she could read his eyes. “Why are you wearing sunglasses at night? Is it a fashion statement?” A horrible thought occurred to her. “Or do you need them?” Maybe he had some kind of photosensitivity.

Shut up and go inside.She’d led him to her home. In hindsight, not the smartest move.

His jaw tightened fractionally. “It wasn’t my intention to scare you.”

“I’m not scared.” The denial was as automatic as breathing.Never let them see fearwas the mantra she’d lived by since childhood. Predators sensed it, and the world was full of them. “I’m cautious.” Not as much as she should be, but there was something about him that made her want to trust him. Or maybe that was nothing more than her unruly hormones talking.

He nodded and rubbed his jaw, his lips twitching. “I can see that.”

“Are you laughing at me?”

“We did meet when you were walking out in front of a car. Not exactly what I’d call cautious.”

He had a point—not that she’d admit it. Maybe he truly believed she needed a keeper. Or perhaps he thought saving her life earlier today gave him a stake in her well-being. “Extenuating circumstances.” She tilted her chin up. “I was momentarily distracted by a phone call.”

Was it wrong to be enjoying their banter, despite her irritation? It was the best time she’d had with a guy in months, which proved her social life was pathetic. “It’s time for you to go.” As fascinating as she found him, the last thing she should do is encourage him. Her life was predictable, and she liked it that way. The alternative was chaos.

And she’d had enough of that during her childhood to last a lifetime.

She ignored the tiny voice reminding her she’d decided her life was in a rut. It wasn’t boring, it was safe. There was a huge difference.

“What’s your name?”

“What’s yours?”


“Suits you.” She inched toward the door and put her hand on the knob.

“I told you mine.” He didn’t move from his position on the sidewalk. Truthfully, he’d made no threatening move at all. He could have easily overpowered her at any time on the way home.

“Zoe.” She bit her bottom lip. Not smart to share names. That gave them a connection. Didn’t stalkers do that kind of thing to encourage intimacy and lure their targets? She’d read that in a book. Or maybe she’d seen it on some television police drama. Not that it mattered.

“Zoe.” The way he said her name, as if savoring it, sent a shiver down her spine. His voice was impossibly deep. Her toes tingled. And that wasn’t the only part of her sitting up and paying attention.

Crossing her arms over her chest, she prayed it was too dark for him to notice her overly perky nipples. “I’m going now.” Putting action to her words, she fumbled with her keys and managed to jam the right one into the lock. When it clicked, she dragged the door open and hurried inside the tiny lobby, half expecting to hear him behind her.

The stairs seemed endless, but she finally made it to her floor and bolted herself inside her apartment. On impulse, she kept the lights off and sidled over to the window. Devlin was right where she’d left him. He looked up, raised his hand, and waved.

She jerked out of sight, putting her back to the wall. “He can’t see me. There’s no way he can see me.” Leaning forward, she peeked out again. The sidewalk was empty. Craning her neck, she looked both ways. He’d vanished.

As she started to turn away, something across the street caught her eye. A huge dog lurked in the shadows. As if sensing her gaze, it stared right at her, glassy eyes reflecting in the streetlight. It went back deeper into the shadows and disappeared—just as Devlin had—leaving her wondering if she’d really seen anything at all.

Ignoring the slight tightening in her chest and twist in her stomach, she dropped down on the brass daybed—the other large piece of furniture besides her desk. “What a crazy day.” Kicking off her shoes, she fell back on the mattress.

Would she ever see Devlin again? Did she want to? “He’s gone and that’s that.” She’d warned him away. An intelligent man would take the hint.

Taking a deep breath, she slowly released it. Her heartbeat was almost back to normal. So were her breasts. “Shame on you.” Glancing down at her chest, she berated them. “Showing off like that for a stranger. He’s hot as hell, and he saved my life, but that’s no excuse.”
