Ridin' for Hell (Royal Bastards MC: Tonopah, NV)

In this life, you reap what you sow . . .
Not everyone wants to run from their past.
Some souls embrace the chance to hunt their prey and seek vengeance.
And some bastards just like the carnage a little too much.
There's a reason I'm the SGT at Arms.
I handle the hard shit. The jobs no one else wants to deal with because its messy.
Thing is, I love to lose control.
When I'm angry, my demons come out to play. And then the real fun begins . . .

Revenge is my only master.
I'm the judge, jury, and merciless executioner.
My enemies think I've forgotten about them.
They think I hide behind my patch. I don't.
There are only two things I care about - Protecting my club and spilling blood.
They call me Azrael, the Angel of Death.
A one-way ticket to Hell.
My Reaper is ready to ride.
And where he goes, death and destruction follow.