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She waved off his concern. “Doesn’t matter. It’s all fixed.” She began to chew on her bottom lip. “But what about you? How do you feel about it?” Her gaze lowered.

He caught her chin between his thumb and forefinger and gave her the words straight from his heart. “Eternity isn’t long enough to spend with you.”

Tears welled in Zoe’s eyes. She blinked but several trickled down her face. Great, couldn’t she just enjoy the moment? They were mated. Her body was still humming from the never-ending orgasm. He loved her. And they were safe, for the moment anyway. No reason to become a watering pot.

Except he’d tapped into her deepest desire—to be loved, to belong. Being immortal was new, more a concept than a reality. It would take time for her to fully comprehend what that meant.

He caught her tears with his thumbs. “I upset you.”

She shook her head. “The opposite. No one has ever wanted me before.” A niggle of doubt wouldn’t leave her alone. “What if I annoy you, say after ten or twenty years?”

A slow smile crossed his face. God, he was handsome as sin with his skin slick with sweat, his thick hair tousled, and his eyes filled with love. How did the saying go? What’s sexier than a bad boy? A badass man that has his shit together. There was no one more badass than Devlin Moore, but she’d never met a better man.

“I can guarantee you’ll annoy me.” Ouch, talk about the truth hurting. Before she could get too worked up, he added, “And I’ll aggravate you. It’s inevitable.” He brushed his lips over hers. “One thing I’ll never do is stop loving you.”

It was official. She was a puddle. For a guy who’d barely talked when they first met, who’d done his best to stay emotionally aloof, he was surprisingly romantic. “I’ll never stop loving you, either.”

“I’ll hold you to that. Especially when I’m aggravating you.” When he winked, she laughed.

She loved the intimacy between them, the easy flow of conversation, and hated to bring up anything negative, but reality wouldn’t wait. “What do you think happened to Solange and Charles?”

His face turned to stone, and he became the white wolf, but that was okay. She knew who he was beneath the icy facade. He was her man, her mate, her wolf. “I don’t know.”

“I saw her…when I was…you know, a ghost. She was clawing her way to the door before all hell broke loose.” The pure hatred she’d seen in the other woman’s eyes made her shiver. “She won’t give up.”

“No, she won’t. Do you know her full name?”

Right, he hadn’t been there for their entire conversation. “Solange Dupree and Charles Armstrong. Do you think he’s alive?”

“I had my hand around his heart. My claws nicked an artery. He lost a lot of blood. If he survived, it will take time for him to heal. He’s a wolf, but he’s older, and he’s not the white wolf.”

“So we may have some time.” She shivered and snuggled closer. “Do you think she has another one of those necklaces?” A phantom pain echoed in her chest. The terror of not having control of her body, of being attacked from the outside, left her in a cold sweat.

“I don’t know, but you’re not the same. Whatever blood spell she used might not work now that you bear the mark of the lone wolf. And the necklace she destroyed might be her one link to you.”

It was some comfort but no guarantee. “Is it cowardly to admit I’d rather not come up against them again?”

He kissed the top of her head. “No, but we have no choice. We have to hunt them down and finish them. There’s no other way. We’ll never be safe as long as they’re out there.”

The thought of having to face Solange again made her stomach hurt, but he was right. And she was the mate of the white wolf. She could do this. “Where do we start?” As tempting as it was to want to run away and regroup, the time to strike was now.

Devlin rolled her onto her back and slid right inside her. She sucked in a breath as the fullness of his erection filled her. “We start here.” He began to rock gently, angling his body to rub her clit with each stroke.

“I like your plan.” Breathless, she hooked her hand around the back of his neck and dragged him down until their lips met. Their tongues tangled. It was a slow and hot and perfect melding.

He tasted better than coffee and chocolate combined. Dominant without being overpowering. Passionate and sweet.I could kiss him forever.It startled her to realize that was no longer wishful thinking. They were both immortal.

He loves me.And she loved him. This was the real magic, not some dark spell.

Devlin picked up his pace, his thrusts getting harder and deeper. He buried his face against her neck. His skin was slick under her hands, the muscles in his shoulders bunching and relaxing as they flexed.

Her orgasm splintered her thoughts and sent her spiraling. He grunted and went still, his big body poised over hers for several long seconds before he collapsed on top of her. Panting, she held on, not wanting the moment to end.

“I love you,” she whispered.

He dragged his tongue over the mating mark, sending a burst of pleasure through her. “I love you too.” A short while later, he stirred and pulled out, bracing himself over her. “We need to shower and pack.” He dropped a kiss on her forehead. “We’re going home.”
