Pack Deception: Part One

Author: Wren White
Category: Paranormal | Romance
Total pages: 50

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Pack Deception: Part One

They were my pack. My fated mates. The three people who were supposed to love me no matter what.
Or at least, that’s what I thought. Until I lost our baby…
They changed, so I ran.
I landed in a new city, alone, working two jobs and living paycheck to paycheck. Three months into my new life, I learn a terrifying truth.
My old pack, the ones I ran from, were never my fated mates after all. No. They drugged me for two years into believing I was theirs.
I guess now I truly am because what pack would want an omega that is already marked and mated?
Certainly not the four stunningly perfect members of Pack Whitlock who seem to be popping up everywhere I go, right?
Maverick, Hudson, Mason and Brooklyn. It’s best I stay as far from them as possible. It would be better to never know them than to have them and lose them when they learn the truth.
I can never be theirs.

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