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His wolf’s growl was so low it was more a vibration inside him. This was a threat, a direct challenge tohiswoman. Devlin shook his head to clear it. Not his. Not ever. Humans didn’t belong in his world, but somehow she’d been dragged into it.

With his preternatural hearing, he picked up the rapid beating of her heart. Breaking down her door to check on her wouldn’t win him any points. Nor would pounding on it demanding to be let in. He leaned against the portal and inhaled. He could smell her fear. Taste it. What he didn’t scent was blood. She was alive and safe…for now.

Backtracking down the stairs, he searched for the tiniest of clues. The wolf had left nothing of himself behind but claw marks and his scent. It was enough. Whoever the fucker was, he was a dead wolf walking. Devlin wouldn’t rest until he ripped out the throat of the male who’d dared to threaten her.

For the first time, he was looking forward to a kill. His role had changed. He was no longer judge and executioner. He was now a protector. Was this why his inner voice had called him here? To protect Zoeandtake down the rogue?

There was something about her he was missing. Yes, he was physically attracted to her, craving her more than he had any other woman. He admired the way she confronted life head-on. But it had to be more than that. Her coloring was no accident. It matched his for a reason.

There were forces at play here that he didn’t understand.

As a lone wolf, he had no pack to call on, no friends to help.The other lone wolves.He dismissed the idea immediately. He had no reason to trust them, as they had none to trust him. No, whatever happened was all on him.

He stepped outside the building and began systematically searching the neighborhood. If the other wolf was prowling the area, Devlin would find him.

Solange Dupree answered the phone on the first ring. “Well?”

“It’s done. Took me almost a week—that damn woman does nothing but work—but I got the white wolf to track me down the street right past her. Good luck for me that she almost stepped in front of a car and he saved her.”

Tingles raced over her body. Her plan was working. She’d believed it would, but now she had tangible proof. She licked her lips, the anticipation of success as arousing as sex. Devlin Moore was almost in her grasp. “And then?”

“Damn wolf walked away, but don’t worry. I caught enough of her phone call, so I knew where she’d be tonight. Led the white wolf right to her.” He chuckled. “I marked her.”

“You did what?” She carefully set down her glass of wine on the coffee table before she broke the fragile crystal. Pietro Cardelli was becoming a problem, his confidence swiftly turning into arrogance—a danger when working with a rogue. She would not allow some low-level wolf to ruin her plans, but she couldn’t risk getting close to Devlin. He’d scent her magic in a heartbeat and bolt. It might take years to track him, and time was of the essence. This was her opportunity to have him come to her.

“Relax. The white wolf is prowling around her home. He’ll stick closer than ever.”

Maybe it wasn’t all bad. “I want to be kept informed. Whatever you do, don’t approach her again. Not until it’s time.” She didn’t want the white wolf distracted by Pietro. Everything hinged on Devlin’s mating instinct kicking in, so he’d do anything, anything at all, to protect the woman.

“I’ll sniff around enough to keep him hanging around her. I’ll expect my money in my account.”

Yes, Pietro was becoming a problem. One she’d have to deal with soon. “I’m sending it now. And Pietro.”


“Don’t disappoint me.” She ended the call, wired the funds, and went to find her lover. He’d be most pleased by this latest development.

Chapter Four

The ringing of her phone seeped into Zoe’s consciousness. She lifted her head and groaned, wincing at the stiffness in her neck and the daylight flooding into the room. The consequences of falling asleep while sitting upright were making themselves known.

Last night’s fright seemed like nothing more than a bad dream—except the baseball bat lying beside her was all too real. An enormous wolf dog had been outside her door. It wasn’t her creative imagination playing tricks.

She grabbed her phone and almost declined the call, not in the mood to deal with Brenda. But she knew from experience that if she didn’t answer, the calls would keep on coming until she did. Zoe pushed her way to the side of the bed and put her feet on the floor. “What do you want?”

“You’re in a foul mood this morning.”

Rolling her head from side to side, she worked on loosening up the knots in her neck. Exhausted, and in no mood to placate the other woman, she shoved to her feet and stumbled toward the “kitchen” nook, which consisted of a five-foot stretch of cupboards and countertop, mini fridge, hot plate, microwave, and minuscule sink.

It was impossible to think or focus without coffee.

She felt hungover. Totally unfair, since she’d stopped at two drinks last night. “You left me.” She popped a coffee pod in her single-cup machine, filled the water reservoir, and shoved the mug into the appropriate slot.

“Don’t be like that. I really like John. We talked for hours. Then went back to his place.” Brenda made a satisfied sound. At least one of them had gotten lucky last night. “He might be the one.”

Rubbing her gritty eyes, she prayed for patience and for the machine to work faster. Two weeks ago, Ramon had been the one. The month before, Deshon, or maybe it was Julio. It was hard to keep track. “That’s great.”
